The Bus Boy(AU Craigxprincess of America reader)

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Dedicated to CraigTuckerFan for requesting this AU craigxprincess reader of america. I don't really know how I can explain this but maybe in the future or past America was ruled by a King a Queen and had a princess so that is y/n.  So yeah... Song is Two Worlds Colldide by Demi Lovato.


I can explain life in two simple words. IT SUCKS! I collected the towels from the bathroom. I sighed checking on lady ___. No matter how hard you work, life always flips you off. I opened the door, to be greeted by the bundle of blankets that I called ___.  I stepped into the room ready to tuck her in so I wouldn't get in trouble. I gritted my teeth when I took off the covers and was greeted with pillows. "Damn it!" I hollered. I covered my mouth when I realized what time it was. 2 in the morning, it was fucking two in the morning and I had to find a brat. I wrapped my coat around me jumping out her bedroom window like she had once done.

The market was the first place I checked. It was where I would go when I needed some alone time. I sighed coming up to a woman who was selling some decent clothing. I quickly took out a picture from my pocket. "Excuse me, have you seen the princess?" I whispered. She kind of gasped at it. A lot of the citizens had never seen the princess now that I thought about it. The king and queen always worried that she would be in danger if anyone knew so they never let her leave my side. I was stuck with the pain in my side. I had to admit though, I felt kind of empty when she was gone, I was used to that pain, that pain that brought me so many more emotions.

"Oh, she looks absolutely beautiful." She gasped. I rolled my eyes shoving the damn picture back into my pocket. I glared at her and she remembered my question. "Sorry, nobleman the princess hasn't been here." She said politely then bowed. I was tired of this official crap. Just because I worked in the kingdom didn't mean I was any different than any other person. I was just some peasant boy taken off the streets. When another five merchants denied me I decided to take off. It was late and I was getting tired. Little miss ___ wouldn't have gone too far right? No one would mind if I took a little break.

I found myself in the black market. The market was at least thirteen feet underground. I knocked five times on the metal door separating me from the illegal goods. It opened in seconds. I greeted the old coo coos as they tried selling  me scissors (of course I never really indulged them I love my eyes) and the local teens. One of the boys approached me with a smile.

His shirt was torn and dirty his black hair in bundles. He had red eyes and a runny nose. "Craig, you have to see the catch mister José got. She's a catch." He snickered. I rolled my eyes remembering the creepy human trafficker. He pranced away and I gladly followed. Why not see some sad whore who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Seven repeatedly knocks made the door open. The smell of alcohol and tobacco hit me almost immediately and almost made me pass out. I froze when I saw the catch he was talking about. There she was on the stage. She was tied to a pole a white handkerchief covering her eyes, her arms and legs tied. Her (h/c) hair ruffled bruises on her face. I bit my lip repressing my anger, there were eight guards around me I was hopeless to do anything. I failed in keeping her safe I failed at the only thing that ever kept me sane. I bit my lip stepping forward as the creep José stepped forward with his damn cane and lazy eye.

"The bidding will start with five hundred! Do I hear five sixty!" He pointed to the old crooked man who raised his hand. "Five sixty, six hundred, six hundred?" He kept screaming. Another five creeps shot their hands up. I couldn't take it. What did they want from her? I shook my head, I didn't want to know.

"One thousand!" Came a cocky voice. I shot my hand up stepping towards the stage.

"Four thousand dollars." I shouted.

"Uh... Uh we have a new all time record!" José choked out.

Everyone gasped as I approached her untying her. "You, dumbass you don't come to a black market, not alone, and not as the fucking princess." I whispered harshly as I took off her handkerchief. I  looked away as I saw tears escaping her eyes. I was about to untie her hands when a voice interrupted me.

"Six thousand dollars!" I turned around to see a huge drunk woman with jewels, a giant purple top hat, and three body guards around her. José pushed me away from her. "She'd make a good wife for my little Jeremy." She smiled. I frowned trying to get closer to __. I was gonna lose my job and more importantly, I was gonna lose her.

I didn't know what to do. I was grinding my teeth as the rich lady pet her cheeks examining every little feature on ___'s face. Frustration overcame me as I bit down on José's hand. He screamed but I didn't care. I kicked the woman's knees so she collapsed. I tried as fast as possible to untie her as José was recovering. "Come on stupid rope!" I screamed. He sweared as he came towards me slowly. I breathed a sigh of relief as she finally fell to the floor. "Let's go." I whispered. She was still crying as I pulled her to her feet. I was about to run when she tore away from me.

"No, I'm tired of hiding! I'm tired of running! I'm tired of being... A princess." I covered her mouth as everyone around us began to gasp. The nerves were getting to me. I grabbed her hand running.

"If you're fucking safe hiding, if you're fucking safe running then I don't give a damn!" I shouted huffing for breath as we ran. She started to sob louder.

She shook her head sighing. "Why the hell do you care I don't want a babysitter!" She hollered. I found myself frustrated. I grabbed her to the side hidden behind a stone wall. I collapsed to the floor tired.

I looked to her as she stared at me. "I don't get it... Why not just let me go, I won't be your problem anymore." Her words kind of made me smile. I looked up at her still trying to catch my breath.

"You're wrong, you're my problem because I want you to be my problem." I whispered. She looked to the floor still crying.

"Liar." She whispered.

I grabbed her hand cupping her cheek. I eased my eyes on her, I didn't want her to look away. I kind of laughed as she blushed. "because my life revolves around you and after years of your bull shit I realized something." I laughed again thinking of how embarrassed I was slowly becoming. "because I love you alright..." Her tears came to a complete stop. I brought her into my lap and she continued to stare at me blankly. "Your expression's annoying me say some-" I was stopped as she kissed me deeply on the lips. I backed away with a smirk. "let's go home alright." I whispered. She smiled hugging me. 

"I love you too Craig." She whispered. I turned red as she pecked my lips again.

I carried her on my back as we walked away. She fell asleep in two minutes. I looked at that soft smile lplastered onto her face. "You know you made my job ten times harder... Because now I want to work harder." 

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