If it were Different(ButtersxComplicated reader)

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Okay so this one shot won't make much sense unless you've seen season 9 episode 9 of South Park the episode is called Marjorine. The song is Do I wanna know by arctic monkeys. Dedicated to Xx_Midnight_girl_xX for requesting this Buttersxcomplicated reader. The whole situation is complicated so I didn't really know what to call this XD.

"Can I just go home and tell my parents I'm not dead? " I whined to the guys as we arrived to the girls' house. Cartman immediately narrowed his eyes at me.

"No Butters you have to get the future telling device from the girls you selfish asshole! And remember just roll with it if they start lezzing out. Now knock on the door." I rolled my eyes and knocked fiercely on the door before I could get scared and leave. The door opened in seconds. I gasped as I saw her, she had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. I had never seen her before she was probably one of the girl's friends that didn't go to our school.

"Hi, I'm ____, here for Heidi's slumber party?" I kept staring at her taking in every feature but in seconds I processed the fact that she had asked me a question and I coughed before using my girl voice.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm Marjorine."

_____ stared at me, eyeing me up and down. I felt nervous and panicked. What if I wasn't convincing enough? What if she already found me out?

My hands started sweating and I glanced at everything but her face.

"That's cool. Come on in Marjorine." She smiled. My heart skipped a beat and I found myself lost in her eyes. Again she stared at me with curious but beautiful eyes. Suddenly, she grabbed onto my wrist and threw me inside. The contact made me even more nervous and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

Reader P.O.V

I was learning real fast that this town was odd. The only reason the girls were nice to me was because I was Heidi's cousin but Heidi seemed really annoyed that Marjorine was here. When she entered we immediately began trying to figure out what we wanted to do. After some lame suggestions like girl talk and listening to the new Justin Timberlake CD we agreed on something even I liked, light as a feather stiff as a board. We began to spread out and Red decided she wanted to go first. The new girl Marjorine looked at us odd. Her gaze fell upon me as she asked, "Oh geez are we going to start lezzing out?" I felt a blush and gave myself a puzzled look as the other girls gave their own puzzled looks to Marjorine. They didn't say anything and we began to pick up Red with our fingertips as we chanted.

"Light as a feather stiff as a board, light as a feather stiff as a board." I was confused as to why Marjorine wasn't joining in as we continued. "light as a feather stiff as a board." The next thing I heard was her screaming. It made us all stop and stare at her once again.

"AAH! NOOO! Witches! You're all witches!" I looked back to Red who was standing now as the girls stared. Marjorine was different and it brought me back to the days when I first came to South Park. Heidi had to pay some of the girls not to make fun of me, and I noticed that for the first time Marjorine was the new girl now, but she had no Heidi Turner. I stepped forward about to explain the game we were playing when someone began to speak it took me a second to realize who it was.

"Marjorine, what's your problem?" She hissed. The blond was calmer now as she examined our faces. I wanted to kill my cousin for being such a bitch but I didn't want to seem like I was being too friendly... Wait, why would I even think it would look like that? I shook my head from the confusion and slight blush as Marjorine continued to speak.

"Oh, uh nothing... Hey you guys want to tell each other's future's now?" I smiled at the quick change in attitude but of course all the other girls were on the wrong page.

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