Healing Wounds PT.2(Christophexreader)

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Christophexreader part 2. Dedicated to creepy_rhianaMID for requesting a part 2. Song is Down by Jay Sean ft Little Wayne. Christophe at the side anime style


***The Next Day*** 

Christophe P.O.V

I was huddled into a ball. I had decided to report to Gregory tomorrow night. Now my cell phone(which Gregory had bought me, which could only  contact him and no one else) was ringing nonstop. How low have I come, to protect someone else. I shook my head realizing tears were escaping my eyes. I was becoming a pussy how inevitably frustrated. I bit my lip to the point in which blood slowly dripped down. I saved someone's sorry ass and now I would never see them again.

I let tlhe darkness engulf me as I lay there in my crappy bed with mom just downstairs, or so I thought. "Christophe." I groggly looked to my left. In the crack of the door stood mother. I looked dully at her then tried to pretend I was asleep so she wouldn't approach me.

She sat on my bed putting her hand through my hair. "Christophe, comma cava?" She whispered. I hissed at her French. How was I doing? How the fuck did it look like I was doing! I looked down knowing I never told mom that I hated France.

"Can we just speak in English ma, I'm tired." I whined. She smiled rustling my dark brown locks.

"Oui, what's wrong Christophe?" She said her palm now on my face. I shook my head facing the wall now.

I slammed my forehead against the wall. "Nothing, you can't help anyway... Go back to your room." I demanded. I could sense her smile again. How the hell could she smile when her son was in such distress. She put her arm on my head again.

"Is this about a girl?" She smiled almost in laughter. I surprisingly turned red. I shook my head but the words that escaped my mouth disagreed. 

"Oui..." I heard myself stamper. She laughed, this time stroking my back reassuringly. I felt the tears again. Now I was a total pussy. Crying in front of my mother, disgraceful!

She came low to my ear whispering. "Fight for what you want amour." I stared at her as she looked down at me smiling.  "Good night Christophe." She said leaving my bed and walking out the door. I buried my face into my pillow. Fight? That was something I was good at but against Gregory the monster who assigned me jobs, I couldn't do it... I couldn't lose my only source of money. Fight, how would that work?

***The next Night***

Lamp, books, then glass. All these things flew over my head as Gregory threw them at me. "One simple job!" He shouted. I sighed as I kept dodging everything he threw at me during his tantrum. What a child. "What the hell do you mean you lost the money!" He continued to holler. All I did was smirk as he threw things. How did he expect an answer when he kept attacking me? Usual Gregory, I thought to myself. After another five minutes he ran out of things to throw. He flipped his desk then commanded I clean this sheet up. I sighed as he continued to call me names.

"I should've known better than to trust swine like you, you probably kept it for yourself didn't you." I looked up seeing Gregory right next to me as I knelt picking up shards of glass. He frowned at me. "DIDN'T YOU!" He shouted kicking me in the ribs. I fell on to the shards of glass. I whined but refused to cry anymore. Not in front of him. I quickly stood up knowing if I stayed on the floor more shards of glass would impale my chest. "That's what garbage that lives on the streets deserves." He clenched his forehead. I smirked again at his frustration. A low knock on the door made me jump. Gregory flipped me off walking towards the door. He stepped back surprised at her presence.

She stepped forward coming into the room. I looked away immediately. I could hear her run towards me. "Christophe!" She shouted. I tried crawling away but the pain in my chest was unbearable. She looked at me with worry.

Gregory scoffed as she tore pieces of her long sleeved shirts in an attempt to stop the bleeding as she removed the shards. "___, the rat from HQ who's been stealing the major jobs from Christophe and I?" At Gregory's words I forced her off me. She grunted looking to me with tears. No way was I crying again. I shook my head at the poor excuse I was supposed to fight for.

I stood with frustration ignoring the pain of shards knowing this pain was more frustrating. "Was it all a lie! Sheet is your dad even in the hospital!" I growled. She looked down as Gregory bursted out laughing.

"You gave her the money?" He said between laughs. I clenched my teeth. "You're a bigger piece of shit than I imagined Christophe!" He shouted pointing at me. I formed a fist ready to punch something or someone. I didn't care who it was.

She quickly stood in between Gregory and I. "It was fake..." She whispered. I gave her an odd look. What was fake, besides her? "the jewel was fake..." She continued to say. "I'm not that cold." After her words left her she ran out of the room. I looked towards the open door then to Gregory. He smiled at me.

"Don't you feel like an ass now, eh Christophe?" He said chuckling. I punched him in the shoulder running off after her.

"Cupid's got another one, huh you son of a bitch." I heard him mumble as I grabbed my sweater leaving. I had to run at least two blocks before I finally found her. She was sitting against the wall of a dark alley. 

"Good place to get raped." I snickered to myself. She looked up at me with cold eyes. I smiled as she stared me down. She didn't care anymore, how annoying. 

"What do you want street rat?" She hissed. I sat next to her feeling her forehead. She stared dully at me. "what? Think I'm not human? Think I lied about that too?" She growled. I smiled at how mad she was. 

"Zero degrees, for someone so steaming mad, I'd expect a hot temperature, rather than such a cold one." I whispered. She looked away but I could tell she was blushing. I stood up with a sigh. "Don't be so down..." I said sticking my hand out towards her. She gave a small smile taking it. "How 'bout you and I take this night off?" I whispered, bringing her into my arms. "How 'bout we escape just this one night to get away?" I grabbed both her arms as I began to put one foot after the other, how was I supposed to know mom's dance classes would come in handy. I forced a nervous smile as she rolled her eyes.

"There's no music." She whispered. I shook my head. 

"Just let it be, there's no need to worry. This way you won't be lonely." I could see a huge smile plastered on her face as she looked away. 

"A wise nagging mo- Person gave me great advice the other day." I whispered spinning her. She smiled getting close to my chest. (which by the way was still bleeding...) 

"And what was that?" She whispered. I smirked.

"I didn't get it at first but, love is a battlefield and you gotta fight for that girl on the battlefield of love." She kissed me on the lips whispering into my ears.

"J'ai t'aime Christophe. I learned french for you, sissy." She joked. I smiled smoothly looking down at her since she was a little shorter than me. 

"J'ai t'aime ___." I whispered kissing  her again.  "So what you say,  we go back to that asshole Gregory and see if he'll be willing to hire you, hell, you need that money more than I do." She nodded slowly.

Reader P.O.V

The funny thing about scars is that, over time they heal. If you're lucky those wounds won't have to become scars. Our private get away, that's what Christophe gave me today. Somewhere, where I could let everything go. I loved Christophe and now we were going to be able to work together for months maybe even years.

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