O.C Help in more ways than One(Kyle)

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Thanks a lot to Deathinator for letting me write about her O.C Alina. The song is A Friend Like That by Hawk Nelson and Alina's at the side


I really didn't want to be home right now. Mom and dad were constantly fighting night and day. The recession hit us hard but I never thought it be like this. They fight over money, over meals, over anything really. I thought about all of this as I lay up in my bed. I ws late to school again. They unplugged my alarm clock to save electricity... I quickly changed and ran down the stairs. Mom's voice was the first thing I heard.

"So when do we tell her?" She whispered softly. This was a change. They weren't at each other's throats maybe they had finally settled their disputes. I smiled as I walked into the kitchen with a wide grin. "Morning." I greeted. Silence over came the room again. "honey we need to talk to you before you go to school okay?" She said in a low saddened whisper. My smile vanished as I poured myself some cereal. I wasn't quite sure what was wrong. I sat the table about to dig into my Coco puffs when mom took my hand. Dad buried his face in his newspaper as mom spoke gently.

"Honey, your father and I are getting a divorce." She said. I dropped my spoon letting it almost tip over my bowl. I looked to her tears filling my eyes. She  tried smiling. It did nothing to help.

"Is.. Is t-this my fault?" I stuttered breaking into sobs. Mom put a hand on my shoulder but I brushed her away running out the door.

She ran after me. "Wait Alina!" She screamed. I looked back at her my tears streaming like a river. I gave her a frown and kept running. "I'm gonna be late for the bus!" I screamed.

I took a seat in my chair phasing everything out. Mr. Garrison was handing something out. I assumed it to be some stupid worksheet so I crumbled it up and buried my head into a book. I couldn't deal with this now. The quietness surprised me. For a Friday the students were being pretty quiet. They were usually loud and obnoxious. I phased them out again reading my book. After about an hour Garrison gained the attention of the entire class.

"Okay class your exam is over pass up your papers and you can go ahead and go on to recess." His words made my eyes widen. This stupid piece of paper was an exam. No not an exam the exam. The exam that counted for more than forty percent of our grade. Everyone ran out of the room but I stayed behind. Mr. Garrison looked dully at me. "what do you want Alina?" He asked irritated. I looked down saddened. "I think I flunked the exam..." I whispered. He raised an eyebrow. "but Alina you have a perfect A. I guess we have no choice-" I cut him off with my scream. I fell on my knees. "Please don't hold me back! I can't take another year of this!" I screamed. I plead for my life and he looked dully at me. "but to assign you a tutor." He said plainly. I smiled getting up and brushing off the dramatic scene I had just caused. 

He scanned a paper up and down. "I think I have the perfect candidate. Kyle Broflavski will be your tutor." He said grinning. My smile fell. Kyle Broflavski was a big nerd a smart ass and had a perfect life. How could I stand him when mine was falling apart. I looked up at Garrison as he continued to talk. "He can tutor you everyday after school until your grades improve I suggest you take this offer." He gave me another dull look. I nodded a hundred times acting as if ecstatic. In reality I was frustrated and contemplating flunking.

Kyle came over to my house as scheduled. We were in my room looking at today's homework. I was frustrated. Since mom and dad have been fighting my grades have fallen. Now I was with the geek Kyle. I gladly zoned each word he said out. I noticed he realized this as he snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Hey Alina! Hey I'm talking here would you pay attention?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and crossed my fingers.

He frowned looking dully at me. "What's wrong you seem upset?" He asked delicately. I bit my lip not knowing whether to tell him or not. Inside I knew my heart was aching for any kind of comfort. He looked at my eyes trying to be patient. "you can tell me." He whispered. At his words I looked down at my sheets tears streaming down my cheek. I tried to keep it in but I failed miserably and began sobbing. Kyle wrapped his arms around me kissing me on the head. "what's wrong. Please tell me." He begged. I sobbed in his chest pushing him away.

I wiped my eyes and looked at him his face full of worry. I sighed finally giving in. "My parents are getting divorced." I said bursting into tears again. Saying it made it so much more real. He hugged me squeezing my shoulders. "Please Alina don't cry." He begged. I tore away again. "Why am I even telling you, your life is perfect how can I expect someone like you to understand." I said sobbing. He hugged me again as I punched and kicked him. "You don't know how wrong you are." He whispered. I stopped thrashing and urged him to continue.

"Mom and dad have been contemplating divorce since I was nine. They fight all the time. I wish they'd just do it already so I won't be surprised when.... BAM! One day dad will have packed his bags and snuck out of the house during the night. I worry about it all the time. I know how it feels to be pushed over the edge but you have no right. NO RIGHT. To say my life is perfect." He looked away biting his lip frustrated. I grabbed his arms forcing him to look at me. "Kyle I didn't-" I was intterupted by Kyle who smacked his lips against mine. 

"No one knows... But you know what Alina. I think we can get through this together." He held my hands kissing me on the head once more. "Wh-why me?" I stuttered. He smirked at me making me blush. "Because I love you silly." He said teasing. I blushed harder as he kissed me again this time his tongue entering my mouth. Maybe Kyle Broflavski wasn't such a nerd after all.

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