O.S Terrible Things (Michrietta One shot)

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I wrote this Michrietta one shot for fun. I've done one shots like this with Fairy Tail in my songfic book. The song is  terrible things by mayday parade. This is a songfic so you should listen to the song while reading. Henrietta's poem is from http://www.mywordwizard.com/loves-passion.html. The flashbacks are in normal text and the current story is in italicizes.

"Another nightmare champ?" The brunette slowly sat down next to his young son and lay his hand on his black hair. The little boy looked up with his teary eyes.

"I can't sleep..." He choked out. Michael gave a small sigh and looked to the ceiling. 

"This is the third day this week." At his words the boy began to cry into his hands. Another sigh escaped the brunette's mouth as he brushed his hand through his rough hair. 

"What can I do to help you get to bed Hunter?" A small smile appeared on Hunter's face as he slowly whispered in his father's ears.

"Tell me about mommy." A shiver spread throughout Michael's body. Hunter had never met his mother because of a mishap after he was born. Michael smiled softly tucking the five year old in bed and sat down as he began his story. "I was about 19 when I realized that I loved your mom. It took me a lifetime to realize it. The two of us were in the same group of friends since elementary but since she was a year younger I'd never given it much thought."

Henrietta looked over at me for a second oblivious to the fact that I could see her then quickly looked away as I turned to the right. She gasped realizing if she hadn't moved my gaze would've met hers. "Cigarette." She nodded not wanting to look me in the face because she refused to show me how red her face was even though it was obvious to everyone. "Are we going over to your house after school today?" Henrietta was about to respond when Firkle began to speak.

"I have a conformist dentist appointment." Pete flipped the fringe out of his eyes and sighed.

"I have to help move some stuff out of our trailer home, we're moving into an apartment soon." I turned to Henrietta and her gaze fell to the floor again.

"So it's just you and me then." Henrietta blushed nodding slowly.

There was a knock at the door and Henrietta's mother immediately answered it. "Oh goodie, another one of Henrietta's little friends!" She cheered. l rolled my eyes as she turned towards the stairs. "Henrietta! Your little friend is here!" When there was no answer she just sent me upstairs to her room.

"Hey, Henriett-" My words were cut off as I faced Henrietta who was only in her undergarments. I stared for a good five seconds before it finally registered that I shouldn't have been. I quickly looked away with a swear. "Holy shit, sorry!" She held back a scream and quickly shoved my sorry butt out the door.

After about a minute the door opened to reveal Henrietta in her ordinary clothes. "Hey, I didn't think you were coming..." I faced the floor ignoring her words and entered her room. It was the first time I had ever really noticed that Henrietta was a girl. I took a seat awkwardly on her bed as she began to write in her notebook. "So, uh... Are we still going to share our poems?" Her words shook me out of my trance.

"Yeah. The world is miserable. I just needed somewhere to express the pain." My words lingered for some twenty minutes as we stayed there with the blaring music that Henrietta loved and l had grown used to. Instead of writing I found myself looking around till my gaze fell on her form. Henrietta had changed a lot since elementary. She was taller and slender but kept her gothic style the same from her black straight hair to even her black dress . She was 17 now, that I had remembered the year difference between them. I hadn't even realized that twenty minutes had passed, it was Henrietta who  announced it. 

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