O.S Elementary my dear Kyle(2nd Generation)

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second generation one shot the kids on the side from left to right :Kybecca, Cartmnanxrandom,ButtersxBebe, Stendy,ClydexRed, TokenxNicole, TweekxMillie, CraigxHeidi, JimmyxNancy,Scott Malkinsonxrandom, KevinxPowder/Sally, KennyxTammy, MichaelxHeniretta, Firklexrandom, Petexrandom. Song is Broken-Seether & Amy Lee from Evanescence. So I kinda want to use these characters again, to make a story instead of just a one shot. What do you think? Maybe I just have too many stories XD Oh and vote for you SP character on the title called New stories. Please. I won't take votes after I publish the xreader chapter book.


"Come on just one week!" He shouted moving his hands around to provide hand gestures. Mom shook her head.

"Kyle you're being pompous!" She yelled. Dad rolled his eyes.

"Rebecca! I didn't major in English, cut me some slack... Besides, little Kayla needs interaction with kids her age!" Mom shook her head trying to walk away. He quickly grabbed her hand bringing her close. "One week... It's all I ask." He whispered. I gagged at their lovey dovey relationship. Mom was homeschooled as a kid and dad went to public school so this was a constant battle between the two. It looked like dad was finally gonna win for once. Mom blushed planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"Fine, but get ready to eat your words." She teased walking away. Dad had a smile plastered onto his face as he swung me around. I squealed laughing.

"Dad! I'm nine years old! Stop it!" I laughed. Didn't matter he kept spinning me happily as I laughed. 


I didn't hate the idea of public school, I was even excited last night but now that our car pulled up to the driveway I gulped down nervously. I forced dad to walk me to class. We walked about five steps before a guy with black hair and blue eyes approached him.

"Kyle?" I tilted my head at the sound of dad's name. The black haired fellow came running towards us with a little girl in his hands. She shared her dad's hair color, it went to her stomach and was braided in a nice braid. I smiled at her and she did the same as our dads began to talk about the ol' days. The girl whose name I eventually found out to be Stacy decided to show me around school when our dads started talking about Al Gore. We both agreed it was one of the most over-told stories our dads talked about.

When we entered the school my eyes fell on a handsome boy's face. He had delicate blue eyes blond hair and wore a jocks sweater. He stood next to a goofy looking man and a women with beautiful curly blond hair. "Oh, hamburgers I'm late for a meeting, Bebe honey, can you make sure Benjamin gets to class?" Benjamin's dad said. The boy who I couldn't get my eyes off quickly interjected before his mom could speak.

"It's Ben! Jesus, dad you don't see me calling you Leopold..." He gave an awkward smile before running off in his turquoise suit. His mom tried grabbing his hand but he quickly turned away walking towards us. 

I began to freak out turning to Stacy. "What the hell am I gonna do!" I screamed blushing madly. She rolled her eyes putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Ben, is annoying... He taunts girls just.... Ignore him, he'll go away." I quickly slapped her hand away. 

"You don't get it! He's totally gorgeous! I can't-" I stopped speaking as he stood next to Stacey. He poked her in the shoulder, when she didn't reply he poked her in the cheek. 

"Hey... Hey!" I blushed harder at his smooth voice. He sighed stuffing his hands in his pocket. "Have you seen Tyler or Campbell , you know your boyfriends? They're always pimping around you." He laughed. Stacey turned red punching him square in the face.

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