Guns and Roses(Protective Craigxshy reader)

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Dedicated to Tweekchan for requesting this protective craigxshy reader and song is my obssession by skillet.

The brunette ran across the streets hoping to God he wouldn't have to use his damn weapon. They were too damn loud. The hoods were being active lately and as the leader it was his job to scan his side of the town. Now that the super hero personas had stopped appearing the real villains started crawling the streets, The hoods his rival gang since he was dismissed from school and kicked out of home. He had to admit though the only thing he missed was his little sister and pet guinea pig Stripe.

In the midst of all his running he had become so filled with adrenaline that he hadn't heard it. His body turned numb. The pitter patter of feet. Jumping like a rabbit he sped behind a nearby brick wall. 

He could feel his heart thump louder as his chest rose taking in quiet breaths. Death, it was something he knew was his fate as soon as he came across one of them. As the leader he was obviously a target. He had already lost three friends to death and he was sure he was next. The silhouette jumped back and he forced himself out from hiding.

"Stop!" Craig was filled with relief and slowly relaxed his tensed shoulders. Her (h/c) locks dangling down.

"_____, fuck. I almost killed you!" He scolded relieved but mad. She smiled softly hugging him.

His chest warmly against her face. "The hoods are looking for you... They won't stop." She began to cry and his eyes closed for a moment.

"_____, you have to leave. Jero is your big brother if he sees me with you he'll kill us both." He laughed which for a second stopped her tears. Her (e/c) eyes stared at his blue ones as he stared down at her. "Please, go back, I'm here ain't I? I won't let anything happen to any of us." He hugged her tighter but they were interrupted.

"Hm, look what we got here?" The low voice came baring towards them and Craig looked up with a dull look letting go of ___. A smile broke onto the new arrival's face. "___! Long time no see!" He screamed moving the black locks out of view from his eyes. ___ quickly ran into his arms as more of Craig's gang appeared.

"Token!" She yelled. Craig sighed annoyed that his friends had ruined his moment with his precious ____. He bit his lip forcing himself between his friends and ____. Tweek let out a quick yelp and Jimmy stepped back from her adjusting his crutch.

"You guys, don't forget the Hoods are always circling the town, ____ was just leaving. anyway we can't afford for her to stay here." A sigh escaped her mouth as she nodded and planted a soft kiss on Craig's mouth.

"I'll see what Jero's thinking about and see if I can relay a message but in the meantime, just don't get yourself killed." He simply tossed his hand in the air for a good bye.

Jero P.O.V

I scoffed as I entered the run down studio I shared with ___ and mom I had to admit things felt a little warm now that I had a little to drink. She was always working and only God knows where ____ was. I couldn't keep track of a brat like that but I had to; it was my big brother duties. Luckily today she was actually home. She sat on our small couch that was barely three feet high. I scoffed as she looked up with a smile. "Someone looks fucking happy what's up?" I began with my raspy voice She sighed brushing off my swears. I used them in almost every sentence.

"Nothing, just a beautiful day I guess..." I immediately scoffed at her.

"Yeah it'll be a beautiful once those damn Parker boyz are gone." She looked down almost whispering.

Craig P.O.V

The air felt thick around this part of town. I should've been used to it but I wasn't. The feeling went away when I saw them. Familiarity brought me calmness. "What's this all about?" I looked around and the guys were all avoiding eye contact with me. "Dudes, I'm here at the busted playground just like you wanted now spill it what is this whole meeting crap about?" 

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