How to Save a Life(Humankitexreader)

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Dedicated to striderfan for requesting humankitexreader. Song is someone to save you by one republic.  Human kite at the side :)


I stared out of the window, watching the millions of snowflakes fall from the sky. A sigh passed through my lips and I turned away from the familiar sight to glare at the babysitter.

It baffled me the amount of trust my parents had I had been so excited about staying home alone while the two left for Hawaii but my dreams were crushed when a strange 16 year old stood on our porch. Both of my eyes widened when Iopened the door that acted as a barrier between the two of us.

He said his name was Kyle, and was here to babysit a kid. Boy was he confused when my 14 year old self opened the door. After everything was cleared up, he simply sat on the couch doing nothing but reading a book. It irritated me, there was no reason for my parents to pay for this guy to watch me. He wasn't doing anything but sitting on his ass.

I let out a frustrated groan, but that didn't tear his gaze from his book. "Kyle," I called finally gaining the teen's attention. "Why are you doing this?" I questioned.

The red head stared at me for a while before turning back to his book. "I need the money."

"But why this time of year, shouldn't you be with your family?" You asked.

"My family went to New Jersey for the holidays." He answered keeping his gaze on whatever he was reading.

"Why didn't you go with them?" I gave him a confused stare, even though he didn't look at me. If anything, Kyle didn't seem like the type to ditch his familty.

He lowered his book and blankly stared at the pages. I was about to frantically apologize but right after he snapped back to reality. "It's a Jersey thing."

I was going to question him further but the horrified look on his face told me not to. "Whatever." I murmured before stomping towards your room.

Deep down, I knew he wasn't to blame for any of this. He was just doing what my parents paid him to do, but the embarassment of having a sitter at 14 was too much. My mind wandered to all the bullying I would recieve if anyone found out. The thought terrified me. On top of everything else going on in my life, constantly getting picked on was not one of them.

I leaned against our door and slid towards the ground. I felt comfortable on the floor, balled up in the comfort of my own arms, all by myself. At least, that's what I kept telling myself. I didn't cry, I didn't do anything. Staying in that ball was enough to keep me from breaking down.

Kyle P.O.V

I cracked the door open. ___ was crawled up into a ball. I immediately closed the door. I had to do something. I had to save her, from herself. Kyle couldn't do this though, but I knew who could.

The sun was setting as I climbed up the pipe to ___'s room. I slid the window up. "___, wake up..." I whispered. Her eyes popped open dry from tears.

 She backed away falling off her bed. "Who the hell are you?" She said shocked. I smirked as I sat next to her. 

"Someone told me you were afraid of heights." I whispered. She rolled her eyes looking away blushing of embarassement. She nodded.

I grabbed her hand trying to seem sensitive. "You don't have to be." She looked down sighing. 

"Because I'm here, and I'm not leaving." She inched closer to me her hot breath tickling my lips.

"Thank you Kyle." She whispered smashing her lips against mine.

I had someone to save me. Someone who wouldn't leave me. I smiled as he rolled a draddle on the floor. I loved my super hero.

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