A/N The Tag-Along (*Nudge* *Nudge* Eh, get it? T.T)

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I got tagged it's as simple as that and I love answering questions about myself I don't know why I'm not a narcissist but I just find it interesting when someone finds an interest in wanting to know something about me.... Lol okay. Tagged by cold-as-hell


1. You have to post the rules

2. You must tag 13 people

3. You need to say 13 things about yourself

4. You must answer all 13 questions

5. You must write 13 questions for the people you tag to do

6. You can not and may not say "I don't like tags" or anything along those lines as an excuse to get out of this.

7. Tag backs are allowed

8. You must do this within a week.

9. Be creative with your title.

10. You must put this in one of your stories not in a comment.

13 Things about yourself

1.Cancer survivor (if you don't know that by now then wow WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?)

2. I'm the youngest of seven kids

3.I have a twin (he's a boy :)

4.My zodiac is cancer (I know funny irony ha ha... T.T)

5. I am 4'9 and a half I'm shorter than Levi! X)(Cancer stunt my growth call me short and get your hand cut off)

6. I have a prosthetic left eye (don't have a left eye or vision there)

7. People often compare Mabel from Gravity Falls to me because I act so much like her and my brother acts so much like Dipper,  (it's so accurate it's creepy) we even dressed up as them for halloween :)

8. I have a black and white spotted pet dog, a Chiweenie! (half chihuahua and weiner dog) She's SO CUTE

9.I donated a lot of my hair to locks of love (last year) and it won't grow to the length I want for prom :/

10. I'm old! I'm 17(this is the first time I've ever revealed my age on my account like ever)

11. I have an original(non fan fiction) story I'm writing with my sister but I doubt anyone will read it

12. I'm an epileptic (look it up I don't want to waste space explaining if you're curious)

13. I fall in love VERY easily. (which is annoying) but I get over them easily too when I find that it's becoming unhealthy. (like an obsession/one sided)

Questions from Cold-as-hell

1.Kpop or Jpop?

I've only listened to Kpop and the extent to that is This is Love... 

2. Singing or rapping?

As in if I like to sing or rap? I like singing I can't rap lol but if you mean songs I like singing cuz the only rap I really listen to is eminem and Spose counts too)... (they're awesome! Listen to them Blow my candle out and Smiley face... XP)  and some songs with a little rap in it like  nothing on you by bruno mars ft BOB but I only don't listen to rap cuz I don't go searching for rappers online. And  a lot of rappers swear excessively and Criss(I) don't like that...but regular songs I like better

3. Who was your first celebrity crush?

My first? Uh... I don't remember but last time I checked Orlando Bloom was cute af in the Hobbit desolation of smaug X)

4. Do you speak other languages besides English?

Spanish(fluent) and French (decent/okay). Most people don't know I'm mexican and peruvian. And I took three years of french :P

5. Where do you like to travel?

Peru!(been there twice) or Las Vegas(been there 3x)... Maybe Mexico(been there more times than I can remember) but it's dangerous nowadays. Paris(never been) when I'm older definitely!

6. What's your least favorite chore?

All of them! But vacuuming, no making my bed (I have a bunk bed with my twin and it's hard to make my bed without hitting my head) OUCH!

7. Does it snow where you live?

PSH! It don't snow in California!

8. What's your OTP

LYUVIA!(Fairy Tail Lyon and Juvia) their personalities are just too cute and comparable and the hype for Gruvia is kinda gone for me I mean it's shoved in my face so much it's just like... "come on"... STOP)

9. What are your favorite you tubers?

I don't watch much youtube but I HATE a lot of the most famous ones (I'm not going to name them cuz I know I'll get a lot of hate from their fangirls X/) But I LOVE nigga higga and cryaotic

10. Have you read Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

I'm currently reading Percy Jackson the   The House of Hades! <33333 :) I plan on reading the lst book when I'm done with that but jeez is it going to take me foreva

11. Have you watched the Harry Potter movies?

Sadly no, I've watched segments of a couple but I was too young too remember a lot and I'm too lazy to go watch all of them (same with Star Wars... SORRY!)

12. Strawberries or blueberries?

Neither honestly I hate both but I love them in flavors like yogurt and ice-cream and stuff just not the fruit itself which is good for me since I have sensitive teeth and acidic fruit wears out my enamel and shiz. 

13.  Are you allergic to anything?

I'm allergic to dumb assholes who are fucking irrational and judgmental for no fucking reason, those things (they're not human) need to stay the fuck away from me! They make me break out into rages of anger and ass kickings... But other than that no...

I Nominate:




4. vampirebookworm

5. GruviaLover

6. xteacupx

7. Graywolfclaws

8. Emily9145

9. juvia123erza

10. jiinxyJones



13. ItzScarlett

Questions from moi

1.What's your favorite fandom?

2.Favorite Wattpad book?

3. Favorite actual book?

4. Why do you think I nominated you?

5. Can you snap(your fingers)?

6. Why'd you make a Wattpad account?

7. How the heck do I know you?

8. If your house was on fire what five things would you save? (family don't count-they can get out on their own, and pets are family)

9. If you could have anything in the world what would it be? (no limits!)

10. What's your favorite song of all time!

11. Are you an only child?

12. Read or write on wattpad?

13. Do you like The Walking Dead on AMC?

I'll post the questions and rules in the comments so you can copy and paste.

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