This Hell I Live(Buttersxreader)

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Butters at the side. Song is Fear by One Republic. My FAVORITE BAND!dedicated to Creepy_RianneMID for requesting Butters(ending speech belongs to matt and tray I took it from the script and made it paragraph form DON'T SUE ME! XD)


Reader's P.O.V

The guys and I were sitting down enjoying our lunch. I scanned their smiling faces feeling happy. It all vanished when my eyes met Butters. He was looking down no lunch in front of him. His yellow hair was scrunched up into a mess he had a black eye and a red one probably from tears. Before I could say anything Kyle beat me to the punch.

"Butters don't tell me that bully stole your lunch again!" He almost shouted. Butters didn't look up. I bit my lip worried.

"Come on Butters aren't you hungry?" Stan asked. Butters looked up shaking his head.

"No, it's alright, I'm not hungry..." He said saddened. I pushed my food tray forward. Butters did nothing but stare.

"Hey! Bitch, if you don't want your food that bad, ___ then cough it up!" Cartman yelled devouring my poor sandwich. He didn't even stand a chance against Cartman R.I.P... I glared at him as Kyle began to speak again.

"Hey didn't you say your grandma was in for the week? Why not to talk to her about it, since you obviously won't talk to us." Kyle scoffed.

"My... Grandma?" Butters gasped. I didn't give it much thought as I stared at Cartman for eating my poor sandwich.

"Where've you been anyway Butters? You've been gone for a week now right?"

"Family vacation..." Butters quickly spat.

I rolled my eyes scoffing. "You guys Butters hasn't been to school for at least four weeks." I said. Butters shot me a glare. I smiled grimly, what was he hiding and why be gone for so long. I knew it was four weeks it just had to. I always liked Butters we'd talk all the time so when I didn't get some Butters time I'd realize it. I counted the days carefully. "exactly four weeks." I whispered. Butters got up abruptly, tears falling from his cheek.

"Why don't you get off my back ___. I won't be victimized like this. Fooey!" He shouted storming off. I looked at him as he walked away. What was with Leopold? I frowned leaving the table. I was gonna find out.

Butters' parents weren't home when I arrived. I didn't knock I just stared through the window. Apparently his grandma was home. She sat sweetly next to Butters. I smiled knowing I missed my grandma. His grandma got up and I was sure she was going to get cookies or something. What she did almost made me scream. She slapped Butters across the face.

"Hey, little faggot, you got anymore money on you!" She yelled. Butters looked down trying to stay calm.

"No grandma you took it all I swear!" He shouted. I bit my lip in frustration.

"Why don't you stand up for yourself, oh that's right because you're a little pussy!" She screamed. Not being able to take enough I ran. Ran all the way home.

I slammed my bedroom door falling to my bed. What was I gonna do about this? How could I stand back and watch Butters suffer? Eventually he'd die, I couldn't just do nothing. I didn't want to be a tattle tale either not even an anonymous Andy. I sighed laying in bed. What the hell was I gonna do?

The door opened. I turned on the switch engulfing the dark room with brightness. I stared at Linda Stotch and her husband Chris. I scanned down to Butters and his grandma who was poking him in the side with a fork. Butters was wincing in pain.

"Linda, Chris take a seat." I said motioning for the chairs. They gave me an odd look. After much hesitation they sat down. "have you noticed anything particular about Butters' behavior?" I asked, eyeing his grandma cautiously. She dug the fork deeper into Butter's thigh.

"Well no, he just recovered from an accident he fell down some stairs, so he's acting pretty normal. Although he seems more bashful." I nodded, everything finally adding up.

"I understand that you tried to kill him correct Linda?" I asked. She bit her lip. "isn't that the truth." She nodded slightly. "and Chris you had interactions with the same sex even when married." He put his arm around his wife who now had her face buried in her hands. "Butters has suffered severe trauma." They both shook their heads in denial.

"Well I have a theory I think Butters is being bullied." His parents gasped and after five long seconds his grandma gasped. "and that person is in this very room." I said staring down at his grandma." I got out of my chair pointing at her.

"Butters tell them how she abuses you! How she calls you faggot and steals your lunch money!" I screamed. Butters looked to the floor with a facepalm. Both his parents laughed. I cringed. "who you gonna believe me or this evil person you call mother."

Not only did my ass hurt my heart did too. They didn't believe me! Now I was on the floor because I was literally kicked out. I straightened my hair leaving. One way or another I was gonna save my poor Butters.

I had been mapping out plans for hours. I was so deep in concentration, I didn't realize Butters had walked in. "___, thanks a whole bunch." He whispered. I looked up with a smile. Then I turned angry.

"For what! I couldn't save you! I did nothing!" Butters shook his head. He grabbed my hands. I blushed.

"Now, I'm gonna stand up to her, you made me feel strong, thank you." He said for once serious. He pulled me into a hug. When we broke free I pecked him on the lips. "Wow, geez..." He gasped surprised. He looked at my (e/c) eyes then pulled me into a deeper kiss.

Later that night

Butters walked into her room. She was facing the wall, he could only assume she was sleeping. He knew the words would just spill out of his mouth. He had ____, but grandma had nothing, not even grandpa. He stared at her for a while then spoke. "Poor old Grandma. You know, I've been gettin' lots of advice how to deal with you. Stand up to you, tell on you... But I kind of realize there's just people like you out there. All over the place. When you're a kid, things seem like they're gonna last forever. But they're not. Life changes. Why you won't always be around. Someday you're gonna die." He heard a slight grunt from grandma. "Someday pretty soon. And when you're layin' in that hospital bed, with tubes up your nose, and that little pan under your butt to pee in, well I'll come visit ya. I'll come just to show you that, that I'm still alive and I'm still happy. And you'll die. Bein' nothin' but you." He walked out of the door closing it only letting a crack show. "Night Grandma."

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