O.C Everything Wrong with the Things I Love(KennyxO.CxTweek)

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Yeah. So this xO.C is dedicated to COLORGUARDGIRL0109 for requesting it. Lexi is her O.C. Tweek and Kenny with Lexi at the top. This one will have two parts since it's two SP characters. This is one and the next one is the last one :) Song is Violence is (Enough is Enough) by A  day to Remember (I'm obsessing over them!)

The inner depths of hell were dark as I lurked around looking for one of the only demons I truly cared about. When I found him he had a worrisome expression. "What did father tell you?" I looked to my brother who had  black hair and blazing red eyes like me. Damien sighed throwing his head back as he sat on his chair. "Father said you are banned from hell..." My eyes grew wide at his words.

"WHAT? WHY?" My eyes flared red in a confused rage. Damien sighed looking away.

"Well... He requested you kill one of God's angels Pip... Remember?" He looked down shame overwhelming me. I bit my lip annoyed.

"I couldn't kill him Damien! He was your friend! What did father expect? That I could just mercilessly do it without a thought?" I screeched. Damien sighed looking at his necklace.

"Well, now that you couldn't do it... Father expects for me to-" Tears streamed down my face at his words.

"What? No! How... How can he expect you to kill him if you two were such good friends! That's not fair! Father should do it himself!" Tears trickled down Damien's face but soon he gritted his teeth in anger.

"Lexi! Do not tempt the king of darkness! Satan does what he wishes now silence!" I bit my lip as he looked at me. "Father's arranged a home for you on Earth... When you arrive they'll be under the impression that you've always lived there. They have fake memories of you." I started tearing up as I looked at him.

"And where is that?" I cried. He stood up and turned his back towards me.

"The Tucker home... From this day forth you are his sister." Before I could respond there was a flash of red that engulfed my body and Damien vanished before me.


When I opened my eyes I saw a boy with raven black hair looking at me. "Hey Lexi wake up! We have to get to school!" I shook my head realizing I was here, I was on earth. I jolted up shoving the boy away.

"Ow, shit you think you'd be nicer to your older brother. Come on! Tweak's waiting outside for us, he's got a sweet new ride." I sighed swallowing hard as I got ready for the day and followed my brother. When I stepped out of the house I gasped to see a boy with handsome green eyes and delicate blond hair. 

"Hey, Lexi. Ready to go? We gotta work on our science project remember?" I forced a nod getting into the blue sedan.  I chose to be in the back away from these mortals. I tried avoiding the fact that the one who was driving gave me butterflies. All I needed to focus on was a way to get myself back to hell. I loved Damien too much to leave him alone there. He was my real brother not this joke in the shotgun next to... Tweek. I sighed burying my head into my arms.

School was just as Damien had described it. It was unfulfilling and a dog eat dog hell but on earth. I tried staying out of everyone's way afraid that they'd notice how different I was. The last thing I needed was dad getting on my back for letting mortals know I wasn't one. I laughed remembering Damien's punishment for revealing himself to mortals. He had to collect about four hundred halos from heaven making those angels he stole from, return to Earth. Craig my brother brought me out of my haze.

"____ is that okay with you?" I looked at the blue eyed freak annoyed. Still I had to put up my front.

"Uh, sorry what was that paying attention." He sighed with a smug smile.

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