Sparks and Sparkles?(Mikexgoth reader)

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Dedicated to creepy rianaMID for requesting this mikexgoth reader. Song is Different by Acceptance. Mike at the side anime style.


"Hey,___ do you want another smoke?" Michael asked. I nodded feeling extremely tired. I gripped the cigarette lighting it. "dude your eyes are total crap." He scoffed. I bit my lip knowing I was tired. I had been having nightmares about the end of the world. We had been talking about it for a while now. They made it seem as if it was going to be so awesome but... Truth was, I was scared of the future, scared of death.

A yell made me snap back to reality. "It went where!" A boy in soccer uniform screamed. He was such a conformist he even wore those lame socks that almost go to your knees. I quickly scoffed. Another boy responded to him.

"It's right there, next to those vamp kids!" He yelled. Michael's face turned dark so did everyone else's, as for me I was confused. The conformist approached us grabbing the soccer ball.

"Hey! Hey! We've been over this, we're freaking goth! When will you conformists get that?" He snapped. The conformist smiled scoffing.

"Yeah whatever why don't you turn into a bat Dracula." He scoffed walking away with his ball. They all looked at him pissed off and a bit shocked.

"What is he talking about?" I asked. The others quickly shrugged me off.

"I think we all know what to do." Michael said. They all nodded their heads but still I was confused. Before I could ask they began to walk away.

In a matter of minutes we were in the conformist hell we called school, I fucking hated it. A couple of kids stood in front of their lockers talking, they wore dark clothing had dyed hair and sparkles on their face.

Michael started baggering the conformists about how lame they were, they didn't even smoke or drink coffee!

"Are they trying to be goth?" I asked shocked. Pete quickly shook his head.

"No they're vamp." He simply said. I looked to them seeing fangs. These douchey kids thought they were actually vamp-

He walked in front of the guy with purple tips. He was taller than most of them, green tips on his raven black hair. His eyeliner was black and his fangs seemed sharper than the others, fangs, damn vamp kid. He gave a quick smooth smile that for a split second seemed as if it was meant for me. I responded by flipping him off.

He pinched my side, I gave a small sigh as he slipped me the tongue his arms wrapping around my waist. He pinched me again. "I love the sound of my prey." He purred into my ear. I sighed again blushing hard but as he continued to bite my neck I backed away.

"Okay yeah no, this isn't gonna work." I said still pink. He gave me an odd look flicking his black locks back. He gave me a cheeky smile with those damn fangs of his.

"What, I'm too demanding?" He joked trying to pull me into another kiss. I slapped his arm away glaring him down.

I sighed before speaking. "We're in a janitor's fucking closet Mike, and all you can think of is. 'I'm too demanding?" I hissed he bit his lip putting his hand on my shoulder.

He licked his fangs smiling at me. "The goths will destroy you if they found out." He whispered. I backed away again.

I kind of chuckled at my words. "Yeah and what am I gonna tell 'em, crazy Mike came up to me kissed me on the cheek then brang me to a fucking janitor's closet to make out?" He gave me a dull smile.

"I'm just saying we're screwed anyway you look at it." I scoffed. He pulled me into a hug then began to kiss down my neck again.

"A forbidden curse has been layed upon those of the damned, I'll be your Romeo, if you'll be my Juliet." He whispered. I blushed moving my (h/c) locks behind my ear. I sighed and nodded. I was screwed either way so hell, why not?

Mike let me leave the closet first he waited a couple of seconds before he left too. I rubbed my sore neck realizing Mike left me a present. I covered it with my hand walking back with the goths, the only people who truly understood me. I stood next to Firkle as we smoked cigarettes.

I was blushing as I looked to the sky just thinking of Mike, he was a special kind of conformist. "Do you want another smoke?" Michael asked. I blushed harder knowing he had caught me off guard. I nodded taking the cigarette, big mistake! I extended my right hand that had been covering my neck towards the cigarette.

"Who the fuck is that from?" Firkle shouted. I tried covering it but Michael forced my arm away. He squinted looking at it.

"Vamp teeth marks.... ____! The fuck!" He shouted. I looked down blushing harder. They surrounded me with anger.

"Who the hell is it!" Henrietta shouted. I looked away touching the hickey that lay on my neck.

Pete rolled his eyes flipping his hair. "It was fucking Mike wasn't it?" He asked dully. I looked down ashamed. "Every fucking time Mike just needs to have a girlfriend doesn't he?" He muttered.

"I guess we know what we need to do." They all nodded and again I was confused.

Mike immediately got out of his seat his smile fell as he saw the goths with me. I looked away awkwardly. He bit his lip as Michael stepped forward. "___, come to join us are we?" He smiled. I blushed backing away a little. Henrietta stood between me and the door. I gulped hard as Michael stared Mike down.

"She's not gonna be a fucking vamp kid!" Michael growled pulling me out from behind Henrietta. Mike quickly grabbed my arm pulling me closer.

Mike quickly smirked at the tall goth. "Better than living in a world you hate." Michael quickly tore me away from Mike.

"At least we don't believe in the Disney channel lies and think we can become a fucking vampire!" Mike turned red in the face wrapping his arms around me and taking me away from Michael and the goths.

"At least she won't get lung cancer when she's thirty because you made her smoke!" He shouted he layed his chin on my shoulder smirking.

Micheal stepped forward pulling me right out from under Mike. The goths were starting to get irritated. "We smoke to express pain! We smoke because we're not conformists!" He shouted. Mike rolled his eyes stepping forward and flipping him off. He grabbed my arm but Michael wouldn't let go.

"Don't give me that shit, Mr. 'I'll smoke because my friends smoke, mr.'I hate the world because my friends do.!'" I was about to squeal from pain because the two of them were tugging at my arms.

"At least we don't require you to dye your fucking hair! And wear douchey fangs!" He shouted. Mike let go and I almost rammed into Michael and the other goths. Michael immediately got up head to head with Mike.

"That's it Michael!" Mike hissed forcing more pressure against his forehead.

"Bring it on Makowski!" Michael shouted.

I couldn't handle it. I sighed pushing them away. "Stop it!" I shouted. I looked to both of them as they looked at me with odd expressions.

I sighed looking down as Mike wrapped his arms around me kissing me on the cheek I was about to blush when he spoke.

"Come on ___, with us you don't have to be this fake person you think you are." I gritted my teeth stepping away.

I looked to Michael who was grinding his teeth. "Look... You guys I really do like Mike..." I whispered. They scoffed about to call me a conformist when I stopped them.

"And if you can't accept that than you guys are the real conformists!" I shouted. Mike smirked bigger. The goths looked away.

"Oh my god... Guys I am not gonna be a conformist." Henrietta said. They all nodded. I gave a small dull smile then looked to Mike who was smirking at his victory.

I wanted to punch him in the face. "And you!" I shouted. He was taken back a bit. "What bullshit are you feeding me, who I think I am? Who the hell do you think you are!" I shouted. He looked down a bit.

"I am goth, suck it Makowski, or we're done!" His face turned dull.

He approached me hesitantly. "Perfect..." He whispered. My face fell and I knew I wanted to cry. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I kind of frowned. It never would for me.

"That's why I like you, I like different." He pulled me into a kiss . "a lot." I smiled kissing him back.

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