Free(Human kitexreader)

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human kite at the side. Song is breakout by Cash Cash.


Grounded, seriously grounded again? Fooey, how annoying. I've always been a good kid, good grades some friends and good behavior, only problem, my parents are way too strict. Their idea of a proper household was a strict one, one where having fun was very limited and extremely rare. I only got to have fun at school the rest of my days I usually spent in my room probably grounded, I always found a way to get grounded. At first I thought it was just because I was a really bad kid but then I came to the realization that it was my parents who were the problem. They wanted everything a certain way and it was just too damn hard for me to conform to them. Dad came home from work furious, he was screaming his ass off. When I got home mom simply told me that dad wanted to talk to me, I didn't think much of it.

"What's in my hand?" He asked holding a book. I looked away nervously.

"A book..." I whispered. His hand fell to his side as he got angrier. 

"And why is a children's book in my workbag!" He screamed shoving the book in my face. I bit my lip a bit confused.

"I don't know sir..." I whispered. He dropped the book in rage.

"What keeps a family together, __!" He screamed. I looked down answering meekly.

"A well organized book shelf..." Now I was grounded because I put the To Kill a Mocking Bird next to Hunger Games and my dad was left in his office stuck reading Hunger Games. I didn't know what he was complaining about, it was a damn good book. I looked at the ceiling knowing I really couldn't do anything. I heard a soft knocking at my window. I left my bed opening the window, it was the guys.

"Hey. ___ I thought we were meeting at the arcade to go prank the sixth graders." Stan whispered. I bit my lip knowing they would call me a pussy for my next words. 

"Sorry guys I'm grounded." I whispered. They all rolled their eyes saying the same exact thing.

"Again?" I nodded about to close the window when Kyle grabbed it stopping me in my tracks. 

"Come on ___, have some fun with us you're always grounded." Kyle practically begged his green eyes staring down my (e/c) ones. No matter what I still knew I had no control over my answer. I sighed knowing I'd be in bigger trouble if I snuck out my window. "besides you get grounded for the stupidest shit." I forced his arm off my window and slammed it shut, I already knew all of this, the guys always lectured me about this shit especially Kyle besides I didn't need dad to catch me in the act of having friends over when I was grounded. 

I really wanted to go with them, it hurt that I couldn't. I didn't have a T.V and all my toys were taken away so there wasn't much to do but sleep. I fell into a deep slumber until another soft knock woke me up. I rubbed my eyes going to the window where I saw Kyle dressed up in his Human Kite outfit. An immediate smile crept up on my face. "So we ditching this place or what?" He asked my smile fell.

"I'm grounded you know that." I whispered. His smile got bigger.

"___, you're always grounded why not have some fun for once, your parents won't notice and it'll be a night you won't forget." He grabbed my hands brushing it with his thumb. "I promise." He whispered. I sighed looking back to my room then to Kyle. 

"Okay but how am I gonna get down my room is on the second floor of my house and that tree branch can barely support you." He didn't respond and instead grabbed me by the waist we immediately fell to the ground. To my own surprise I was laughing instead of groaning in pain. He helped me up and with that we went to some stores. 

"Hey I'm low on cash how much do you have?" He asked. I looked in my pocket then showed him fifteen dollars. "So I guess we're not spending much right?" I laughed looking away. "I bet I can spend less than you." He taunted. 

I looked up at him hardening my stance. "Oh yeah and what if I beat you Kite." I taunted back He looked in his coat pocket finding a candy bar.

"Ha, then you can have this candy bar I've been saving it, and it's straight from Canada." I smiled nodding.

"It's on Broflovski and when I win I'm gonna eat it in front of your face." I cooed laughing some more.

The first place we hit was Wall-Mart, they were open 24/7. We looted some candy and chips then left for the movies. Kyle wanted to see who could spend the less money. While Kyle was paying for his ticket I took this chance to disappear. "___?" He asked. He shrugged walking into the movies. As he walked I immediately pulled him next to me. 

"Hey didn't see you buy a ticket." He whispered. I blushed opening a bag of chips. He shrugged it off enjoying Gaurdians of the Galaxy. We got to sit in piece for about an hour before a beam of light blinded me and skimmed across Kyle. 

"You, you snuck into this movie." Uh-oh, I thought getting up from my seat. I didn't know what to do but Kyle ran grabbing my hand. 

Kyle P.O.V

I didn't really know why I felt the need to dress up when I went to her house to sneak her out. Maybe it's because I know how it feels to live in a strict household. Maybe I wanted her to break out of that so one day I could stand up to my mom and finally do what I wanted. I guess that was the reason I was here just a rebellious little kid. I really hated that we were sneaking around though especially since Human Kite was supposed to stand for what was good in the world but some rules needed to be broken. It was time ___ spread her wings, or some other cheesy crap. I sighed as I looked back down at her.

Reader P.O.V

"I know super heroes don't do this, but I'll make an exception." He smiled stopping around the corner. "I knew you didn't pay for a ticket. ___, you sneaky sneaky girl." I shrugged taking a candy bar from his pocket.

"I spent the less tonight so this is mine." He looked at me dully as I ate my reward. After we decided to go to the park. We just sat a bench staring at the stars, it was what I loved about living here, a small town meant peace. Sometimes though I had too much of it.

"Don't you like this better than being holed up in your room?" Kyle asked. I nodded breathing into my hands, I was cold. "Come here." He said bringing me close to his chest. "Being free is a lot more excited than being jailed right?" I looked at him my eyes easing up.

"Yeah." He put his hand over mine and leaned in closer. "Kyle, you're my super hero." I whispered. His eyes eased into mine as we kissed. When we broke away I checked the time. 

"Shit!" I screamed. Kyle immediately got up.

"What! Is it my breath sorry I knew I shouldn't have had too much popcorn, sorry." He said rapidly. I stood up shoving my phone into my pocket. I smiled at his goofy behavior was this really the Kyle I knew all along, maybe it was just because I was finally out of my chains of a room. I looked to him ready to reassure him.

"No, it's nine thirty curfew is in thirty minutes. We could be arrested for missing curfew, I'm not that rebellious Kyle." He smiled at me taking my hand as we walked back to my house.

I froze at the sight of it. Mom was talking to a police officer and dad was talking to a fire fighter. They both seemed frantic. "Oh Nathan I knew we shouldn't have grounded her." Mom said almost in tears. 

"Shit, they called the cops cuz we missed curfew Kyle!" I shouted he kissed me on the lips to ease me. 

"I'm sure they just saw that you weren't in your room, they were worried. You're cute when you get all nervous, besides, we can deal with this together." I nodded taking a deep breath. As long as my super hero was here I could do anything I was free. 

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