O.C Our Way With Words(Kyle)

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Okay Yumi is KatherineTheKiller's O.C. Dedicated to her for requested this O.CxKyle. You can request one shots like this but just ask the people who've requested them. They take a LONG time for me to get updated. So patience if you do  Song is Little me by Little Mix

I was running to class. If I was late one more time my teacher was going to give me a week's worth of detention. I sighed as I passed SodaSoPa, so much had changed in the past year. I looked down ashamed of my next thoughts. A part of me didn't want South Park to become a progressive accepting community. The town was getting larger and we were expanding, Stark's Pond was covered up, everything I knew was changing and it was thanks to the people who were moving here. I shook my head trying to get the thoughts out of my head, I couldn't become so close-minded like fat ass all I could do right now was run to class before the bell rang. As I ran around the corner so close to victory I bumped into someone.

I immediately fell but got up just as fast. I muttered a swear as I saw her, she wasn't someone I knew and it bothered me that, that fact bothered me, tourists should stay tourists but people like her were moving here. It took me a second to realize she had her head bowed and muttered something herself. "Gomen'nasai." I gave her a genuine confused look.

"Uh.... sorry I only speak English." I tried my hardest not to sound like a racist redneck but even I had to admit it's the only thing I sounded like. She looked up and I couldn't stop my next words. "Cool!" I pointed at her eyes one green and one brown and I immediately covered my mouth seeing how rude I came off as.

"Oh, um... I'm sorry." She corrected herself and quickly ran into the school. I shrugged my shoulders and disappeared into my own classroom.

I didn't think much of the girl I saw when I came into the school until about lunch time. I saw the girls around her and Craig watching a few feet away. I sighed knowing the exact reason for this. The girls in Heidi's little gang pushed the asian girl I had met earlier on the ground. Heidi snickered and Craig gave a big smirk behind her. "That's what you get for making me believe I was gay for three years!" He yelled. I cringed at his stupidity.

"What gives you people the right to mess with my boyfriend?" The girl with the exotic eyes got up again and Heidi immediately pushed her back down as the girls around her and Craig laughed. "Besides I think your English needs a little work, it'll help if you stay down."

"I can't believe you showed your face in this town, you should be dead... BUT, I'm feeling nice today. Be grateful.... Yumi right?" Craig stepped forward placing his hand on her chin and lifting her head so they locked eyes. "This is the only warning your getting freak, alright. Stay away from my boys and my school." He roughly pushed her away and laughed walking away as the girls dispersed and the girl I had only known for a few seconds remained on the floor. I didn't know why I stuck around maybe it was because I really hated Craig and I really hated bullying or maybe I just wanted to make sure she was alright.

Seconds after Craig disappeared she got up and slowly walked to the back door of the school. She kept her black hair in her face and I knew she was crying but I didn't dare to follow her, I was shocked maybe but I was definitely paralyzed.

Yumi P.O.V

I looked down at my wrists once I sat down behind the school. I was a little anxious about doing this out here instead of in the bathroom where I usually did, but those girls were sure to be there. I grabbed the razor from my sport's bag and slowly lined up and down my wrists. I had the urge to keep the blood from dripping but soon I couldn't control it. I looked at the sky wondering why I had come to this stupid town in the first place I was happy where I was in the first place. Sure Tokyo was crowded and expensive but it was home. Now I was stuck with rednecks of an "accepting" culture. Dad said it would be a learning experience but all I had learned so far was that skin tone does matter. I sighed as I clutched my wrists tears streaming down my cheeks. I heard a scream followed by a football and immediately rolled my eyes. "It went where!" I looked up as a brunette appeared.

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