Leave Me Alone, Damn it (CraigxVampire reader)

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Dedicated xZosiax for requesting this Craigxvampire reader song is I will posses your heart by death cab for cutie.

I kept my distance when it came to school. I really didn't like anyone at this school I especially hated the goths and the vamp kids who dressed in all black to express themselves. I almost laughed at the thought, all they were expressing was that they were messed up kids. I dressed in a slightly similar way but only to cover the fact that my skin was so much lighter than others. The clothes casted a shadow over my face so I looked slightly darker than I actually was.

I sighed watching the other kids run. I lied to the teacher about a stomach ache and now I was watching from the bleachers as they raced. Competition wasn't good for me especially when it came to physical stuff. When I got pumped up and competitive I needed to WIN! Like really but I couldn't restrain my true speed when I was asked to a race and I knew I couldn't risk blowing my cover. If people found out I was... Special, then they'd try killing me or putting me into exile.

The boy's began to run and I watched quietly. I knew the boys their names were Kyle, Kenny, Craig, Token, Clyde, and Stan. I could sit here naming all of them but I really didn't care for any of them that much. Something that I always found funny about mortals especially when it came to competition, they were almost like me, in the sense that they didn't like to lose. Even Jimmy who always took forever to make one lap gave it his all to show the others he wasn't one to look down upon on. The guy who always won though was Craig. I watched enough of these stupid races to know that he won every one of them.  

I leaned back in the bleachers enjoying the race as the boys cursed at each other and tried catching up to each other. Unlike other times though, Clyde was neck in neck with Craig. I smiled a little at Craig's surprised look. For once he was gonna lose. I was all for the guy to lose but unexpectantly Clyde kicked the guy in the ankles and sent him stumbling down. "Fuck." He muttered. Clyde gave a loud obnoxious laugh and ran for the finish. 

I looked back to Craig who was holding his knee. I wondered what he was whining about now but then I realized he was bleeding. I smiled as the smell hit me. It was a sweet and tangy smell and I couldn't help but lick my lips, I didn't realize that I was staring at him though. Only when he moved from his spot did I realize ho intoxicated I was with him, that boy needed to be mine.

After P.E I followed Craig to his locker. "HEY!" He jumped back slamming his locker door shut.

"Uh... Hi..." He began and gave me a confused look. I put on my best smile and shrugged off how confused he was towards me.

"I'm ____... I saw you fall pretty bad in P.E... I was just wondering..." He turned away from me and I realized he was blushing and gritting his teeth.

He gave an annoyed sigh before speaking. "My asshole friend tripped me because he made a bet that if I lost the race a girl named Bebe Stevens would have to give him a second chance or something... It's fucking annoying." I nodded as if I understood but really I was blocking him out my mind was fixated on blood, the smell of his... I hadn't eaten in so long. Craig's eyes locked onto mine and he smirked slapping his bandage. He winced for a split second but it disappeared. "Don't worry about it, see it doesn't hurt." He smiled. I stepped forward planting a soft kiss on his cheek. 

"That's great to hear." I smiled licking my fangs and for a moment I was ready to show him, to show him the ultimate act of love, to murder him, but before I could he stepped back and gave me an odd look. 

"I... I.. Have to go."  I nodded and just like that he disappeared. I smiled knowing I couldn't wait, I wasn't one to be patient, but for today I could leave him alone.


Craig P.O.V

I was pretty sure I was hallucinating yesterday. When that girl kissed me? Was that even real? After her lips left my cheek she had razor sharp fangs and red eyes. I shuddered at the thought. I really hoped not.

They were serving spicy chicken sandwiches for lunch. When I finally got my lunch and drink I sat down with my usual group of friends this time though ___ was here too. I bit my lip at her presence. I couldn't get the image of her fangs and red eyes out of my head. She smiled at me and for a split second I saw her red eyes again. I looked down to my food and began to eat. "Hi Craig." She whispered. I nodded. I felt her hand snake towards mine under the table and my head shot up. 

"Uh..." She smiled at me and I frowned. Not wanting to make a scene I just had to pretend like she wasn't here. She didn't stop at my hand though. Her hand slowly snaked down to my thigh. I quickly jumped up. "Okay STOP!" I screamed. The guys gave me an odd look. I bit my lip but kept my gaze on ___. "Leave me the fuck alone!" I hollered flipping her off. I expected her to be mad or sad but she simply laughed getting up and tossing her tray of food in the trash untouched.

Later that night the guys and I planned on seeing a movie but apparently things came up and now I was wondering the streets of South Park alone. I was trying to figure out what to do with my fifteen dollars dad so graciously gave to me. I expected twenty but dad was greedy. I walked along the cold dark streets annoyed that my friends had bailed on me but still I couldn't bring myself to go back home. Dad made fun of me for scrapping my knee which was stupid on both our parts.  Finally tired of the stinging sensation of my knee I decided to sit down on a nearby park bench. I was gonna play a dumb app on my phone when I heard a sweet harsh whisper.

"I'm done waiting Craig." She almost laughed. I looked up dully. "Come on, show me your true colors." I looked around trying to see where the voice was coming from but before I could find its location a shadow leapt out towards me pinning my shoulders to the bench. She was inches away from me. I dulled my eyes but I couldn't help my body from shaking, I knew what she was, and I didn't like it.

"____..." She smiled at my voice.

"Craig... I like you, you get me... But, I feel like there's something between us you know?" I gulped hard nodding slowly. "Some people would say it's the fact that we barely know each other... But you know what I think is between me and you?" I shook my head. "Your flesh..." I closed my eyes not being able to look her straight in her glowing red eyes. "I love you Craig... I really do... But... If you don't like me I think there's only one thing that I can do..." I felt her hand snake to my hand again and I turned red again. Amongst all the fear I felt I couldn't help but feel a flutter of anxiety, and maybe even... I shook my head as I felt my sweaty palms. I remembered the kiss she gave me and I felt my heart thump louder. When I snapped back to reality ___ plopped herself onto my lap. "SO, what do you say Craig? I'm tired of waiting?" I blushed leaning forward and planting a soft kiss on her lips.

"I... uh, love you too ____." She smiled even wider and planted a soft kiss on my neck before digging her  teeth into me. I winced but when she looked at me again she had a face of lust.

"Now, everyone will know that you're mine."

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