Words Hurt but Heal(Craigxreader)

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OK dedicated this to HHH3fan for requesting another Craig. The song at the side is Apology by Our Lady Peace. There's a pic of Craig anime style at the side(I own nothing!)


I got paired up with one of the dumb asses in my class. Craig fucking Tucker. His little gang bugged the hell out of me. Did they seriously just like to see the tears stream down my cheek as they called me whore or kicked my legs until I fell? Now we were fucking partners for our science project, how annoying! Craig invited me to his place so we could study his guniea pig, Stripe.

I knocked on the door to Craig's house and waited. Craig appeared in front of the door. "Come on in ___." I rolled my eyes at his smooth voice he used. I sat myself on the couch staring at Stripe. He fell to the couch right next to me. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. "What should I be in charge of?" He asked. I thought for a moment then came up with something.

"You watch T.V I'll take care of it. I don't want to redo everything." Craig's smile fell.

"Really? ___, I'm not that stupid." He said. I rolled my eyes, taking measurements and weights of Stripe and his food. It was just one week with this guy. One painfully long week.

The next day at school we had to present our projects in front of the class to show our progress. We used to just wait till the week was up but idiots, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny made Garrison change the rules, since he found out they bs'ed the entire project. I sighed sinking in my chair as I watched the clock, praying that Craig would be here soon. That he'd bring all our materials especially Stripe. When the bell rang my head went down. Craig was no where to be seen. Like every other guy in my life Craig failed me. Why did I expect anything else, Craig was always bullying me, pulling my hair, calling me names torturing me. It was nothing new and it was not gonna change.

The door slammed against the wall as Craig stood there huffing for breath. "I'm here!" He screamed. Garrison stared dully at Craig I covered my eyes as Craig spoke. "Don't worry we'll go first." He sighed as if he was compensating for his tardiness. I got out of my chair pulling up a chart.

I pointed a finger to the escalating line. "So far we've learned that the more meat product, Stripe consumes Craig's guineau pig grows more in mass than the vegan style. We've also learned he enjoys it more than the vegan style." Craig elbowed me in the side and I jerked back surprised

"Wrong." He whispered. I gave him an evil eye as he began to take over. "We've also discovered that he lost more weight drinking Double Dew than normal water." I pushed him knowing he was getting the facts wrong. We weren't feeding him soda we were feeding him carbonated water.

"Craig, that's wrong!" I screamed because he wouldn't budge.

He flipped me off his finger right in front of my nose."Go fuck off ___! If you would've let me help instead of being a bitch, I would've known that. But you being a smart ass, couldn't let me would you. You were too concerned that I'd steal your spot light. That I could possibly be smarter than you. Well guess what. Fuck you." He shouted. The room grew silent as tears filled my eyes. I frowned and ran out the room with a wail slamming the classroom door.

"Detention!" Garrison's voice was the last thing that I heard.

I heard the clear thumps of feet behind me as I ran. Craig was following me. He was also screaming but I was blocking him out. "___! I'm sorry I didn't-" I continued to block him out turning a corner into the playground. I decided to sit under the slide to be alone. Craig followed me.

Craig's voice crackled as he spoke. "I'm sorry, ___. I didn't mean it." He plead. I looked at him tears flowing down my cheek.

"Yes you did you hate me..." I whispered wiping my tears.

"No, you're wrong, you're more than wrong. I don't hate you..." He said softly. I looked up a small smile overwhelming my frown.

"You don't?" He smirked at me.

"I requested you as my partner ___. It took some convincing and allowance to Mr. Garrison but it worked." I shook my head confused.

"Why, why request me if you knew I would hate you, if you knew I'd let you do nothing." I asked confused. His smirk grew wider.

"Because I love you." He said. My eyes widened at the words. He jerked away immediately. "I requested you so you could reject me, so you could slap me across the face, spit in my eye tell me you despise me for making your life hell. I wanted to get over you, because you were the best thing to happen in my life and I didn't deserve it. So you can go ahead and do that now..." He said a single tear streaming down his cheek.

I got up slapping Craig across the face immediately. He smiled and then I continued by spitting in his face. He whined and he was going to fall to the floor when I grabbed his chin. "That was for never telling me, for thinking you're the only one who hides love with hate.." I whispered pulling him into a kiss. He shut his eyes enjoying the kiss. He pulled away whispering something to me.

"I'm gonna have to hurt you one more time.... Okay but remember ___, I love you." He said softly.

"I love you too Cr-" I was cut off by Craig biting down on my neck softly but roughly. I whined as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. Sneaky bastard. I smiled at him. I was in love with Craig fucking Tucker and I liked it.

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