*LEMON* The Want(Kylexreader)

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Dedicated to PurpleWynter for requesting this KYLEXREADER LEMON. song is I'm Yours by Jason Marz. :) 

"Okay how 'bout this one... How would you feel afterwards?" I asked looking down at the pages. Kyle smirked chuckling.

"I don't know satisfied?" He said laughing harder now. I hit him with the teen magazine.

"KYLE!" I squealed. He covered his head as I repeatedly hit him.

"What I'm sorry, this is just ridiculous!" He shouted. I rolled my eyes hitting him again.

"This is the only way I'll be able to know if I'm ready!" I shouted sitting in his lap. I looked up at him with puppy eyes begging that we could continue the survey.

He softly pushed me aside. "Come on, ___ it's stupid to decide if you're ready for sex by a stupid teen magazine." He whispered. I blushed sitting back on my bed. I sighed tossing the junk on my bed.

"Don't say the 'ex' word." I sighed burying my face into my pillow. I could feel him smirk as he hovered over me.

"You're the one who brought it up, come on... Sex." He whispered. It sent a chill down my back as I looked at his green eyes. I shoved him away playfully.

"I said don't say it! The word makes me all..." He smirked bigger now as I got off the bed.

He coughed in between words. "Uh, excited?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes, grabbing the magazine and walking towards the trashcan. His hand lay on my shoulder as he brought me into his chest.

Kyle P.O.V

I shoved her against the wall trapping her between my arms."What are you going to do now, Kyle?" She teased. I stared into her eyes debating how far I should take this. ___ wrapped her delicate arms around my neck and brought me in for a kiss. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. My arms traveled down her body landing on her waist as her hands played with the ends of my hair.

"Kyle." She breathed out once oxygen forced us to break away. The look in her eye read only one thing, want. I couldn't say that I didn't want it.

"Shh, trust me." I whispered. She gave me a reassuring smile and pulled me in for another heated kiss.

I pushed her closer to the wall and started grinding against her core. She moaned into the kiss as my rhythmic movements excited her down there. I lifted one of her legs to wrap around my waist and she lifted the other one. The only support keeping her from falling was the wall. Oxygen again broke our kiss but my lips moved to the exposed skin of her neck and I placed small quick kisses trailing down to her collarbone.

She continued to tease my hair and I decided that it was time to move the fun to the bed. I pushed her off the wall and laid her down on the mattress. I straddled her hips, keeping her under me. ___ let go of my neck and moved her hands to the hem of my shirt. I smirked at her eagerness and moved her hand to her side. After, I lifted her shirt exposing the smooth skin of her stomach. Slowly, I placed light kisses trailing up her body. She squirmed under my touch but did nothing to stop me. I got to the brim of her bra and looked up to see ___'s face.

"I'm gonna need to take this off. Are you sure you want to continue? I could stop." I asked.

___ sat up, looked me in the eye, and gave me a kiss on the lips before quickly pulling away. "Kyle, I want you to be my first because I love you."

I stared at her, lost for words at the moment. After the shock, I pressed my forehead against her's and took her hands in my own. "I love you too."

After the sentimental moment, she discarded her shirt and bra leaving them somewhere in the room. She was beautiful only getting me harder.

I cupped one of her breast, massaging it and teasing the bud while I latched onto the other with my mouth. ___ moaned as pleasure began to flood her body. I continued these actions until she started grinding against me. I guess I was ignoring her lower region for too long.

I scooted back on the bed to give myself enough room to have my fun. My hand hovered over the top of her pants. Before I pulled them down, I glanced one more time towards ___. She had her wrist over her mouth, probably overcome with emotion and lust. She was my everything and I couldn't think of a better way to express my love for her. I lowered her panties along with her pants only to see the piece of fabric was slightly wet.

"You're too easily excited, ____." I teased discarded the article of clothing to the floor.

"Sh-shut up." She stuttered and I chuckled.

My face lowered to her core and flicked her clit with my tongue. She writhed from the pleasure and more moans escaped her lips. One of my fingers entered and my finger slowly thrusted into her. After she was comfortable with the one, I added a second one. She moaned as I picked up the speed. Her back arched and I could tell that if I continued at the speed I was going, she would climax. I stopped and pulled taking note of how wet ___ had gotten.

"Kyle!" She whined. I smirked at how cute she could be.

"__, be patient, it's getting to the good part." I said, the smirk never leaving from my face.

I reached for the condom I had in my pocket and held it in my mouth as I dropped my pants. ___ stared at me glancing between my face and my little buddy.

"That's supposed to go inside?" She asked eyes wide. I can't lie, that made my ego skyrocket.

I leaned towards her and gave her a comforting kiss. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

I put the condom on and neared her core. I entered her with caution because, from what Kenny said, the first time is usually rough for girls. ___ winced from pain as my member stretched her walls. After I was all in, I paused before continuing. She adjusted to my length and gave me a nod when she was ready. Before I started, I took ___'s ankles and place them over my shoulders. I pulled out slowly only to thrust into her. She screamed from pain and I got worried, but I knew she was alright.

I started out slow and slowly picked up the speed. I thought of her pleasure rather than mine. The sound of skin slapping against each other filled the room along with her moans and my grunts.

"Kyle, I think I'm gonna," ___ started only to be interrupted by her own orgasm. I wasn't there yet but I was close. I started to thrust in and out of her faster and moments later I came too.

After my orgasm passed, I threw away the used condom in the trashcan with that crappy magazine. I plopped myself onto the bed, exhausted from the events seconds earlier. ___sighed and nuzzled herself into my chest.

I looked to her as she closed her eyes burying her face into my chest. "Glad I was your first?" I whispered. She didn't respond but simply looked into my green eyes. I leaned forward planting a soft kiss on her lips.

"So how do you feel after?" She teased. I smiled at her red face kissing her once more.

"Satisfied?" I shrugged getting an immediate playful slap from ___. "Love you too."

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