Hardly Alive(Mysterionxsuper hero reader)

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Mysterion at the side anime style. Song is written in the stars by west life. Dedicated to KennyTheMcCormick for requesting Mysterionxsuper hero reader(plot is mine, so copyright i use it in my other book :p)


Kenny/Mysterion P.O.V

I really hated this girl. Hated that she was stealing my thunder. Usually I didn't mind that the cops don't mind me but with her, totally serious. I bit my lip.  No one listened to me when the sixth graders were doing graffiti on the wall,  but when their savior, ____ told them, damn did they run over and arrest them. I sighed thinking of it. No one took me seriously. They took Mysterion seriously when he first arrived but now it was like no one cared. I liked to be taken seriously because Kenny never did. Kenny was just a perverted idiot. I gritted my teeth, she needed to go.

I was throwing pieces of bread over the bridge. I knew if mom found out she'd be mad since that was probably dinner. I couldn't throw change over either because money was never change it as a life source. I thought it was gonna help me think but it just strengthened my pessimistic attitude. It was my life though and Mysterion made it bearable. I just wish they would take me seriously again. 

"Hey, Mysterion right?" She tapped my shoulder when I didn't respond to her. I bit my lip looking into the river below me. "hey, this is serious I need your help." She whispered. My gaze never left the river beneath me. "Please, I think only you can stop him." She said more desperate. I kind of smirked. The town's savior needed my help.

"Only because the town needs my help." I said. She lowered herself so that her face was in my view. She gave me a cheesy smile her (e/c) eyes sparkling under her mask.  I backed away feeling awkward that my space was being invaded. "so who is this monster that only I can stop."  She began to laugh awkwardly. She rubbed her hand feeling awkward.

Just before she could respond a black silhouette came between us. The knife glimmered in his hands. "Kenneth McCormick?" He asked in his raspy tone. I stared him down.

"Who the hell wants to know?" I hissed. He laughed at my response. I subconsciously grabbed ___ pulling her protectively behind me.

"You are the vessel of Cthulu, correct?" He sneered. My eyes widened. Who the hell was this creep, and how the hell did he know? "the child of prophecy the one who can't die." He chuckled walking closer. I gulped hard weaponless. All I had on me were fireworks. He kept coming cautiously, as if I was a deer about to flee. 

"Calm yourself child... We've just come for what's rightfully ours, the ora of our lord will be extracted and you will forget this nightmare, along with everything else you've lived, if you survive. Now come quietly and we won't need to harm our diety's vessel."

I looked back to ___ who looked completely dumbfounded. "Hey on three you're gonna run okay?" I whispered. She grabbed onto me wrapping her arms around my torso. She shook her head fiercely. 

"No, I won't let them take you." She whispered. I gritted my teeth trying to shake her off but she refused. I took a deep breath and ran at him with full force. He smirked gripping the knife.

I closed my eyes knowing I was gonna die, and this time I might not wake up. The clacking of the knife made my eyes pop open. In front of me was ___'s silhouette. The tips of her (h/c) hair were cut off. A small pocket knife in her hand. "I'm not letting you take him!" She screamed. My mouth dropped in awe. She charged at him and he began to laugh hysterically.

"Prepare to see the power of the cult of Cthulu!" He shouted his arms in the air. I wanted to grab her and run off but it was too late. In seconds I heard the jabbing of a knife. I looked down a tear falling onto my cheek.

"Oh my god." I looked up to see her shaking body. She was crying. The blood slowly dripped onto the cold floor. I ran over forcing her to look away.

"I killed him..." She sobbed. She buried her face into my chest. I shook my head.

"No, the cult did." I looked at the cold body before me. I wanted to kick the son of a bitch but ___ was here and she was crying. I lifted her head.

"Why?" I whispered. "do I mean that much to you. I mean I thought we were rivals." She smiled kissing me on the cheek.

"I've never wanted to be your rival. I've wanted to be yours and nothing else." A  blush crept over my cheeks. Turns out the girl I hate the most is the girl I love to hate. I laughed to myself trying to figure out how that worked. I brang her into a warm kiss.

"Thanks for saving me, ___ I... I love you." She looked up at me with awe.

"Me too Kenny, and I'm glad you're here with me  now and forever."


By the way how'd you know the cultists were in town.

*awkward laughter* I didn't...


I kind of just made that whole 'only you can stop him thing' up I never expected to be attacked by some weird cultist....


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