O.C Run Away(Craig)

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OK this is for greywolfclaws Robin Strait is her O.C I'm taking requests like this if you want a personal O.C xSP character. Inbox or comment whatever you feel like. But give me a story line or else I won't accept it. (give me at least something to work with)


I was running as fast as I possibly could. I wanted to find some shelter before the rain would start pouring. I was officially disowned by my parents. I guess they were tired of my big mouth, my tendency to flip people off and giving dad's beer to my friends. Now I was alone running try to beat the rain on the lonely dark night. I didn't want to be jumped or found by the cops. I didn't want to be in some bratty foster home. The thing that kept echoing in my head was 'you're alone. Where were all those friends I talked about? Well here's the thing. They weren't actually friends they just used me for the booze and I promptly fell for it. I rolled my eyes still running for basically my life. I had been running for hours now. My parents lived in Greenley a damp dead town and I had already passed North Park and Connaford. I didn't know what town was coming up next.

My head thrust back as I groaned in pain. I was going to curse the fucker out when my eyes locked on his blue ones. "Watch where you're-" He rolled his eyes taking a breather. "Sorry about that." He said in between gritted teeth. I scanned him up and down realizing we shared the same sense in style. We both wore chullo hats except mine was a dark grey with a white puff ball whereas his was blue and yellow. He rubbed his neck nervously. "where you headed?" I eyed him suspiciously as he gave me a clear fake smile. "No where. Anywhere. Why do you care?" I hissed. He forced another smile. "Want a place to stay?" He asked. I crossed my arms shaking my head. I covered my head with my jacket. "I'm fine!" I screamed. Slow droplets began to come down first slowly then harder. It began pouring. He opened his umbrella covering me with it. "Come on weirdo you need some sleep." The mysterious kid said. He grabbed my arm forcing me towards him.

"Ma I brought a friend to sleep over!" He hollered as he slammed the door. "Craig I told you to call in advance it's passed midnight!" She screamed. He held his finger up flipping her off. I kind of smiled because she couldn't see it. He rolled his eyes showing me the guest room. I tried opposing when he smacked me with a pillow and blanket. "Get some sleep ma's gonna want you to go to school tomorrow." I gave him a strange look but decided to get ready for bed instead.

Two blows to the head startled me awake. I looked up to see Craig looming over me. He was armed with a pillow. "Get ready for school ma says it's the only way you can stay." He left the room slamming the door.

Twenty minutes after being awoken I was ready. I looked in the mirror remembering my final touch. I put my chullo hat on covering the blue streak in my hair. I was made fun of for it in my last school I wasn't gonna get made fun of this time. I straightened my blue jacket and left the room hoping to mooch off the Tucker family. I wanted breakfast.

"Hey guys this is my friend.... Uh..." Craig looked at me trying to remember my name. "Robin. Remember that Tucker." I sighed. He faced his friends again."Yeah this is Robin Strait?" I nodded scanning his group. Craig was the only one wearing a hat. One of them was black, another had blonde hair and stuttered. One was a jock looking brunette, and the other was on crutches. "She your sister Craig?" The jock looking one asked. Craig opened his mouth to speak when someone came up to me from the back. "No, Clyde she's too ugly to be Craig's sister I mean look at that stupid hat!" She mocked poking me in the forehead. She was blonde with curly hair. I turned around punching her in her stupid face. The day went on like this. I was being made fun of for my hat. It was annoying but I only hit the blonde girl. I couldn't get suspended that would draw attention to myself that was the last thing I wanted.

When school was over I dropped my bag in the guest room exploring the house. I wanted to be nowhere near Craig. It was his fault I was being made fun of. After exploring each room in the house I decided to go down to the basement. I quickly swallowed any fear and dived in. The basement was an ordinary one. Just old boxes of clothes and such. Even old exercise equipment. After looking through some boxes I wandered back to the sport equipment. My rage had to be released in some way. I began to punch random things trying to get my anger to die down. I punched several things and once my fist started to hurt I discovered a punching bag. I spent the rest of the night punching that damn thing. I was gonna survive all this.

The next morning I decided to leave the hat home. I straightened my jacket again leaving the room. Craig gave me a shocked look but I flipped him off moving on. I quickly ate breakfast and raced Craig to the bus stop.

I was wrong plain and simple. When I walked through the door the brunette jock fuzzed up my hair. "Why you so.. BLUE!" He screamed bursting out in laughter. I questioned him for a second then realized my blue streak was showing. I gritted my teeth punching him in the face. He held his nose as it bled and Craig flipped me off. "Cool..." He whispered. I shrugged it off going to class.

People just whispered in class. No one came up to me about the strange blue streak in my hair. It was annoying but at least I didn't have to punch anyone. Someone tapped me on the shoulder passing me a note. I read the note in my head.

I hate the blue streak in your hair, freak.

I crumbled the paper getting up. I looked around as they stared at me. "Who wrote this!" I screamed. I saw a fat boy snickering then bursting out in laughter. The teacher approached me slowly. "Robin are you passing notes!" I glared at him flipping him off. His eyes widened. "Detention!" He screamed red in the face.

I sat down looking around the room. Detention couldn't be that bad. I was a rebel I always got detention this was nothing new. I scanned the room seeing Craig. He was bored tapping his pencil against the desk.

"You are in detention m'kay! You will be quiet and do your homework... M'kay? Craig!" Craig rolled his eyes. Mr. Mackey sat down reading a book. In a matter of five minutes he knocked out. Craig got out of his chair sneaking behind Mr. Mackey. He slowly grabbed his glasses. "M'kay!" Craig mocked pushing Mr. Mackey's glasses up. I snickered as he slapped a ruler against Mr. Mackey's desk. "Craig m'kay!" He mouthed as Mr. Mackey stirred around. Craig was more cautious now but he grabbed a permanent marker writing on our counselor's face. "Craig rules." He wrote. I giggled again but this time Mr. Mackey woke up. "What are you laughing at? M'kay." Mr Mackey screamed. I laughed as Craig mocked him in the background. Maybe Tucker wasn't so bad after all. The rest of detention Craig and I passed notes. We mostly talked about how pro he was at torturing teachers. It was hilarious. I was pretty bummed when the bell rang and we were free from our prison. I knew it, I was in love with Craig and I didn't want any drama so I was gonna tell him at his house.

We walked into the house and Craig was about to walk up the stairs when I stopped him. He gave me an odd look. "Can we talk?" I asked already walking to the living room couch. He shrugged his shoulder and took a seat next to me. My heart fluttered as he looked at me. I blushed not being able to hold it in. He kept giving me a skeptical look. I grabbed his hands warming them up. "I love you Craig...." I said kissing him on the cheek. He turned bright red smiling. "Really, well I love... you too..." He said pulling me into a deep kiss.

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