If Today Were Your Last Day (KennyxSucidal reader)

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I wrote this one for myself song is if today were your last day by nickelback

"No way in hell is she living here for the next two months!" I heard her screaming and I immediately wanted to be dead. "She's fine! Look at her, we can take her home now!" I could feel tears stream down my face.

"I'm sorry ma'am but protocol forbids you to take your daughter from the hospital. This is the only room we have right now, and the boy won't bother her I assure you." She gave a tiresome groan and stormed off. I didn't fully wake up until lunch time.

"___, honey meal time." I woke up to see my nurse her name tag said her name was Greta. I nodded getting up and trying to eat. She left me to my meal and lonesome self. I was about to dig in when I heard a voice.

"___ that's a nice name. I looked to my left where a giant curtain split my giant hospital room in half. I guess there was another bed in the other half. The voice belonged to a man.

"Can you leave me alone." I sighed stuffing my face with jello. He laughed ignoring my comment.

"My name's Kenny. I've known yours since you came in yesterday. Your mom's kinda..." I swallowed hard dropping my fork.

"That's none of your goddamn business!" I yelled. He sighed and I knew I had shut him up.

Sadly seconds later he began to speak again."My mom's like that too. It's probably cus she has something up her cooch..." He laughed. I rolled my eyes knowing he had no idea what I was going through. "Then again she does do crack. It's a real pain the only thing she cooks is crack. I wish she'd cook. Maybe she doesn't know how to not sure." I smiled thinking back to mom. She was a crackhead too but she just bought us junk food. "How 'bout siblings you got any of those?" I stayed silent. I hated my siblings. They always pushed me around and got into fights with me. I even did their chores so mom wouldn't get mad. Dad wasn't around to keep them in line but I only had sisters.

"I've got two siblings but one is always beating the crap out of me with my dad. That one's my older brother. Then I've got my little sister Karen. She's all that I really care about she's still innocent and still able to be happy." I grunted at the statement. Happy, I hadn't felt that in a long time. "So what're you in for?" He asked. I looked down at my wrists It wasn't what sent me here, no. I had taken two bottles of pills before passing out on the floor, I really didn't want to wake up, one because I knew I'd wake up here and two because I really wanted to die that day.

"I accidentally took the wrong pills," I muttered. It was silent for a moment longer when he began to speak.

"Hm, I used to think that way... But I kinda don't want dad to win... To see that he broke me. He's the kind of dad who will beat the shit out of me for no fucking reason and all I can do to stop him is say, 'thank you, sir.' It's pretty stupid." I laughed turning towards the curtain.

"I wouldn't know about any of that. Dad left when I was two. Mom is like a dad though. Gets in drunken furry rampages. Thinks I'm a failure when she's sober and drunk tries to kick the hell out of me whenever she can. I really didn't think there were more of them out there. I always wanted dad home... To be with me, to stop her..." I could feel myself breaking tearing up all because this boy made himself vulnerable. "To hug me... To tell me that he loved me." The cracking in my voice became more apparent as I spoke and my tears trickled down my cheeks. I was ready to scratch my scabs till they bled again when Kenny's voice stopped me.

"___." It echoed in the silence of our room. I nodded but I knew he couldn't see me. I guess he took my silence as a yes. "Can I open the curtain... I want to see your face." I looked up from my grief a little stunned. I didn't know why I hadn't suspected he wanted to see me. I knew immediately though that once he did his eyes would judge me and what we had would vanish. I'd be another memory. The thoughts ran through my mind but my body didn't care because my hand was slowly retreating the curtain that split the hospital room into two sections, into two rooms. I covered my face when the curtain was gone. "Wow..." I continued to cry as he stared at me. I knew like every other person at school he'd judge my hai,r face, and body. The only thing that was different was my clothes. I wore a hospital gown. It was the only thing he couldn't judge me for.

"Wow... You're uh... you're..." I bit my lip looking at him for the first time.

"Ugly." I whispered. His face of awe immediately vanished into a frown it took me back a bit.

"What the hell are you talking about? I was just shocked that you're not... Anyway, I think you're beautiful why would I think otherwise?" I wiped my tears smiling a bit. The boy I had been talking to all along had an orange hood fastened on his head tightly but he uncovered his mouth whenever he spoke. The thing that shocked me though was the millions of wires connected to him. Why wasn't he wearing his hospital gown anyway? As if answering my question he started walking towards me taking the machine that connected all the wires to him towards me. Every movement was so clumsy and slow it tried my patience, as he sat down he grabbed onto me for help. I bit my lip slowly realizing what was happening.

He faced me with a smile. "I'm glad I could see you ___." He began. I looked down at his trembling pale hands. He gripped my sheets just to stay sitting up straight. "Please, I never wanna hear you say you're ugly." He leaned in close kissing me and I slowly eased into it. I didn't ever want him to leave for his bed. I wanted him to stay with me forever. He lay his hand on my cheek as his other hand slowly took down his hood. I closed my eyes already knowing.

"Cancer." He slowly nodded as I looked at his bald head with several scars. I started tearing up again but instead of being able to wipe them Kenny brought me into his warm embrace.

"I only have till tomorrow... If I'm lucky." I sobbed louder but all he could do to comfort me was to brush his bony deteriorating hand through my hair. "I thought you'd be in the same boat as I was... I wouldn't have... I wouldn't have to lead you on if I knew you were-" I swallowed hard slowly kissing him on the cheek. It was my way of saying I understood. I lay in his arms for a moment longer, and I would've stayed forever but the nurses pried us away.

I managed to sleep only after Kenny told me more about his little sister Karen. She reminded me of my own siblings and I yearned to be with them. In my sleep, I was imagining what it would be like if Kenny and I were married and Karen was our daughter it was peaceful and precious when a blaring beeping sound woke me.

I was mad at first but then worried when I heard nurses rushing into Kenny's side of the room. It was crushing me not to know what was happening to him. As the minutes turned into hours I couldn't contain myself anymore. I crept past the curtain that separated our room and watched.

The boy I loved was paler than ever he had an oxygen mask on his parka looked three times bigger now. The most startling thing of all was the heart monitor that had slow uphill lines instead of long ones the nurses used their defibrillators time and time again saying the same word. "Clear!" The lines stayed the same until finally, they fell flat... Kenny had died right before my eyes. "How did this happen, he had at least a week left!" The other nurse sighed laying an arm on her shoulder.

"God, heaven, medicine, or maybe the boy's own will."

I lay back in my bed remembering Kenny's words. He was so sure he was dying today he was sure he didn't have a week... He felt it inside him his impending doom. He didn't want to lead me on to get my hopes up. He didn't want to treat me like I was fragile like everyone else because he truly loved me.

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