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Dedicated to ChloeJanos for requesting firkle. Firkle at the side anime style. Song is Falling away from me by Kane. by the way reader is like 5/6 in this story she's as old as Firkle...


Reader P.O.V

I walked into the classroom taking a seat next to the same old boring desk. It was empty because the kid who usually sat there always ditched. I sighed looking around. I shouldn't have been talking because I was just as bad. I always got detention about four times a week. Which was a lot for a six year old. Dad and mom were never home so I was at school till around eight or nine at night. I'd get locked in all the time but I'm naturally good at jumping fences. This is because everyday I jump the fence to my house. I have my own key to open the door since mom and dad are always on business trips. They're no rolemodel but I doubt that's the only reason I hate them. My shrink said it had something to do with that fact alone. She said I'd have to find one to behave well. So I can see what's right and what's wrong. I thought it would take years but a couple weeks before I found one. Her name is Franny. She's a sixth grader. She has a boyfriend lots of friends and slick black hair. She's awesome! I'm sure she's smart and nice too.

A slam of the door made me jump back into reality. "It's not m'kay to ditch school young man!" The counselor said shoving a short black haired boy into the class. I looked at him odd, I've never seen him till now.

"Good morning Firkle." Our teacher cooed. He didn't even look up. He was focused on the window. I didn't give it a second thought as our kindergarten teacher continued her speech about addition.

I put my head down falling asleep. "School is for conformists." The boy next to me muttered. I managed to fall asleep and the blaring of the bell was the only thing able to wake me up. I got up eagerly running to the playground.

Usually I went to the play place to play house but Franny caught my attention. She was waiting by the swings. I tried not to run and seem eager but I ended up running as fast as my legs would let me.

I put my hands on my knees tired. Franny gave me a weird look. "Hey shorty." She almost teased. I looked up with a smile. I forced a laugh.

"I guess I am pretty short..." She put her elbow on my head leaning on me. She smirked.

"So what do you want kid?" Franny hissed. I didn't let that bug me though I had spent so much time admiring my idol I wasn't going to let this stop me. I looked down and screamed. "Please! Franny teach me how do be cool!" I shouted. I bit my lip waiting for a response. She smirked bigger putting more weight on my head.

"Yeah right. Why would someone like me want to be seen with... Well someone like you." She said plainly. My eyes teared up as I watched her walk away nonchalantly. She looked back at me. "And never talk to me again." She whispered her eyes narrowing. I couldn't say anything and I couldn't even process what was happening. I let the tears roll down my face. Like usual the people I loved most in this world wanted nothing to do with me. Instead of going back I decided to find a dark place to just cry and be alone.

Knowing the goths hung out at the loading docks I went to the side of the school where the dumpsters were. The bell, showing recess was over rang but I didn't bother getting up. I wanted to spend the rest of my day here. Until I went home at eight. I burried my head deeper into my hands. A soft voice made me look up.

"I'll go get more cigarettes then." He wasn't talking to me. He was talking to his friends. He turned the corner facing me with a dull expression. "Conformist." He said walking away. I gritted my teeth looking up at him.

"You're the conformist here." I whispered. He froze in place. He gave me a nasty glare. This was the only time he had ever shown any emotion.

"What? Did you say your cheerleader conformist?" He said slowly and menacing. I smiled seeing that I had the upper hand now.

"You goths are the ultimate conformists. You dress alike and act the same." I stuck my tongue out. He came towards me slowly.

"At least I don't cry for no fucking reason you conformist." He hissed. Another tear streamed down my cheek. I couldn't hold in my anger anymore.

"I don't cry for no fucking reason!" I screamed. He rolled his eyes looking dully at me.

"Then why you crying, pussy." He asked nonchalantly. I looked away feeling stupid.

"Stupid Franny's not as awesome as I thought, she's just a bitch..." I said knowing he didn't have a clue who I was talking about. He tried to hold in his laughter but failed.

"Of course she is. She's the biggest Nazi cheerleader conformist there is. Even if she's my damn sister." I gave him an odd look. Franny was Firkle's sister. I thought for a moment. Is that why she was so mean to me?

"I'm not a fucking midget, that damn bitch." Firkle muttered. He sat on the floor next to me. He looked away biting his lip.

"How dumb are you, of course fucking Franny is a bitch. She's a damn sixth grader. Did you really think she was perfect, how conformist." He scoffed. I looked to him blushing, mostly from embarrassment. I nodded. I could feel his eyes turn dull again.

"Well I thought she was pretty... and she has a lot of friends." Again he tried not to laugh. He put his arm on my shoulder.

"She spends hours on her make up. Her friends use her for her money..." I shook my head. No way could any of this be true.

"Well she's at least smart right?" He couldn't keep it in anymore. He bursts out laughing.

"Franny? She's a D student. Damn you're stupid." I smiled a bit accepting my stupidity.

"Hey Firkle! Take my I.D, they won't give you the cigs if you don't give them the proof." A taller goth came up behind Firkle handing him the obviously fake I.D. Firkle took it as the taller goth left.

"I'm leaving...." He whispered.

"It's ____. Nice to finally talk Firkle..." He walked away as if I hadn't said anything. He walked farther but before he turned the corner he looked back.

"Right, ___." I swear that I saw him smile. I didn't know why but I felt special that he smiled at me. Maybe Firkle had a point. I didn't know why but that fact made me feel a lot better. I didn't bury my head into my hands. I just sat there looking to the sky and let time fly by.

An hour later the same soft voice broke my haze. "What the hell are you still doing here." Firkle whispered with a box of cigarettes in his hands. I broke into a smile.

"Just thinking of what you said..." He started to walk away again. "Wait I've been meaning to ask you a question!" I screamed. He looked back at me with a dull expression.

He began to walk towards me. "What is it conformist." He said not looking at me. I smiled scooting close to him where he stood. I forced him to sit down. He reluctantly sat. "Why did you choose to talk to me, hell why did you choose to come back if I'm just a conformist." For a split second he smiled.

"I don't fucking know but I do know that you piss off Franny. Damn cheerleader conformist... Besides I think..."

I turned red again. What the heck was he gonna say next. He was hesitating and he faced me. "Hey Firkle you got the cigarettes!" The taller goth screamed from afar. He looked back a little nervous.

"Look I don't got much time so let's just get this over with." He tried looking away but I stepped closer grabbing his arms.

"Thanks a bunch Firkle..." He smiled now not fighting my grip. "you can finish your sentence now." I said turning red. To my own surprise he blushed too. I leaned in closer.

"and maybe I think you're not that much of a conformist and maybe... I... Like you?" He said more like a question.

"Maybe?" I asked. He looked down towards the floor.

"No conformists tells off a goth. I'm sure of it." He was close to chuckling. I pulled him closer. "I like you."

"Me too." He pulled me closer pecking me on the lips. Maybe I was too young to understand but I did know that this was the start of something beautiful. I didn't need an idol to tell me otherwise.

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