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Dedicated to torahwashburn for requesting petexreader song is haunted by disturbed. Pete at the side anime style.


The moon was out today which seemed pretty coincidental for Halloween night. We sat against some tombstones smoking our cigarettes. We finished reading our poems of what life really was. Now we sat in silence. I watched the moon as a cloud passed it.

"This is gonna sound so conformist but, I'm bored." Michael said. We all looked at him dully our expressions staying motionless. Just when I was gonna call him a conformist Henrietta shook her head.

"Totally..." Firkle said putting out his cigarette. I rolled my eyes at them. 

"Then what do you want to do?"  I asked bored. We all took a long drag of our cigarettes before Henrietta spoke.

"My twerp of a brother is going trick or treating wanna go scare some freaking conformists?" She asked. We looked at each other for a moment wondering if it was too conformist.

"Sure, I mean sitting in the dark is already getting conformist." They all nodded and we followed Henrietta's lead. We went in her mom's car and as usual she drove.

We drove for  a solid ten minutes before we finally saw some conformist kids. Most trick or treaters went home since it was getting late. Henrietta parked the car around the corner and we leaned against the wall waiting for the kids to pass. We let them walk for five seconds before we left the comfort of the wall.

Michael held the balloons as Firkle Henrietta and I began to toss them. "Feel the death that engulfs our very souls." Michael said a red balloon hitting a kindergartner dressed as Superman. He screamed as we all nodded saying the same thing.

"Yeah." We all agreed. The balloons were packed with pig's blood. We got to throw some balloons for ten minutes before an adult showed up.

"What's all the ruckus here." I tried to keep my dull expression but when Firkle threw a balloon and hit principal Victoria in the face I knew we were screwed. I grabbed Firkle by the wrist and signaled for everyone to follow me as principal Victoria screamed.

 "We're running?" Henrietta asked out of breath. I quickly nodded.

"I know it's conformist but I'll be damned if I have to sit for hours in detention with those damn conformists now drive." I growled putting my seat belt in as she started the car. She looked in her rear view mirror and smashed the accelerator. The car jolted as if crushing something. "Shit." I muttered. Everyone gave me a dull look. 

"Let's just get out of here." Henrietta sighed. We all nodded as we got onto the road. We were back at her house in minutes. 

When we exited the car Henrietta stayed back to examine the car. "Holy fuck!" She almost shouted. We approached her a little concerned. Our eyes widened as we examined the blood at the rear end of the car. No one said anything as we slowly separated.

I was at home alone. As always my folks were out for the night. I tried to forget about tonight. Forget the blood and probably the scream that poor, whatever it was shouted. Tried to not care like a conformist. I couldn't do it. Death was all around me but like the fucking conformists I couldn't fucking handle it. I buried my face into my pillow. This way no tears could escape my eyes.

I couldn't cry. I couldn't let myself be like a conformist. I smiled at the thought. Even if I was alone I still wanted to seem like a nonconformist. Even buried in my thoughts my barriers were still up like the fucking china wall. I helped them, helped them kill something that was alive. We always said to like death and welcome it but in reality we were kids. The fact of that scared the living shit out of us. Scarred us for life. Now we had blood on our hands. The effects probably greater than anyone could imagine.

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