Coffee Break(Tweekxreader)

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song by the fray called how to save a life. Dedicated to HHH3Fan for requesting Tweek. Tweek at the side anime style. I DO NOT OWN IT! *lots of triggers*


Reader P.O.V

I walked into the coffee shop where Craig and Tweek were. Craig immediately pulled me towards him. "Hey babe." He whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes trying to pry his arms off my waist.

"Craig we've been broken up for over a week now. Can you stop calling me that?" I asked. He looked away tightening his grip. I squealed at the small pain and in the corner of my eye I could see Tweek cringe.

Tweek stood up. "GAH! Craig, stop what if you hurt her!" He screamed pulling at his hair. Craig released me.

"Tweek, what would you know? Stop being so paranoid and let me do my thing." Craig scoffed. I rubbed my waist that felt slightly sore. I guess it was my fault for falling for the bad boy. I sat at a table waiting for my coffee. Craig had decided to storm off.

I sighed burrying my head in my arms. I needed coffee. I couldn't function without caffine. Tweek grabbed my hand shaking.

"Uh, here's your coffee!" He screeched, putting the drink in my hand. I nodded, taking a sip. I watched as he slowly walked away. My cheeks turned bright red.

"Uh oh," I sighed. This couldn't be happening. I already had a new crush. A new crush on Tweekers? How annoying. I had just gotten over Craig. Now I had a crush on one of his friends. I slammed the mug on the table and got up.

"Tweek I'll leave the money on the table!" I shouted walking out the door.

Tweek P.O.V

____ walked out the door with a shout. I only caught a glimpse of her (h/c) hair as she walked out. "Wait..." I said. Too late. She was long gone. I blushed, thinking about it. Ths was so frustrating. I was so nervous around her. I sighed, as I decided to close up for the day. It was getting dark anyway.

I dug the key into the key hole. It was pitch black only the street lights shone. I sighed as I began walking. It wasn't a long walk home but it was a scary one. I jittered afraid of the dark as always. I walked in silence for about ten minutes before a yelp made me jump out of my skin.

"Someone please help!" The person screamed. I crouched on the floor scared. Maybe someone had a gun. Maybe someone was being robbed. I swallowed my courage showing nothing but fear. Fear for my life. It took me a minute to realize who was screaming.

"___..." I sighed. I jumped up as she continued wailing. I had no idea what got into me. I sprinted towards her voice. My teeth stopped chattering and my legs stopped wobbling.

My legs froze into place as I saw Craig, and I hid behind a brick wall. I clenched my teeth at his voice. He held a bottle in his hand staggering towards ___.

"Come on, babe you know you want this." He hissed grabbing her arm. She almost yelped, staggering back. "no one leaves Craig Tucker without giving me a little fuck." I repressed my gasp. Was he gonna do what I think he was gonna do? ___ staggered back again.

"Craig go home, you're drunk! This is why I left I don't want to... I never wanted to! I'm not your bad girl you're trying to make me one and I don't want to!" Craig stepped forward grabbing her into a hug.

"Come on." He whispered his hand on her back getting lower and lower. She screamed again. I couldn't take it but I was jelly around Craig. He always beat me up or flipped me off. I was in his gang but he hated me. Craig's hand was inches away from the forbidden zone.

"Just once, and you can brag to your friends about the Tucker, fucker." That was the last straw. She slapped him. Craig formed a punch. "that's it, you damn whore!" He screamed throwing his empty beer bottle to the floor shattering it. ___'s beautiful (e/c) eyes widened tears almost forming. I quickly ran in the middle. Surprisingly, I caught Craig's fist.

"Gah! Craig! Stop!Nrr!" I screamed shaking. My knees were about to buckle. He smirked at me.

"Tweek, the freak." He scoffed smacking me across the face.

"Tweek!" ___ yelled. I quickly shook off the shock and punched him in the gut. Craig clenched his stomach as I knocked him to the floor. I was surprised at how fast this was going. ___, quickly came running to my side. She buried her head in my shirt, crying.

"Thank you Tweek!" She cried. I petted her hair hugging her tightly. I had no idea what got into me. Why did I do that? Why was I so... Not myself? I looked back at __, who was still crying. My eyes widened at my realization.

"___." I whispered. She looked up. She wiped her tears.

"Yeah?" I smiled kissing her on the lips.

"I love you." She turned bright red. She was frozen for a minute and I began getting scared. I was turning back into my scared self.

"GAH! You don't like me! I'm sorry! I just saw you needed help and I-" My words that darted a thousand words per minute were interrupted. She grabbed me close pulling me into a kiss.

"I love you too Tweek." She whispered.

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