March Forward(Gregoryxreader)

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Dedicated to ImSamanthaa for requesting this gregoryxreader song is Marching on by ONE REPUBLIC MY OTB! XD So next up is a Christophexreader. Sorry it's so short I just loved this concept X)


The blond swung his chairs onto the desk. He swirled in his chair talking over the phone. "No, I know you don't understand you dunce because you hadn't even filled out the application right!" He furrowed his eyebrows ready to slam the phone away but he knew this was important he needed the money. "No! You don't call Christophe first! You call me! Then call Christophe to get the minor details out of the way! DAMN! I don't have this time to deal with just one clien-" He was cut off by the presence of a petite girl who slammed the phone ending the call.

"THE HELL! REALLY GREGORY!" She hollered stomping her foot. He narrowed his eyes balling his hand into a fist.

"What the fuck ___! I was making a deal!" He hissed trying not to get impatient. She quickly rolled her (e/c) eyes.

It hadn't been the first time her boyfriend had ditched her. She crossed her arms trying not to get emotional about the whole thing. She failed as her voice cracked. "Do you even love me?" She said letting tears escape, he slowly left his chair laying his large arms on her shoulders.

"What did I miss this time..." He whispered guilt riddled in his voice. She shook her head whiping her tears.

"Our four month anniversary..." She bit her lip looking away with a blush. The blond's eyes widened a bit. Had it been that long, they hadn't even gone on out much or spent too long with each other. Still he knew he cared for her more than just a friend. He sighed as she took a couple of steps away. 

He shook his head disappointed in both of their behaviors. He kind of cringed before speaking. "___, why four months it seems so... Random, why not six month like the commoners." She shook her head letting more tears escape.

"That's the point Greg! We werent going to be like the comoners! It was gonna be OUR thing!" She shouted hugging herself to comfort the shakiness of her voice and body. She hated when she got mad it made the adrenaline rush throughout her body it made her shake with anger. He shook his head again sighing.

"Just call me in another two months when you decide to confirm with the commoners for a six month anniversary. Good bye ___." He said sitting back into his chair. Her mouth fell in awe as he began typing on the computer in front of him. "And if you would please call Christophe in we need to set up a day to talk." His last words made her want to smack him across the face. The idiot had time for Christophe but not for her! She stomped out of the room annoyed. She was done with the idiot maybe for once she'd do what Gregory wanted. She wouldn't worry about it she'd call him in two months. She crossed her arms storming out of the building.

She hadn't really known how long it was until it was said to her. She heard the knocking on the door. She forced herself out of her chair her lazy Saturday interrupted. She was surprised to see a somewhat shy Gregory at the door who quickly pulled her out. She squealed shocked of his actions. He pushed her against the wall getting close to her. "It's been two weeks since you came around..." He began. His grip eased up on her. Her eyes flared at him.

"Yeah! Well you said to call in two months!" She screamed. He looked to the floor rubbing his arm awkwardly. They were an inch apart from each other. "Why do you care don't you have Christophe, I mean can't he find you a whore or something." She grumbled the last part knowing she didn't want him to leave her. She loved the smart ass who obsessed over every little thing and blushed whenever she pointed out a flaw of his own. He sighed still facing the floor. 

"It's just been boring without you around... So come back..." He whispered. She blushed but smirked at the low whisper he used even though no one was around.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear that Gregory!" She shouted which made him jump and grab her mouth. 

"I'm sorry okay!" He shouted in a harsh whisper. She laughed kissing him on the lips.

"Love you too Greg." He sighed of relief hugging her tighter. No matter how bad he fucked up he knew deep in his heart he and ___ could find a way to march on together.

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