I'm not French!(Pipxreader)

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Dedicated this to creepy_RianneMID for requesting Pip. Song by Rob Thomas called Lonely No More. Pip at the side anime style!


Being the new kid was hard, but people usually say it gets easier. That's not my case. I'm not considered new anymore since it's been over three months! The boys still mock me and punch me. The thing they love to use against me the most is 'shut up you French piece of crap.' I am neither French nor crap. I sighed taking in a deep breath as the bell for recess rang. I lazily walked out into the playground hoping for once they boys wouldn't beat me up.

As my shoes hit the pavement I expected to be swarmed. I shut my eyes covering my face so not to be hurt too bad. When nothing came, in the three minutes that I waited I decided to open my eyes. All the boys were huddled in a sort of circle. I pushed my way through to see a girl in the middle of the crowd. She had the most shining beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair. I smiled immediately as I scanned her down. My eyes fixated on her face as she grinned her hands behind her back answering the questions each boy darted at her. She blushed as our eyes met and I immediately backed away.

The second I surfaced out of the crowd Cartman stormed at me as usual. His fellows held me down. Stan began to give me demands. "Say punch me!" He shouted, immediately I looked away.

"But if I do you'll punch me." I squeaked.

"No I'll punch you if you don't!" He screamed forming a fist.

"Punch me." I whispered. At that, he punched me. I was sure he was going to do it again but he let go taking small steps back. He looked to his right his mouth hung open.

"Oh hey ___. Didn't see you there, what is the prettiest girl in South Park doing watching this pip squeak(no pun intended) get beaten." She scanned Stan up and down not daring to speak. Her stance was elegant as she locked her eyes on mine once again. I blushed turning red. Seeing this as my chance I got up running into my safe haven, back into the school.

The school doors closed fast and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was safe until they found me here. The immediate fascination with this girl made sense now. She was the prettiest girl in South Park. I blushed thinking back to her rosy lips and beautiful (h/c) hair that glowed in any damp light. If the boys found out, I would be dead. I slid down against the school wall feeling desperate. ____ was the only one in this school to have given me attention and now even then the boys were going to take that from me. I didn't even have parents to love me because they were dead. ___ was the only one who had a chance of loving me and I couldn't have her.  I sighed letting slow tears dripped down my damp cheek. I was about to bury my face into my hands as a hand touched my cheek now soaked in tears.

"Pip, why do you cry so?" She whispered. I looked up at her slight British accent. I gave her a weak smile.

"Nothing..." I lied. She pulled me into a hug removing my hat and brushing through my yellow hair with her delicate fingers.  

The light startled both of us as we jolted up. A bunch of the boys were here. Stan and Cartman stepped forward.  I looked down trying to hide my red eyes and tears. They immediately pulled ____ towards them. They growled at me before speaking. "___ What are you doing with Pip?" Stan asked. She looked away shyly.

"I.... I..." She couldn't even make a proper excuse. I didn't deserve one, I suppose she hated me it was just guilt driving her to hug me in her embrace. I gritted my teeth suddenly getting mad.

"Yeah what are you doing with this French piece of crap!" Cartman yelled.

I hurled myself at him punching him again and again. "I am not French!" I hollered with such indecency it made me flinch. His head bobbed left to right as I hit him, when I was done I slowly got off breathing heavily. Cartman stood up cupping his cheek.

"Mahm!" He yelled running out of the building. Everyone stared at me in shock. Slowly but steadily the school cleared out. I looked to ___ in pure guilt.

"I'm sorry, I just...." I found myself at a loss of words, but it didn't matter to her. She pulled me into a hug wrapping her arms around my waist. Her lips pressed against mine making my cold ones warm. I pulled away seconds later. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude, may I kiss you?" I asked politely. She smiled holding me closer.

"I love you Pip." She kissed me again as I began to say it to her.

"I love you too."

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