Broken Glass(Craigxnerdy reader)

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Dedicated to dem_oreos_doe for requesting nerdy readerx Craig. Song is 2000 light years away by Green day. Craig at the side anime style.


I actually had a chance now. I maintained my 4.0 GPA and now I was going to regionals. Now I could actually get a trophy. A trophy for getting first place in Quizball. "Progressivism!" The boy to my left shouted. I shook my head.

"Industrialization, Craig. Wrong again." I pouted. He gave me a big frown. Why was this dumb ass on the Quizball team? I hadn't meant to say it aloud but I guess I did.

"Craig is on the Quizball team because he knows the most about social media and he's frankly good at memorizations.... Besides the Quizball team needed one more member." The teacher muttered the last sentence. I smirked at the fact. Craig on the other hand was proud as he stuck his tongue out at me. I clutched my fists.

"Shut it Tucker!" I screamed. He was smirking now. 

"Whatever you say spazz." He cooed bursting into laughter. I repressed the urge to punch him in the face. He scoffed looking away proud that he finally shut me up. Craig and I hated each other but sadly I knew him the longest. He and I had been next door neighbors for over a decade. His parents knew mine before I was even born. I sighed about the thought. How annoying maybe Craig was stuck with me for life.

We were down to the last minutes of practice. I knew after this I was going to get some ice cream. I slowly counted the minutes until I could  leave. Craig was the only reason I hated Quizball. It was supposed to be fun but he made it hell. "Okay students, before we can go to nationals this weekend we need to decide a captain for our school any volunteers." My hand immediately raised. I smirked knowing no one else wanted the responsibility. Our supervisor's next words shocked me.

"Great then ____, and Craig will be competing for the position of captain of our Quizball team, next week we'll take a vote, now you're dismissed!" My jaw dropped. Craig didn't want to be captain. No, he just wanted to bug me. Make this hell worse. I cringed at the thought of Craig being captain.

We'd be sitting in our classroom. Dougie two seats away from me and Butters right behind me. We'd be studying History and Math then Craig would come in our Quizball captain. He'd strut in with his hands in his pockets of his black jeans. "DROP EVERYTHING!" Being cooperative we'd do exactly that. "As your new captain we're gonna do things my way." I'd probably be the first one to object but I'd still raise my hand.

"Craig, that's stupid our supervisor is in charge." Then just as the last word left my mouth a net dropped revealing Mr. Mackey our supervisor caught in Craig's trap. That damn bastard I'd think. He'd give me that stupid smirk. 

"You were saying?" He'd ask nonchalantly. "Okay throw your books out the window we're learning the Tucker way!" Again I'd oppose.

"That's stupid." He'd simply stick his middle finger out at me.

"See! The Tucker way, Someone gives you shit flip em off!" Then I'd be mad.

"But.." Again I'd get flipped off.

"See! That easy so throw out your books and start eating the skittles in your desks and ride your unicorns home we're done for the day..." Okay well I don't know about the last part but it would be horrible. Just then it was decided, I was going to win no matter what!

His hand made me break back into reality. "Don't worry ___! When I win I'll make you my co captain!" He began to laugh hysterically as I punched him in the head.

"Look! I'm winning!" I growled. The room seemed seperated now. Butters, Dougie, and Token were on Craig's side and the rest were on my side. Wendy, Nicole, Jason, Kevin and Kyle were with me.

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