Identity Crisis(Pipxreader)

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pip at the side anime style. I don't own it! Dedicated to creepy riana MID for requesting him. Song is Gotta be somebody by Nickelback


I entered the school as usual it was quiet. It wasn't until around noon did students begin to gossip amongst each other. I tried getting close but was always pushed away. All I was able to hear was rumor that a new student was coming.

"From Britain?" I heard Butters shout. Everyone around him nodded. "Woah! We're finally gonna have a kid from Britain." I quickly squeezed myself between them. 

"Why fellows,I'm straight from Britain." I cooed. I was ready to be praised when Cartman punched me in the shoulder. 

"Shut up you french piece of crap." He shouted. I cringed rubbing my shoulder. That hurt. I sighed taking a seat in class. Now, I was finally going to meet this new student.  The bell rang and everyone around me took their seats

Our teacher gained all our attention by slapping a ruler on the board. "Class we have a new student! Uh...." A girl with (h/c) hair stepped forward. She pouted interrupting our teacher. 

"___, I come from Britain, it's ace! I'm a bit aggro that you've forgotten my name already Mr. Clement." He gave a small frown at her. I raised an eyebrow at her slang. She was what all this fuss was about. I sighed staring at the barbaric children that tried catching her attention.

"Hey, ___! Sit with me!" One hollered. "No me!" Another screamed. "So is summer longer in Britain!" "___, are your clothes straight from Britain!" Red screamed. I rolled my eyes looking  back to my  book.

She ended up sitting next to Clyde and Token. I decided to pay no attention to her. The class continued to dart questions at her.

"Finally we have someone from Britain I mean France is so lame!" Bebe shouted winking towards __. She gave a confused smile as I frowned once again. I was neither lame or French! I only survived class because I fell asleep. 

I was forced awake by a forceful hand. Our teacher shook me awake, death in his eyes. He wasn't too pleased with me. I smiled wiping the drool off my mouth. I walked slowly as the bell rang. I was going to throw myself onto my bed and let my foster parents worry. A gentle tap of the shoulder made me snap. I turned around biting my lip. "What is it!" I hollered. The girl looked away from me a little saddened. I felt a short sense of guilt.

"I heard through the grape vine that... Bloody hell... That you came from France?" She whispered. I repressed the urge to scream.

"Those arseholes." I muttered not even aware of my own words. "I'm from London you wit." She smiled softly. 

"No need to swear..." She whispered a tear leaving her beautiful (e/c) eyes. I felt even more pain now. 

I formed a fist, gritting my teeth. "Deepest apologies, I just think, I was quite jealous that.... That you gained such immediate attention and friends while I... I'm just the stupid French boy." She looked away flustered a bit.

After a moment of silence she looked up at me angered. Her hands in fists. "How dare you!" She screamed. I took a step back in total shock.

"I, I don't know why all of a sudden-" Her hand interrupted me as she slapped me across the face. Tears rolled down my cheek. She was breathing hard, hunched over tears running down her cheek.

"You think I like being referred to as the British girl! Those berks don't even know my name!" She screamed shaking her head. I bit my lip feeling sudden stupidity and guilt overwhelm me. "How is that such a blessing. Being surrounded by arse holes and berks! It's a curse, I'm just a label to them." She began to sob. "I want a friend... A real one, I can't help being British! I thought race wouldn't matter." Her knees buckled. I slowly approached her as she  looked away wiping her tears.

"___, I didn't-" She began to crawl away. It didn't phase me, I knew I had hurt her and now she wanted nothing to do with me. As she was cornered I knelt down my blonde hair sticking out of my hat. I smiled grabbing her hand.

"Shall we then?" I whispered. She blushed  looking away. 

"What do you mean..." She asked quiet. I sat down with her smiling. She frowned bigger now. I kept my smile.

"Shall we leave, be our own British selves." I cooed. She quickly punched me in the stomach. I sighed trying not to croak. It hurt a bit but not as much as she anticipated. Tears ran down faster now. "__, I only meant it by show them we're individuals. Maybe together it won't be as difficult." I whispered. She rose to her feet a small smile on her face. After some silence she took my hand.

"Thank you... Pip." 

Reader P.O.V

What a nuisance. Pip dragged me all over the mall place. Even though he said express our British side all we were doing was watching movies, scoffing down hamburgers, and shopping for things we clearly didn't need. I expected more of a cup of tea or something. Pip was running and I followed as he ran into a GamesRus. I sighed knowing I wasn't much of a gamer.

He dragged me to play Assassin's Creed with him which was confusing. I didn't know the controls and I didn't know how to play. It lasted five minutes before we were kicked out for our browsing. We walked in silence again. Every so often he'd flash me a smile. After about five minutes of his odd stares we sat down at the cafeteria. As he brought a tray of food I decided to confront him.

"What's the meaning of this?" I sighed. He smiled bigger now.

"You didn't want to think about your origins, so what better way than to shower you with the American culture!" He screamed stuffing a hamburger in his mouth. I frowned as he chewed obnoxiously crumbs getting all over me. I had to admit though it had gotten my mind off of things. I looked down to the tray I smiled a bit grabbing myself a hot dog. 

My eyes glimmered, this was good. I had never tried these. Maybe there was a difference in taste. After stuffing my mouth for a couple of minutes I looked back to Pip who was silently laughing to himself. I wiped my mouth staring at him. "What!" I screamed. He burst out laughing now. 

"I despise, this food." He whispered. I swallowed down the rest of my hot dog hard. Now I was confused. He smiled wider now. His smirk made me angry but then I realized something.

"Then why are we here... Why did you-" I was interrupted by Pip's embracing hug. I hadn't even seen him get up. He tightened his grip. 

"For you...." He whispered. I blushed trying to step back. It was useless, he lowered his hands so they were around me waist. I looked down suddenly nervous. "Because... I think I... I know your pain and I also think that I maybe possibly..."  I turned around facing his flushed red face. 

Our eyes locked and I turned hot red again. "I don't want to see you cry anymore..." He whispered. I stomped my foot on the ground breaking our gaze.

"WHY!" I screamed furious. He hugged me again whispering in my ear. 

"Because I love you..." He whispered. He released my grip kissing me on the cheek. I didn't know what to say but my body spoke for itself. I leaned forward kissing him on the lips.

"Me too..." His eyes widened pulling me closer. My life wouldn't change too much after this, I knew it but at least I wouldn't be facing them alone. At least I'd have someone to lean on when I needed it the most. Someone who knew my pain. Pip and I were meant for each other, it just had to be fate. 

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