Grafitti or art?(Craigxreader)

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Dedicated to djdashlunarspeed for requesting this craigxreader. Song is Halfway gone by lifehouse

The boy with raven black hair adjusted the purple  dog mask on his face. He bungeed down the two story building only the rope securely tied around his waist keeping him from plunging to his death. He smiled as he stood firmly on the window shaft.

The can of paint in his hand as four more silhouettes came diving back down. After his freshman year of high school he had gotten his gang together. He hated that word because what they did was so frowned upon. They weren't a gang they were a family. He smiled as each individual's hands began the same exact motion. He sighed as they continued the in sync pace made  him smile. It fell when he saw red and blue flashing lights. "Cops! Let's go dudes!" He screamed as they fell to the floor. wiping their foreheads tired then began to run. The habit of being totally in sync stayed the same. The boy smiled as the rounded around the corner and finally lost them.

He lifted his purple dog mask. His chest puffed out as he tried catching his breath. "Craig... That was awesome..." A boy with a brown cat mask said. He quickly threw it off. The jock smiled at him. "Thanks for this it really means a lot. He smiled nodding as the jittery bunny shook. 

"GAH! Did we just do that?" He screamed taking off the bunny mask. Craig laughed at the blond who sat down shaking. The tall dark one stepped forward in his hockey mask. He looked like a serial killer.

"Dude... Do you think they saw us? I mean I can pay our bail and stuff but jail man... That's intense!" Craig rolled his eyes at the rich smart ass. Finally he looked to the boy in crutches he was surprised he could keep up. His mask was one of a hyena.

"D... Don't be a b... buzz kill T-Too- Token!" He shouted. Craig laughed as the boys went to their respected homes. silently walked home alone but didn't realize he was secretly being watched.


Reader P.O.V

That asshole. I couldn't catch his name. No, I was too far, but he had black hair and his buddies there had characteristics I couldn't miss. The shop my family owned was littered with graffiti. It was an abstract portrait of a face. Mom cried for a couple of hours, it wasn't the first time our shop was vandalized. Last time someone broke in. 

School  made me angrier. I realized those assholes were in my homeroom. Their names were Craig, Token, Clyde, Jimmy, and Tweek. All period long they were being loud and obnoxious screaming and laughing highfiving each other punching each other. I had to endure basic hell.

Lunch came soon enough and the assholes were having a race to the lunch line. Soon enough one of them ran into me. "Shit what the hell! First you trash my place now you're fucking up my day!" I screamed impulsively. I quickly covered my mouth realizing my words. It was the boy who was Craig. His jaw dropped.

"I... We didn't trash your place! We simply enhanced it!" He screamed with such diligence it made me surprised. He gritted his teeth which made me angrier. I grabbed his arm throwing my hand back in a fist ready to punch him. He quickly tore away.

"People like you disgust me! Our art is beautiful!" He basically sprinted away but I screamed one final thing before he was finally out of sight.

"It's fucking trash Tucker!" In seconds a middle finger appeared from the corner then disappeared.

Craig P.O.V

I was steaming mad as I stood there. ___ the quiet girl in class was finally started to piss us off. The guys were around me. We all had different colors in our hands. We were gonna finish our work from yesterday. We quickly placed our masks on then fell down onto the window shafts. We were about to begin in sync when we heard a scream.

"Get off our store assholes!" She screamed. I cringed at her. I got down telling them to continue without me.

I pushed her away. "What the hell are you doing!" I demanded. She rolled her eyes pushing me back.

"Stop trashing my store! Seriously it looks like crap." I was so mad I threw a punch at her. Her head bobbed to the right as she took it surprised. She quickly punched me back and kicked me in the shins. I removed her hat pulling her hair. "You bitch!" She screamed. To get me to stop she kicked me in the balls. I screamed to the top of my lungs. I was about to grab the scissors in my back pocket and cut off all her hair when Token interrupted us.

"Hey dude Craig we're done!" Soon enough all the guys were in front of us. ___ and I stood there looking up at the work.

"Wow... What.... What is that?" ___ asked no longer upset. I smiled at how good it came out. Tears rolled down Clyde's eyes.

"Th... th.. thank you guys!" He sobbed.

"Three years ago this week Clyde's mom died so we wanted to pant a memorial. It would've took too long to get a permant so we just picked a random store, sorry." I rubbed the back of my head as she sighed.

She crossed her arms sighing. "I guess I'm sorry for calling your art a piece of shit." She said. I laughed.

"Whatever. I laughed I was about to walk away but she planted a kiss on my lips.

"It's an honor to have it on our store." Her words brought me such a warmness in my heart I couldn't help but bring her into a deeper kiss. 

"I love you ___."

"Me too Craig."

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