Hidden(Scott Malkinsonxreader)

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Wrote this for fun scott at the side anime style. Song is Scream by my favorite band THOUSAND FOOT KRUTCH! :)


I looked over to the guys in my class. I had just come from the doctor's so it was lunch time. I was stuck eating a low fat yogurt and an apple with skim milk to drink. I sighed scanning the other guy's food. Burgers, fries, soda, even Kentucky fried chicken. Life's not fair I say to myself. I look around  and my eyes immediately lock onto some (e/c) eyes. I didn't care about that though. My eyes wandered down to her food. Lean turkey meat, water, and a fat free chocolate bar. I tried wrapping my mind around it but I couldn't. I knew that I had to eat well because of my diabetes but why did she? Once I looked back up to her eyes she was glaring she quickly got up storming off. "Wow..." I said feeling kind of like an ass. I hurriedly followed her.

She sped up when she was realized I was practically chasing her. She found out easily since I was wheezing, I didn't havae asthma but damn did this girl run fast. "What do you want Scott!" She yelled. I stopped moving realizing she knew my name and I could feel my heart skip a beat, too bad I failed to realze she was still running at fifty miles per second! I kept running now as she turned the corner, I could hear her swear. "Damn, it dead end." She sighed breathing hard.

I slowly faced her she immediately looked away. "Hey." I whispered. She flipped me off looking to the wall. I smiled knowing no matter what she couldn't block me out. "S-sorry, I just wanted to know why you're not-"

I was quickly interrupted by the back of her hand. "I'm on a diet okay!" She quickly hollered. I stepped back as she pushed me aside running past me. I looked at her as she ran her messy (h/c) hair in her face. Tears flew in the air falling delicately on the floor. 

"Thwoah." I lisped as she got out of sight. I was about to turn away when I saw the guys. I turned forward again following the mysterious girl. At least I wouldn't have to hear Cartman's lame impression of me. How old was I? Fourteen and the guy still teased me about it, seriously think of better material. I cringed thinking about him. I quickly went back to following the girl, she was much prettier than fat boy anyways. Rather have her face in my mind than his. "Hey, swait up!" I lisped screaming. She quickly flipped me off running faster, I could clearly see the tears in her eyes. The idea made me run faster.

After about fifteen minutes of this game of cat and mouse I finally cornered her. I was taller than her so I leaned over her putting my arm on the wall looking down at her. "You shouldn't be ashamed about a diet." I whispered. She looked away still crying.

"That's because I'm at risk of diabetes and everyone already makes fun of me... ___ is known all over the school for being a nerd or a whore I don't need people calling me fat. I can't bear to tell anyone..." She sighed falling to the ground and burying her face into her arms. I looked away feeling pretty bad for her but a little upset myself.

"It's not that fucking bad." I growled. She began sobbing louder. She tried to hit me but failed miserably. I rolled my eyes pinning her arms down.

"How would you know you asshole!" She shouted still sobbing. Again I rolled my eyes at the irony. She tugged trying to free herself from my grip.

"Because I'm Scott Malkinson and I have a lisp and diabetes." I said feeling like freaking Cartman. She looked at me awkwardly as I stared at her dully.

"you can let go of me now, Scott..." She whispered. I smiled as I released my grip on her. I could see the guilt glimmer in her eyes. I didn't mind it though because I was smiling. "I didn't mean to-" I quickly cut her off with a kiss. She softly pulled away blushing.

"Ith's alright, I've been told worse...." I lisped red in the face. She kind of chuckled pulling into another kiss. 

Maybe ___ had a rough start but we got it now. The knot in my stomach from seeing her tears but when I saw her smile it disappeared.  I hated acting like pathetic Scott, maybe this way I could let it go.  She brought out this new me, who was braver than the one who would sit back as his "friends" stole his power up pack and made fun of his lisp and diabetes, and I loved her for that. 

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