O.S Ericka, Wendell, and Ben(Genderbender)

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Gender bender one shot. Song is losers by running in motion. The guys as girls at the side. 


The pretty burnette quickly sped through the halls with her black heels. "Kayla! KAYLA!" The red head quickly turned just in time to see her friend Stacy Marsh. She was out of breath and her feet were killing her. She knew this because Stacy immediately threw her heels against the wall of Kayla's bedroom.

"What's the rush, I was just studying some history what's so urgent you actually ran here? Aren't you with the whole, running is stupid, football is stupid, kind of girl?" She giggled as she watched the brunette fall onto her queen sized bed.

"Kelly just told me about guys!" An immediate sigh escaped the red-head's lips as she rolled her eyes. 

"What it is, is this about Wendell the hot nerd in Chemistry?" She laughed. Stacy turned red, shaking her head a thousand times.

"NOOO! I don't like him! I mean he wears a pink hat for god's sake!" She screamed blushing madly. "Besides don't you like that, Ben guy Kayla?" She teased. The red head turned lightly pink.

"You mean the dumb blond who thinks it's cool to spell his name with two 'n's instead of one?" She laughed looking away. The brunette quickly flicked her in the head.

"Focus! Kelly told me guys have a secret weakness..." She whispered her face turning stern. 

"What is it?" The red-head whispered more gently now. The brunette smirked at her with curiosity gleaming in her eyes.


The blond rubbed her eyes adjusting the scarf around her neck and mouth. She always wore lipstick but no one ever noticed. She quickly brushed through her hair running out of the little home.

She was greeted with a tackle. She staggered back as her brunette friend made her stagger back. "Erika! What the fuck it's too early!" The blond shouted. "besides your intense body weight could've killed me." She muttered. The brunette glared at her hovering over her tiny body.

"What did you say, tiny?" She said in a low menacing voice. Kelly quickly stepped back shaking a little in her skin.

She tried laughing it off but the brunette continued to snake close to her like prey. She had her back against the wall when a scream distracted the two.

"Kelly! KELLY!" Again it was the blue-eyed beauty who had quite a voice on her. Next to her stood the quiet red head. Erika quickly stepped forward.

The blond was glad for the distraction. "I could almost feel your pussy right on me..." She muttered her scarf muffling her voice a bit. "besides, no one wants to feel your fat tits." She snickered. 

The red head quickly dug into her book trying hard not to blush at Stacy's words. "Is it true, that... That guys have little sacs that make them fall if they're hurt! Tell Kayla you weren't lying about that!" She screamed blushing madly.

The blond rolled her eyes as they all waited for a response. Erika barely hearing this information began to snicker. "That's so stupid!" She yelled out, laughing at Kelly. She rolled her blue eyes pushing the brown-haired girl aside.

"It's true, my little brother Keith was annoying me, so I kicked him... I felt them on my toes I swear I wasn't wearing shoes. If you don't believe  me why not ask Wendell... huh? Or maybe... Ben?" She giggled. She quickly skipped away. "I'm going to school and hopefully I won't get run over okay?" She said sprinting away.

They came in time just to see the speeding blue altima crush Kelly. "Oh my god they killed Kelly!" Stacy shouted. Kayla was focusing on her book so Stacy needed to stab her in the side with her elbow.

"You bastards!" She yelled quickly going back to her book. The girls quickly went back onto the bus the previous event just disappearing from her mind. Only one thing stayed. They needed to know, needed to know if what Kelly told them was true.

As the three walked Stacy couldn't stop her heart from pounding. The redhead was struggling to breathe and Erika was having fun laughing at the two. When Ben and Wendell were in sight they quickly hid behind some lockers. "There they are girls, now to ask the big question..." The brown-haired girl snickered. Kayla turned red as where Stacy turned bgreen at the thought of talking to her crush. 

An evil grin overwhelmed Erika's face. She breathed in a deep breath. "Hey Ben! Wendell!" The two girls started to attack her but she wouldn't keep quiet. "The girls wanted to ask you-" Her mouth was quickly covered by the two. It was too late though. The two men were waiting patiently in front of them.

"What is it I have to get my hair done." Ben said putting a hand through his blond hair. Wendell smirked at his friend.

"Yeah, not that spending time with you girls isn't totally fun, but I got to go study for my test, now what do you want?" The brunette said taking off his pink-salmon hat. Kayla blushed looking away, Stacy soon followed.

"I can't ask him! You do it!" The red-head demanded. She shook her head furiously.

"No way!" Ben began to tap his foot impatiently.

"Come on we have to go spill it out. Stacy turned towards Erika who was waiting as well. She moved her hands urging them to continue.

"I'll tell them if you don't." She mouthed quickly with a wicked smile. The girls began flustering around trying hard not to blush. After two more minutes Erika finally had enough.

"Stacy and Kayla wanted to ask you if it was true if you get kicked in the ball-sack you fall!" She screamed bursting into laughter. The two boys turned red covering their privates.

They opened their mouths to speak but Erika's laughter was never endless. "D-don't girls have the same thing?" Wendell stuttered not removing his arms from his crotch. Before the girls could respond, Ben stepped forward kicking Erika with all his force. Her eyes turned dull.

"Ow." She said dully glaring him down. "That hurt you.. fucker." She hissed. The boys looked at her in awe.

"W-what?" They both stuttered as she stood firmly. The girls faced them awkwardly. What did they ever see in the idiots they called boys.

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