I'll Kill her if I Have to (AngelreaderxDamien)

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I really love this storyline... I might make this into a book later if I come up with a plot. Whoa this came out longer than I intended but oh well! I wrote this for fun cuz I thought it was a fun idea. Damien up here, I didn't draw it. Song is Angel by Theory of a Deadman.

I looked around the halls of our depressing school. Every gloomy morning I'd usually be greeted with a big smile from my only friend at this dump... Where was Pip? As I looked around my eyes locked onto an annoying short girl with brown eyes. She frowned towards me. "Something wrong?"  I bit my lip at her usual hostile voice. 

"Have you seen Pip?" She smirked a little looking towards the cafeteria.

"He's been hanging out with the new girl, she's real pretty. Every guy likes her. I think he's gonna ask her out. Why; you don't like that, demon?" I rolled my eyes at the teasing in her voice now. No one believed me when I told them that I was Satan's son, even those who witnessed my powers. Not even the boy who I had turned into a duckbill platypus. I sighed annoyed, only Pip had believed me and I was sure it was more because he was trying to be kind than it was that he actually believed me. 

"Thanks." I said between gritted teeth towards the brunette. She gave me the biggest fake smile as I walked away.

"You're welcome demon- I mean Damien!" 

"Go to hell Criss." I didn't wait for a response as I walked into the cafeteria. The doors closed behind me and I immediately saw Pip sitting next to a girl with beautiful glowing (h/c) hair and and smooth angelic (e/c) eyes. The sight of her took my breath away, and I literally almost died(no joke). Only my hand grasping onto my rosary, an upside down cross for the God I worship,  kept my life force attached to my vessel. I shook my head when I caught my breath.  A demon? No, a demon wouldn't try to kill me with its presence, I was the prince of hell... I bit my lip in rage at the only other possibility, an angel. No wonder every boy at school was in love with her, angels had that capability especially since they weren't human.

I ran towards them and forced Pip out of his seat. "We're leaving." I hissed. He looked at me oddly and the angel gave me a sweet sickening smile, that made my stomach turn.

"What's the hurry? We were just chatting would you care to join us?" I shot a glare to Pip but he clapped his hands in joy.

"Oh, please do! ____ and I were just talking about our travels. I'm sure you'd love to hear about it!"  Before I could say no Pip forced me to sit.

I gave ___ a glare and she put a hand on mine. It burned my skin to say the least. I gave her a calm look, but in reality it felt like every layer of my skin was peeling off. Ten minutes into Pip and ___'s conversation I just couldn't hold it back anymore.

"What are you doing here servant of God?" I hissed. She gave me a small frown and Pip looked at us confused. He glanced between the both of us for a few seconds and when ___ didn't rebuke my statement he gulped hard.

"I can't tell a lie, demon... You've made that point clear." I smiled at the obvious flaw in her mechanics. 

"Then stop evading my question, why are you here? Go, back with the mormons!" She quickly stood to her feet.

"That rule's been revoked for years now!" I smiled at how riled up she was. She looked around at the curious eyes on her and coughed, she patted her mouth with a napkin gently and sat down. "I've come for Pip." At her statement I glared at Pip expecting an answer and he almost jumped out of his skin. ___ laughed. "Don't look at him. I haven't even told him yet." I dulled my eyes at her. 

"Told me what?" He demanded. I sighed leaning back in my chair. I hadn't wanted to tell Pip about his past, about how he had died and, me being so lonely in this hell brought him back to life. It would make me look vulnerable, not to mention pathetic. The way Pip and every other mortal saw it, Pip never died from being squashed by Mecha-Streisand. The angel smiled at my unsure expression.

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