O.S Had Enough(Style)

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Dedicated to trashcantown for requesting this style one shot. Song is a beautiful lie by 30 seconds to Mars

Wendy P.O.V

I waved hello to some of my new friends. They were referred to as the asian girls at our school. Immediately though they called me over. "Wendy we wanted your opinion on something!" I walked over curious and always willing to help. My Korean friend Kimmi immediately sighed pointing to Tweek and Craig. "Do you see how together they are?" I expected her to be in a happier mood but she seemed disappointed. "They're too canon to draw anymore." She sighed as the other girls nodded. I didn't understand what canon meant but I had a somewhat understanding of it. Yaoi was fantasy not reality. "Anyway I wanted to ask if you knew any cool guys. Maybe some who are best friends?" I gave her an odd look and accidentally turned to Stan who swore as Kyle tackled him for the football. Kimmi raised her eyebrow and smiled. I rolled my eyes and walked away. They wouldn't dare.


Stan P.O.V

The bus was crowded smelled and was beyond cold. I sighed as we entered the school and all eyes shot towards me. Fat ass was the first to show me why people were staring. It took him about ten minutes to finish laughing then he shoved the picture in my face. I cringed annoyed as I stared at a picture of Kyle and I sitting next to each other holding hands but our hands were hidden under the desk. Leaning against the wall was Wendy staring at us with a dull frown with folded hands. The asian girls were drawing us together. My eyes widened when I remembered what my dad said. "The Japanese make people gay.' I wanted to scream but first I had to tell Kyle.

"Dude!" I yelled. Kyle looked up from his locker and closed it gently before looking at me.

"Oh hey dude.

"DUDE!" I yelled crashing into him. He shoved me away after impact.

"What?" He groaned. I got up slowly.

"This!" I quickly gave him the paper and his face turned dull.

"I knew this was coming." He sighed. I smiled a little relieved that I wasn't the only one who suspected this would happen to us if it happened to Tweek and Craig.

"My dad said the Japanese turn people gay... You don't think we'll...." He shook his head and quickly walked away. I shrugged it off and went back to my ordinary school routines.

All throughout the day Kyle and I avoided each other. We didn't need people drawing us in weirder positions. I shuddered thinking about it. We were only safe from staring eyes after school. Kyle handed me a soda as we hung out at his house. Dad was convinced we were dating and Kyle's parents were out shopping so we were safe from ridicule. "Hey dude I looked up what yaoi means..." I looked at him waiting for him to continue. "I looked it up. Yaoi is just an art style for girls by girls because they like fictionalizing two guys in a relationship. The Japanese don't make people gay." I sighed of relief. Now we just needed to stay on the down-low for all this to blow over. "So want to play Guitar Hero?"

I turned to look at him this whole thing felt awkward and when I saw his face he was flushed red. "Uh, we don't have to if you don't want to..." "Uh play Guitar Hero! I mean..." I gave him an odd look but he didn't relax.

"Yeah dude, Guitar Hero's fine, push it in, we'll play." Even I kinda turned red when I realized what I had said. "Uh... Forget what I said, let's just play." I was still red as we stared at each other. I could feel Kyle's breath on me and I held my breath.

"I have to go home..." I quickly said trying to run away. Kyle caught my arm before I could leave. I guess he was trying to pull me back in the house but pulled my arm to hard. I opened my eyes to see Kyle's arms around me and our lips locked together. I gave him an odd look as we parted. "Uh this part of the act?" I stammered. Kyle swallowed hard.

"The Japanese didn't need to make me gay... And by the look on your face and the blush in your cheeks I don't think you needed it either. Unless I'm Japanese." I didn't need to feel my cheeks to know I was blushing and that my heart was beating really fast. I smiled giving Kyle a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Maybe later we could play Call of Duty at my house instead." I sighed pointing to the window, Kyle's parents and Ike were home early. He smiled nodding as I left the house avoiding eye contact. Maybe the girl's drawings weren't that bad anyway, I mean they did give me some ideas.

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