Raven Eyes(Goth Stanxreader)

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goth stan(Raven) at the side anime style. Dedicated to wish4awish (deleted her account RIP)for requestin goth stanxgoth reader. Song is Mad world by Gary Jules


Pete flicked his cigarette in my face. "You even listening to us?" He scoffed. I shook my head blinking a few times. 

"Yeah, Raven whatever, why the hell should I care about some dumb fuck who got caught sneaking your cigarettes into school. I mean really it's an in and out job." I sighed. He shook his head disappointed with my words.

"We don't talk about our own kind that way, man you need some help with the whole unity thing we got here." I frowned as I lit up another cig. I looked away.

"Whatever." I scoffed. He smirked inhaling the sweet nicotine. I frowned as I looked at the sky.

"No welcome back what are you guys in a pissy mood or something?" I new voice sneered. I looked to my right seeing a boy with raven black hair and sparkling blue eyes. They were dead cold as they landed on me, a raven's eye. The once sparkling blue eyes I loved were now cold dead black raven eyes.

"We're not conformists, who the hell are you anyways a fucking vamp kid?" I hissed. He gave me a smirk as he approached Pete.

"She the new chick you texted me about?" He said in his monotone. Pete nodded slowly. I glared at him, so this was Raven.

He grabbed the cig out of my mouth. He walked away with a monotone. "Learn to ease up cupcake, I was here first." He said with a slanted smile. I kept my glare as I frowned. Damn, was this guy a dick.

Once I was about to sit down and engulf my ears into heavy metal a conformist came our way. He wore an orange coat and a green hat. "Stan, seriously?" He hissed. Raven rolled his eyes.

"What do you want conformist?" He said. The boy in orange's shoulders tensed. 

He growled at him. "Look, Stan we miss you just because Wendy broke your heart a week ago doesn't mean you have to sulk with the faggy goths. I mean you were happier with us then sitting here complaining about how crappy your life is. You made it that way dude, now come play ball with us." My glare was now directed towards the conformist.

Raven shook his head. "Kyle, get out of here, no one should care because I don't care about them." He smirked at the boy named Kyle. He clenched his teeth walking away with his middle finger up. I kind of scoffed. Raven looked towards us.

"We going to Village Inn or what?" He asked. Michael nodded and we all left the docks going to Village Inn.

The waitress was being a bitch again, complaining how we only ordered coffee. I always took it to myself to flip her off as she called me a little prick. Raven had drank two coffees before he finally joined in our conversation.

"A ring is just like  a leash, you expect all that love and lies the Disney channel feeds you, but instead they got your soul all tied up in their clutches." He sipped his coffee and we all nodded. Maybe Raven, wasn't as conformist as I had originally thought.

"What do you think about parent restrictions?" I sighed. He kind of smirked probably already, had an answer ready, I thought to myself.

"Damn, where  do I start, who gives them the right to boss us around, just because they brainwashed us with their conformist lies they have the right?" He scoffed. Henrietta nodded.

"Yeah, my dad doesn't give a crap about me but when my heroin addict aunt comes over to dinner all of a sudden I have to suddenly behave? Dinner... Just an excuse for my mom to bitch about how I don't wear girly make up like the rest of the conformists." She said in her monotone. I nodded about to speak when Raven took over.

"Yeah, they don't really understand the darkness that lies beneath every soul, they're settled with living in their fucking lies for the rest of their conformist lives." I gave him a slanted smile agreeing. Just when I had something to say Raven found a way to say it better.

Raven and I had gotten along better than I imagined. Sure, he didn't smoke like we did but damn, did he have good insight. His poems expressed themselves, he was like the next Edgar Allan Poe. We agreed about everything and he even walked me home when I twisted my ankle on a grave.

He made sure I got to my room alright. I hissed at my snotty sibling who tried teasing me that I needed help. He left when I was safely on my bed. I sighed of relief when he left my room. I bit my lip looking down a blush on my cheeks. So maybe I had been feeling a hint of admiration maybe even love for Raven. I couldn't help but admit it, he was pretty damn cute. I smiled to myself, I couldn't let anyone know. A scream broke my concentration.

"Stanley! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!" I looked out the window seeing my neighbors. The Marshes. The father Randy was screaming at a black silhouette. My eyes widened as I realized it was Raven. I shook my head making sure it was him. Raven flipped off his dad sitting on the couch. He grabbed the remote out of his sister's hand.

"Hey turd, I was watching!" She shouted lisping because of her gear. Raven looked at her from the corner of his eyes surfing the channels. "TURD!" She yelled. She was about to punch him when Raven grabbed her hand. 

He creepily faced her. "You conformists should learn how to keep your hands to yourself, I was just leaving, indulge yourself in this fantasy to avoid your depressed life of loneliness hiding the fact that you know you'll spend the rest of your life alone." He said. He turned off the T.V going up the stairs. I could hear her sobbing. His sister seemed pretty tough and she was crying? His mom ran over to the stairs.

"Stanley!"  All he did was flip her off. She began to sob into her husbands chest. "Oh, Randy what are we going to do! He was never like this before!" She yelled sobbing frantically.


I felt kind of guilty when I sat down with the goths. I felt guilty for feeding Stan's behavior and for watching that whole scene unfold. Pete was smoking with Michael, and Firkle was sick today. Henrietta was fiddling with the radio trying to find a station. I stayed silent as Stan walked and took a seat next to Michael. His eyes looked cold dead today. Almost pitch black with evil. I hated the feeling I was getting from him. 

"Hey, St- Raven come with me to buy some more cigarettes." I said. He shrugged getting up.  I sighed knowing somehow I needed to convince him to go back to normal. It was the best for him. 

"So how you gonna convince me, ____?" I sighed at my thoughts.

"I don't know maybe.... " I looked to my right where Stan was giving me a goofy smile. "Wait! You know what I brought you here for." He smirked again.

"Well we have like five packs of cigarettes and I saw you watching me through your bedroom window." He said plainly. I kind of chuckled nervously.

"Stan, Kyle was right, yo're making your life suck, you need to go apologize and be happy again. It breaks my heart to see you this way." I was surprised at my own words. He brought me into a sudden hug.

"So this is good bye?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly blushing. He released me kissing my lips. "I love you, ___. " He smiled  bigger at my now hot face. "you don't have to say it back that's conformist." He said almost laughing. I hugged him kissing his lips.

"Hey Raven come back we have some more cigs right here!" Pete shouted turning the corner. Stan's hat was off now his black sweater now showing his conformist clothes.

"Sorry, Pete... Screw you guys I'm going home." I glared at him as Pete did the same.

"Fine go back to your sunshine fairy tale!"

"Yeah!" I shouted. Pete stormed off to tell the others.

"I just will!" He screamed winking at me before he left. I blushed walking away.

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