La Resistance(Christophexreader)

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Dedicated to ImSamanthaa for requesting this christophexreader. So originally I was gonna make this one shot have to do with yeah as you guessed la resistance but my sis gave me a really cute plot that I loved so yeah.... Christophe at the side anime style song is don't leave me by all american rejects


"No damn it I said you're not coming!" She screamed. The brunette rolled his eyes. He frowned as the (h/c) haired girl paced around the room.

"Come on Chris we've been on worse missions let me handle this one." He cringed at ___'s lame yet appropriate nickname for him.

He sighed letting his hand fall from his face. "Fine but I still get half of the profit and if Gregory asks I was there the entire time! God knows the bastard is protective of you." She shivered a a bit.

"I know he's my cuz but seriously we've been doing this she- shit for years now Chris." She whined. The brunette quickly put his hand over his mouth to cover his laugh.

"Was the perfect ___ gonna say sheet like I do? And stop calling me Chris it's disgusting. You know I hate to be called Chris call me Christophe." She sighed going deeper into her chair. She threw a pillow at him.

"Let me go alone! It's a simple mission in and out! Come on, I get more cash and maybe I'll even let you come with me and Gregory to that fancy restaurant I know you secretly love." He blushed but quickly hid it by coughing. He thought for a moment looking to the blank wall.

"FINE! But sheet, if anything goes wrong don't come crying to me!" He hissed reluctantly.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She repeated over and over again. She laughed hugging him and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing out of Gregory's office. Where was the bastard anyway? He laughed remembering he had been grounded for pulling ___'s hair.

Reader's P.O.V

I had to admit although it was exhilarating and exciting to be alone on a mission it was also kind of scary. I adjusted the shovel onto my back, it was a gift my parents had given to me. I often thought of giving it to Chris since he meant so much to me but I knew if I did Gregory would whine like a little bitch. My father had worked for the cemetery across the street digging graves and had fallen in one he was buried alive they were only able to retrieve this shovel that I now wore on my back. I sighed trying not to think about the downwards slope mother had gone through that ultimately lead to her suicide.

The building's presence finally knocked me out of the flashback of finding her body. I had to break in through the roof and into the bank's main safe. I needed to retrieve a blue sapphire. I could take anything else I wanted. I knew if Christophe were here he'd probably want to take the ugliest crap ever he had no sense in taste. Don't get me wrong I was a total tomboy but I knew the difference between junk and riches. I tied a piece of rope to my precious shovel and threw it over the roof. Once it was securely on top I began to climb to the top. Breaking in was the easy part. I could literally remove a window without being heard since they didn't need to be broken. The hard part, not being caught.

I sprayed some hair spray which made me cough. I saw immediate lasers and cursed under my breath I wasn't very flexible. I tried my best trying to navigate through. After agonizing minutes I made it to the vessel. The sapphire was in reach. This was when I became clumsy. I reached my hand out about to touch it since it had no covering. I immediately retracted my arm as the alarm blared.

"Security breach! Security breach!" The alarm repeated over and over again. I covered my ears as the lights flashed red and green lights. I tried running but noise distracted me. What was it? It echoed through the hallways. It was distant but it was coming so fast. My eyes widened but it was too late. They appeared in front of me.

"Guard dogs." I gasped. I stepped back finding myself pressed against the wall. They began to tear my clothes. They started jumping on me until I was knocked down. Clawing at my face biting every inch of my torso arms and legs. They were crushing my organs under their weight. I felt pretty weak almost about to knock out. I knew this was it. One heavy dog came towards my face biting down hard on my neck. I screamed which must've scared them away because my body felt light. I could feel the gushing of my blood.

I was wrong though. It wasn't me who scared them it was another scream. "Sheet! Go! Get away! Go before I kill you!" He screamed. I looked up barely able to lift my head. I looked at a concerned Christophe. I coughed barely able to smile.

"Hey..." I whispered letting my head fall. He shook me until I opened my eyes.

"What the hell ___! You said you could handle this!" He scolded. I looked down tired only wanting to sleep. I was losing blood fast and maybe sleep was for the best. I could feel a tear on my face but it wasn't my own I didn't have that kind of strength. "Sheet you promised you'd be fine..." He said wiping his tears. I cursed trying to look away but he easily forced me to look at him. He hugged me and I weakly set my hand on his cheek.

"Hey... Don't worry about it, I'm fine..." I was interrupted by a furious endless cough that contradicted my words. "I mean I'm not but... I got to have fun, with you and bugging Greg and making cash and ditching school... These passed years have made my worthless life precious and it's... It's all because of you Christophe and the worst part of it is I don't know how to thank you." He gave a weak smile letting the tears run wild. He brought me into a deep kiss and I smiled closing my eyes until he finally broke free. He slowly set me on the floor. "One more thing alright." He nodded back to his monotone stoic self. "Take this and promise me you'll never lose it. You'll take care of it like I have. And take care of my dumb ass of a cousin." He smiled taking the shovel into his grip. He kissed me on the forehead and I felt the warmness spread across my body. I was finally at ease. I sighed of relief finally closing my eyes or at least I thought I did and everything turned black.

Christophe P.O.V

I looked to ___ who simply stared at me her dead limp body in the snow. I smiled placing the shovel onto my back. I forced her eyes closed sighing. "I love you." I mumbled walking off. I cursed under my breath as I realized something. How the hell was I gonna tell Gregory?

Present Time

The blond's eyebrows raised at the file in his hand it was an easy job. He spun around in his chair facing the brunette. "Christophe, I have your next job. Infiltrating a weed plantation, they have weak security just some guards and guard dogs." He said.

He quickly stood from the sofa clenching his fists. "I fucking HATE guard dogs." He simply said then went back to his comic. Gregory sighed going back to the documents.

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