O.S Disapproving "Big Brother" (FirklexIke)

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I made a ikexfirkle book its on here and the reqritten one will be ob my quoteve.  Dedicated to ikeisbae because I know how much they love this ship! Well the song is outlaws of love by adam lambert YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO IT IF YOU READ THIS ONE SHOT! It fits so well!

"You're what?" Firkle sighed slowly as the goths stared at him.

"Going to class."  They continued to stare at him and he wanted to scream. "I'm still in high school." He pointed out. Still the only response they gave him were dull looks. "I want to graduate?" He continued. He gritted his teeth and Michael was the first to notice his anger and speak.

"Alright, I can't believe you're still going on about that. Once we got out of that hell hole we never looked back." He breathed in his tobacco and Firkle slowly set down his coffee.

"Yeah but..." A light blush spread on his cheeks and the goths started to crowd around him as he fell silent.

"Hey, don't listen to Michael. Do whatever you feel is okay alright?" Henrietta's voice sounded sickly sweet in his ear and the small teen forced himself to compose himself.

"The counselor says I'm an honors student... They want me to get some AP classes and..." He cringed at his next words. "get more involved." The other goths shuddered at the thought and a small smile fell on Firkle's mouth. The room fell silent as they drank their coffee and smoked. The small brunette's eyes wandered towards the oldest goth, Michael. He was about 19 now and he leaned lazily back in his chair. Firkle felt a longing for attention when he realized why he had spoken in the first place. He wanted to provoke a reaction, he wanted a congratulations and reassurance, especially from Michael. Henrietta and Pete had always coddled him but Michael was more like a respective older brother and he wanted to know how he felt about him going into Advanced Placed classes going into high school. Anything would do...

"You should get to class then." Firkle looked to the tall goth who doused his cigarette in his coffee. A frown formed on the brunette's mouth as he heard Michael's words. Anything would do, yeah right... His mind said anything would do but in reality nothing could satisfy the praise he wanted. As if noticing this Michael gave a soft smile. "I mean class starts soon right? Mine don't start till late afternoon, I can drive you." 


The drive was quiet and it only took Michael five minutes to pull into the parking lot of South Park High. Firkle looked to him contemplating whether he should say thanks again when Michael suddenly got out of the car.   Firkle looked at him stunned for a moment and Michael gave him an odd look. "Come on, you're gonna be late. Besides Henrietta asked me to get her lame brother's schedule so we know if he's gonna be a pain in our asses this year. I hate that little blond conformist." Firkle nodded in agreement as they entered the school and Michael quickly disappeared without even a simple wave.

The urge to smoke a cigarette quickly hit Firkle when he realized he was alone. His hand wandered to his back pocket when he heard the minute bell ring. He was later than he realized. He sighed running into the math building where his first class was when he smashed into a boy who was slightly taller than him. "Fuck off conformist." He swore as he immediately got up.

"Well, to be fair, you ran into me..." The voice replied. Firkle's eyes locked onto some blue ones and he bit his lip annoyed.  

"Tch." Firkle quickly shoved him away to get into the building and quickly went back to running. 

Classes were boring and the goth was rethinking his decision of actually attending school this year. When he grew bored after school waiting for Michael to take him home he wanted to write down all the annoying conformist things that had happened to him on his first day. He usually wrote in a black skull composition book, where he wrote his poems and thoughts about society and social interactions. When he dug through his backpack he cursed when he found it missing.  He ran to his first period immediately. NO ONE CAN LOOK IN THAT BOOK! He screamed to himself.

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