She Remembers (Immortal readerxKenny)

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Requests CLOSED for this book forever. I will be making a new one but it will take long sorry. This immortal readerxkenny was for fun just for me . Song is Immortals by fall out boy

I tried focusing hard on my math test but it was impossible. My eyes kept wandering to Kenny. He was the cute blond in my class. There was nothing really special about him other than his ocean blue eyes and golden yellow locks that you could just sleep on like a pillow. I blushed thinking of the other thing on his hot body that probably felt like a pillow... I shook my head. NO! Couldn't talk to him, couldn't touch him couldn't even consider it. 

Thinking of the blond made me think of the other countless, useless love in my life. The boy I loved most was Trevor. The boy had dirt black hair and at the time a slick Texan accident. Mainly because I lived there at the time. He was a bad boy, with a motorcycle and apparently a gang streak. Of course, I only found out about the last part when his body was found under the five freeway passway. Then there was Chase who was a complete gentleman. Always opened doors for me, always let me order whatever my little heart desired, but of course, drunk drivers aren't responsible for their own damn actions, right? Another dumb disappointment. The list just went on and on all the boys in my life, dead. My family casted me off to a foster home and there were zero girls in my life since they were too 'intimidated.' I was like some curse that no one wanted, I laughed a little realizing how accurate that simile was. No one knew my terrible secret, the fact that I had died along with those people who had moved on to the next life, I had gone with them to the gate but.... I never stayed for too long. I hadn't died yet not at South Park, not in front of people.

The bell had rung and I was walking out of the class when the impossible happened. Someone called my name, and not just anyone... Kenny! I stopped and turned towards him. He had that smile on his face that would look seductive in any light. "Hey, ____." I immediately blushed in he laughed in response. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go watch a movie later today..." My heart was beating out of my chest. I swear Kenny could hear it thump but still, I couldn't say anything. I didn't want to get attached. I didn't want to watch another boy I loved die. Apparently, though my mouth had other plans.

"I'd love to."

The rest of the day was pretty hazy. I remember going to lunch but nothing was really eventful and soon enough the bell rang. I practically skipped home. For the brief walk home my past seemed just like that, in the past. Now I was skipping to the future. Nothing more to worry about just what to wear.

My good attitude deflated when I got home. My foster parents Sandy and Duncan sat in the living room with the six-wait five? (where was Alice?) other kids that lived with me. I felt uneasy as I sat with them. The tension if possible intensified. Finally, after an agonizing five minutes, Duncan spoke.

"Kids..." Sandy sniffled a little and I realized how red her eyes were. What the fuck how did I not notice earlier? I looked around the room and realized grieving faces. All of us already knowing the news. "Alice..." He choked the last words out like he was gargling glass. "has left us." I spared a glance to Timberly Alice's roommate who in response mouthed one single word that broke me to pieces. 'Suicide'.

Duncan said the funeral would be in a month or two and after some deafening silence we were allowed to go back into our rooms. I immediately found myself crying. Death, it seemed all around me. No matter how hard I tried to avoid it, it was always looming over me, not after me, but after everyone who I knew. Laughing at me because although it couldn't take me he had fun taking everyone else.

I looked at my ceiling where my three roommates had put up several obnoxious boyband posters. I sat there in silence, my tears long gone now. The sun was setting and I was scheduled to meet Kenny in a couple hours. I sighed thinking about it, Kenny... I really didn't want another boy in my life. Another person to lose. That made my tears come running back. I loved him but I couldn't afford the hurt that came with loving him. I put my headphones in my ears and began to blast my music as loud as I could. My eyes shut carefully, this way the time could pass by... And Kenny with it.

It was about nine o' clock when I was torn from my slumber. Edith one of my roommates smiled down at me. "Hey, Duncan and Sandy are taking us out for Chinese. Get dressed." I sighed about to protest when my stomach grumbled as loud as my music was. I grabbed a simple T-shirt with my favorite band and some shorts. I wasn't feeling the best today. With that, we headed out.

I tried not to look for Kenny when we entered the mall that had a theatre. The exact theatre I was supposed to meet Kenny at. I probably shouldn't have been looking for him anyway, he wouldn't want me now that I had ditched him. I wasn't ready to face that anyway. I focused back on Edith a brunette my age who was chatting up with Timberly(Alice's roommate) trying to cheer her up of her case of the blues. The only boy in our foster home was about four and he always jumped around like he was high on sugar his name was Corey.  I tried to focus on my wacky 'family' to distract me but it was no use, my mind wanted Kenny.

The family went to order Chinese and I went to get a table claiming I had a stomach ache, only half true strung up on a boy who wouldn't love me, with dealing with the butterflies insecurity and regret of never knowing the possibilities. I looked at the fake family from afar trying yet again to distract myself but just then I heard a soft smooth voice that gave me goosebumps. "____." 

I swung around to see Kenny. In one hand was a bucket of popcorn and the other was two unused tickets to a move long over. I frowned wanting so desperately to run but found myself paralyzed in his eyes. "Y-yes." He looked down a little disappointed and my heart melted even more if possible.

"You never showed... I mean you at least could've called..." I felt the stabbing guilt eat away at me but I couldn't tell him the truth. I couldn't tell him that I couldn't bear having to deal with his eventual death and guilt because I could never join him. So instead my stupid mouth said,

"I was grounded." As if the world couldn't screw me over more Corey yelled to the top of his lungs. 

"I WANT _____ TO ORDER MY CHICKEN! SHE DOES IT RIGHT!" Kenny gave me a dull look then looked over towards Corey who was staring at me with pleading eyes along with Duncan who couldn't deal with the energized screaming four year old.

"Seems like your family doesn't mind taking you out to eat while you're 'grounded'." I opened my mouth to say something anything but I couldn't find any words. Too bad too because Kenny was irritated. "Look, if you didn't want to hang out then just tell me don't go and make stupid lies... I get it, you don't like me." I winced at his words. He began to walk away and I couldn't find any words, couldn't find any words except for the truth.

"WAIT!" Kenny stopped sighed annoyed and looked towards me.

"What?" I gulped hard and I felt the tingling in my body intensify from anxiety.

"I was afraid..." His glare finally softened. 

"Of what?" He laughed and it was the most blissful sound in the world. Too bad it came with the crushing weight of his words.

"Of you dying..." Kenny gave me an immediate weird look and I looked down to my hands. "Because I can't..." He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to finish my sentence, with a 'can't stand you dying' but I finished my sentence, 'I couldn't die.'

"Are you saying you can't die?" Kenny immediately laughed. I turned red embarrassment and anger flooding my mind.

"It's not funny-"

"It fucking hurts," Kenny said it at the exact same moment that I had and I was sure he was joking but he stepped forward and took my hands bringing me into his embrace.

"You're not losing me, ever." Tears ran down my face. Finally, finally, I had someone who wouldn't leave me not even if something as silly as death tried. 

Requests are closed for this book forever until the next book comes out sorry.

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