On the Inside(Clydexreader)

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Okay Clyde at the side anime style. Dedicated to minecraftmaniacs for requesting Clyde. The song is Live like a warrior by Matisyahu


Walking wasn't fun especially if you were left with that voice. That damn irritating voice. "Clyde you have to raise your grades. You're the future man of the Donovans. Work harder." I mimicked. Dad had believed I was his last hope since mom died and I was their only kid. I missed mom but I no longer blamed myself. Things happen, things that you have no control over. It was after school and I was walking to the library. I had noticed Wendy Testaburger always had books, and she was crazy smart. Maybe if I got books I'd become smart. I smirked opening the library doors.

After grabbing five books, I sat myself down at a lonely table. I opened the math book first. How to Subtract and add. I flipped to page fifty and stared at the page. That's all I needed to do right. Every twenty minutes or so I'd switch out books. I didn't need an English book I mean all the books were written in English. I sighed, extremely tired. About three hours had passed. I kind of felt a little smarter. I began to look around, bored. This section of the library was mostly filled with guys. Well this was the comic section. My eyes wandered and came to a dead stop. She was sitting just around the corner. She had beautiful (h/c) hair and beautiful orbs. She held a Guardians of the Galaxy comic. I approached her discretely, whistling.

She seemed really into her book. She flipped the page when I tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, you must be from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see." She looked up at me for a split second. Her eyes glistened at me, but quickly raced back to her comic. My smirk fell along with it. She didn't give me the light of day!

I ended up checking out the books. My mind was off the entire day. I walked to my room aimlessly. Not greeting dad, not flipping off Craig, not eating dinner, now not sleeping. Staring, just staring at the dark ceiling. Thinking, thinking about her. The girl who probably hated me, who wouldn't look my way twice.

I couldn't get out of my chair. The day was over but I hadn't taken anything in. Just her face made me drool. I'd never liked someone this much. I sighed forcing myself out of the chair. Like yesterday and the day before that, I was going to the library. I had been going every day after school ever since I met her.

As bad as they were, my grades got worse. My C's and D's went to F's. Dad was upset but I didn't care. She was all that I cared about now. At least the library soothed dad's rage.

I sat four tables away. She leaned over reading an actual book this time. It was a book by Shakespeare. I wondered what she was thinking, what she thought about it, what her name was. I had been staring for the longest time I hadn't noticed she was standing up. She was probably gonna put her book back. I took this as my chance. I quickly stood, pretending to grab the same book she was going for. I lay my hand on top of hers.

Reader P.O.V

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Really this dumb ass was here again! I couldn't handle this guy. I saw him around school always flirting and causing trouble. My life was hard enough why was he invading the only place where I could escape. Reality sucked and now I had nothing.

Clyde P.O.V

"Hi." I whispered. She gave me the stink eye and I followed her to her table.

"What do you want." She hissed. I kept my smile seeing a slight victory. Seeing that she was finally acknowledging me.

"Uh, I'm Clyde I wanted to talk to you." I said rapidly. She continued to look forward walking. "like, what school do you go to, what's your name that lame stuff..." I said finding myself as the lame one here. She sat down burying her head in her book. "so why are you in the library everyday?" I asked. She looked up from her comic gripping it tight. Had I hit a nerve?

"None of your business." She hissed. My eyes looked away and I turned shy again.

"Can I at least get your name?" I asked quite desperate and stupid sounding now. She said nothing and I got up to walk away. "okay..." I walked passed the table heading to mine when she stopped me grabbing my hand.

"___. My name is ___." She whispered still looking at that damn book. I smiled and she bit her lip.

"So why are you in the library all the time?" I asked. She sighed looking away, a saddened look in her eyes. I forced the book down taking her hand. "you can tell me." I whispered. She looked away, red and a slight tear in her eye. I gripped her hand harder. "I won't laugh." I added. She smiled looking at me.

"My parents are divorced." She said quietly. I was finally getting the attention I wanted, I liked it and all but what did that have to do with my question. I gave her a confused look. She looked away again.

"My mom is dead...." She said trailing off. She buried her face in her hands I could hear her sob lightly. I began to stroke her (h/c) hair. This made her cry more. "and it's probably my fault." She sobbed. My hand fell. I froze, I couldn't breathe, everything becoming blurry, I was gonna puke, I was gonna die. I touched my face suprised that it was wet.

Tears I asked myself. I thought I was over this. I thought I had closure. It wasn't my fault mom was gone. It wasn't. It just wasn't. I couldn't explain why, how, or what, but I knew it wasn't my fault. More tears, more sobbing from ___. Voices, no, one voice, mom's voice. Screaming, scolding, crying, frantic.... Dead silence. Nothing.

"Clyde, don't worry about mommy." Is that what she had said. Was that what she said before dying or did I make it up myself? Did she say that just now as her voice filled my head? Still silence, silent sobs and tears. I looked down at myself. I was standing up. I was behind ___. How did I get here? Why was I here? I was sitting down just before. Now I was confused.

___ looked up at me. Tears in her beautiful (e/c) eyes. "Clyde, why are you crying, you didn't do anything." She whispered. A smile broke my trance. My broad arms around her. My tears soaking her hair. "Is she gone?" She asked. I opened my eyes. Damn was she smart. I nodded as she hugged me back.

"Mom was driving to pick me up on our weekend visits. If she didn't get to our house at exactly 7:30 she'd be suspended from visitation rights. She hadn't visited me in five weeks. It was raining and her Honda spewed off the railings. The last thing I said to her..." ___ was sobbing again. This time she was in my arms. I kissed her on the head.

"I don't blame myself for mom's death anymore. Why should you? ___, look things happen for a reason and I think there was a reason I walked into this library..." She looked up at me pecking me on the lips.

"Clyde I just know one thing..." She whispered. I looked down at her smiling. She kissed me again. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too, forever and always." I kissed her again a final tear streaming down my cheek. Studying had its benefits I guess.

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