Loose Ends (Protective Tweekxshy reader)

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Dedicated to MedlyChan(deleted account or changed username) for requesting this protective Tweekxshy reader song is Follow you Home by Nickelback. Big thanks to WeirdlyCatObsessed for helping me write this one.

Harbucks had just opened up right next to Tweak Bros. It made Tweek unsteady especially since his dad joked about having to sell him because the Harbuck's business was hurting Tweek's family's small coffee shop.

There was only one way to even out the competition, sabotage. Tweek's dad thought long and hard about how he could do it without being caught. He needed to get more people to come back to Tweak Bros. Coffee House.

"Tweek, your father wants to talk to you." His mother called out, letting him leave the counter.

"Agh, oh god! What if I d-did someth-thing wrong?!" He stuttered, running clumsily to the back of the store. He cursed to himself, shakily opening the door.

"Ah, Tweek, calm down. Have some coffee." His dad handed him a cup, pulling out a stack of papers as the twitching boy took a big gulp of his coffee. "I just wanted you to go next door to Harbucks and hand these flyers out to the customers there."

"W-What? Why? Wouldn't that hurt their b-business?" Tweek shook, nearly knocking his cup over. His father gave him a reassuring grin.

"No, no! It's called borrowing!"

"Basically hurting their business?!"

"Yes. Exactly like that." His father pushed the paper towards him, motioning for him to go.

"Oh god!" Tweek screamed. "They're gonna catch me! Th-they're gonna get m-me!"

Tweek stood up, leaving the coffee house. He quickly walked to the Harbucks, a decently large red building with bold yellow letters that spelled out "HARBUCKS COFFEE", and began handing out flyers that said these following words:

Tweak Bros. Coffee Shop!

Come, drink some delicious coffee.

It's not the best coffee, but it is better than Harbucks for sure! You won't regret it.

The young blond boy looked around the small shop, seeing a drop dead gorgeous girl. She had (H/L), (H/C) hair that fit perfectly with her (E/C) eyes. She ran around quickly, putting coffee on tables and frantically cleaning up. He stared at her, his breath taken away.

She was around the same height as Tweek, probably around the same age as well. She glanced at Tweek, who was staring at her, and quickly rushed over to him.

"Welcome to Harbucks, how may I help you?" She asked quietly, slightly stuttering out of nervousness. It seemed that only she and the owner were working there. Tweek fell in a daze as she looked at him with a small notepad in hand. "Hello?" She waved a hand in front of his face.

"Oh!" Tweek began twitching again. "I'll just get a black coffee." She quickly wrote it down, not noticing the small stack of papers that Tweek had in his hands. She turned and put the paper on the counter, clipping it to a small rope.

He stared at her, sitting down in a seat, putting away the flyers he had in his hands. Tweek had fallen in love. He couldn't believe there was anyone as sweet and lovely as the waiter. He eyed her, trying to find her name tag.

"____... What a n-nice name." He grinned to himself, watching her rush around the store. He had completely forgotten what he really came to do.

"____!" Tweek heard a loud shout ringing through the store. All eyes landed on a man rushing out of the back door into the coffee shop. ____ looked over at the man, looking slightly fearful. He stormed over to her, anger in his eyes. "What did I tell you about cleaning up after a customer?"

"I- Uh... Clean it up within two minutes..." She muttered under her breath, lifting her arms over her head in case he tried to harm her in any way. He didn't do anything so she put them down and tapped her left thigh with her left hand. Tweek stared in awe. The relationship was quite odd.

"Sorry, nervous hands." She whispered to him and moved her hand away from her thigh. She looked up at her dad and waited for him to say something.

"That's right. You better clean it up faster next time or else!" He shouted, leaving to the back.

"I'm sorry, dad." She whispered, sighing in relief when he left.

____ got back to work, trying not to mess anything up. She worked faster, causing her to nearly spill coffee on a customer.

"I'm sorry!" She said, carefully putting the cup down onto the table.

"Oh, it's alright. You didn't spill anything." The woman smiled.

"____? What did you do?" Her dad came out again, rushing towards her. He lifted up a hand and nearly hit her, scolding her harshly for messing up.

He bit his lip unable to contain his anger anymore. "You stupid barbie doll! You never do anything right!" His hand got closer to her face. She bit her lip, shaking slightly.

"S-Stop it!" Tweek jumped out of his seat, running to ___. He smacked her dad's hand away, standing between ____ and her father. "Don't hurt her. She's your daughter, not an object. You can't just expect her to be perfect, because nobody is!"

"Yeah!" ___ agreed, nodding her head. "Stop it before, before we...

He laughed crossing his arms. "Before you do what little girl? I am your father so just get back to work!" Tweek shook his head.

"Before we call child services!"

Her father looked taken back slightly. He bit his lip glaring at the two challenging them to say another word. When they wouldn't back down he stormed out of the coffee shop.

Tweek looked at ____, seeing her smile shyly.

"Hey, what's your name?" She asked the blond boy. He pointed to the corner of his shirt.

"Tweek Tweak."

"You're the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tweak next door!" She grinned and hugged him.

"Yeah." He returned the gentle hug.

"Thanks for helping me, Tweek." She smiled up at him and kissed him on his cheek, receiving a blush in return.

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