Stuck in these Ditches(Christophexreader)

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Christophe at the side. Dedicated to teenageryears (she deleted her account) for requesting Christophe. Oh and don't worry this is not ChristophexGregory, they just have a hate/love bromance XD Ok song is man in the box by alice in chains


Zey search for me, in ze darkest places ze filthiest dirtiest places in ze world. Zat's where scum like me belong, well at least zat's what zey zink. Ze mole is just a figure zey can't even zee what's right in front of zem. Zat a mere child could cause such damage. Of course I didn't care for doing zuch groutest zings but it fits ze bill. Burning a few places here and zere never knowing why I needed to do zis and I never wanted to know. Whatever Gregory told me to do, I did it unless mother grounded me for being hateful towards God. I sighed as I waited around ze corner smoking my cigarette. If I was found I'd be robbed or grounded... School didn't start for another half an hour. I enjoyed my last smoke as I decided to take a shower and meet with Gregory for brunch. We went to Yardale together, Gregory had transferred to South Park elementary for a short time, but moved back to Yardale. He claimed he only transferred to find more jobs for me but ze tears in his eyes and sleepless nights crying over Wendy Testa, something proved otherwise. I zighed as ze alarm went off. Time to get to school.

Mother always ordered me to maintain my 4.O grade average. For lowly scum I was more zan capable of zis. Ze Americans were zo slow with ze times. Zings I learned in second grade were being taught to me in fourth. I sighed sinking in ze chair as ze teacher chattered away about ze denominators and numerators. Nothing seemed to keep my attention spam. I looked around trying to find anything zat could keep me occupied for at least five seconds. "Class!" She smacked a meter stick on my desk I jolted up. Perhaps God wasn't ze biggest bitch of zem all. I looked up to where Gregory stood. He smiled at me nodding. I frowned. "We have a new student and Gregory would like to introduce her." She pointed to Gregory. I frowned again and Gregory began to speak.

"Fellows, classmates,.... Christophe. This is ___, my sister." My head slowly moved towards ze girl. She had dull (h/l) (h/c) hair. Her frown was exactly as Gregory's it was no wonder zey were related. She wore simple jeans and a T-shirt. It was obviously not applying to school dress code but she didn't seem to care. She didn't even face Gregory acknowledging his presence. She sat down next to me.

"Hi." She hissed. I immediately looked away. She pouted touching my hair. I gave her a face of disgust as I pried her hands away and ran my hand through my hair. She began to laugh and point at me. I frowned as I tried to pick ze pink gum out of my hair. "that's what happens when you ignore me, Christophe." She smirked. Zis was going to be a pain. After about an hour of class I began to leave ze campus.

Lighting a cigarette I was tackled. Being caught off guard I quickly swiped around. "Can I walk with you?" She whispered. I frowned as she gave a puppy face. "Please." She said slowly. I sighed motioning for her to walk with me. We walked in silence. Once in a while she'd stare with a smile. I wanted to smack zat stupid smirk off her face. It reminded me so much of damn Gregory. Ze boy responsible for all my pain. In return I'd glare. Gregory made me stuck, stuck in a hell worst tzan life.

I knocked on ze door to my home and saw she was still here. "What?" I hissed. She smiled once again. I glared but in response she kissed me on ze cheek skipping away. I glared once again. She didn't see it as I entered my house. A warm sensation rose to my face. A tickling in my stomach began to erupt. My breathing quickened. What was zis? Was I being possessed? I shook my head no, Gregory had a new job for me. Stealing a priceless necklace. Ze girl didn't live too far from here. A smirk formed as I realized ze money I would gain by cashing it in. I could've had it all to myself but Gregory made it clear zat if I betrayed him he'd kill me or worse, tell my mother.

Ze night engulfed ze sky. I strapped ze shovel on my back. I quickly shimmered down my window. I had to do zis quick. I raced towards ze house. I memorized ze address myself. I knew I would get caught if I broke a window so I forced it open with my shovel. I slowly tip toed across ze room. I lifted ze lid to her jewelry box immediately seeing a large diamond necklace. Gold aligned ze rims as a large sapphire glimmered in ze middle. I smiled stuffing it in my pocket. We were going to be rich.


Ze bell rang I was in my seat but ___ wasn't here. Gregory had a large smirk on his face. Probably from ze money we'd stashed. I didn't get my cut till next week. Zat way it wouldn't be too obvious. Ze door swung open. My eyes widened at ze girl. Her once beautiful (h/c) hair now in bungles and her shirt dirty. She was steaming mad as she scanned across ze room. Everyone gasped. Her eyes stopped at Gregory. "You!" She hissed. He smirked at her, winking. Zis made her angry. She ran at him tackling him. She lifted him by ze shirt.

"Ruthless, what's wrong sister?" He said innocently. She shook him with all her might.

"Where is it!" She screamed. My eyes widened. What could she possibly have lost? He smiled wider.

"What's wrong sister, miss your precious jewels already?" He smirked as she dropped him, her mouth open shocked. "You know the jewels that I should've inherited from grand mama?" Suddenly Gregory was getting defensive. His eyes turning red with rage. I'd only seen zat look once. Only when I had kept all ze profit to myself. ___, began to tear up.

"Children take this outside!" Our teacher shouted. ___ screamed in rage. She punched Gregory across ze face and tackled him. Zey were slapping and punching each other, but eventually zey fell out ze window. For some reason I rose to my feet following zem outside as zey continued to fight. I had no benefit to zis zan why, why did I feel zis sudden urge to watch. To know zat everything would be fine. I bit my lip as I found myself staring at zem. Sibling love, I never had zat nonetheless understood it.

"Uncle!" Gregory shouted. ___ got off him panting her knuckles red. She nodded, her hair in her round (e/c) eyes. I found myself staring as she stared down Gregory. My face was warm again.

"Where is my necklace Gregory!" She shouted. He smirked again. She formed her fist screaming. I quickly forced myself between zem. She ended up punching my back. I frowned as I looked at Gregory. She kept punching me and eventually exhausted herself collapsing on top of me. I fell to ze floor shocked. She still lay on top of me. She began to sob. "I just want my necklace back." She sobbed burying her head into my shirt. I tried to look away but I couldn't. I quickly slapped her.

"Look at me. Ze necklace is gone, now shut up." I growled. She gave me an odd look, wiping her tears.

"How do you know?" She sniffled. I rolled my eyes.

"I pawned it." I simply said. She began to punch me again. I felt nothing, just numb. What was zis? I bit my lip grabbing her shoulders. "Ztop it!" I hollered. She stopped her tears again.

"It's the only thing I have of grand mama." She whispered. My hands moved on their own as zey moved up wrapping zemselves around her.

"I'm... zorry." I whispered. She looked up shocked. I patted her on ze back looking down shameful for once. She smiled at me forcing me to look at her.

"Christophe... Please-" Again I had no control. My head leaned forward smashing into her lips. My cheeks turned red, and I stepped back.

"I don't need it anymore." She whispered. I looked away scoffing.

"Like I care..." I said frowning a bit. She smiled hugging me. I found it odd zat I didn't fight back.

"because I have you." She whispered. My hands wandered to my face. An odd substance excreting from my eyes.

"Tears?" I asked. She giggled tackling me into another kiss. I was trapped, why did I bother if I was trapped, zen why bother making connections with others. I sighed not realizing how desperately I desired such communications. If I was stuck, wouldn't it be better if I had someone with me, stuck together. I frowned.

"I love you Christophe. I wrapped my hands around her kissing her once again.

"Me too."

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