Love is Pain(Petexconfirmist reader)

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dedicated to HHH3fan for requesting PeteXconformist reader. Pete at the side. Song is Believe by all american rejects.


I sat on the floor looking down on the street. I closed my eyes letting the rain pound on my head. Tears slowly left my (e/c) eyes. I squinted letting the memory of her flood my mind. Having divorce parents was the easy part having to live with dad was horrible. He'd be gone all day and when he did come back he'd be drunk out of his ass. I can't say he was abusive he'd just get home and knock out on the couch. He was more of the neglecting dad than abusive. The only good thing in my life was her. My sweet little old grandma. With her I could be a normal teen. She'd secretly give me chocolates and bake cookies and knit me sweaters. Read me bed time stories(just cuz your old doesn't mean you can't enjoy a story once in a while!). Last May she died...

The house that I once called home was dead. The rooms that filled with the aroma of cookies and disinfectant slowly turned into the stench of hard core beer. I'd get home and dad would be knocked out on my bed or under the table. I wasn't the only one who missed her. Dad lost his job last week. Now I'm at a rinky dink school called South Park. Goodbye Yardale!

I swear I could feel grandma touch my hand it was the only thing that made me look up. I cleared my eyes. "What the hell..." I gasped. I rubbed my eyes five more times to make sure. "Is that a goth kid?" I asked myself. He was facing a brick wall looking down. The rain made it hard to tell. I swear he was crying. I shook my head, impossible. It was odd though. He wasn't with his group. He was alone in the rain. What loser(besides me) hangs out alone in the cold rain? I decided to get my sorry butt up and walk towards him. As I neared him I realized it. He was crying, sobbing actually. I thought for a moment, what the hell was I doing. It didn't matter though. Someone felt pain and maybe somehow I could help. I lay my hand on his shoulder. He swiped around shrugging me off and hissing.

"What do you want conformist!" He practically shouted. I fought the urge to walk away. I put my arm back on his shoulder this time he looked back down.

"Are you crying... Pete was it?" He looked away forcing his hair in his face. He scoffed pulling a cigarette out of his pocket.

"No, of course not I just... The rain messed up my mascara and I got something in my eye that's why its tearing up.... Damn conformist." I tried to smile but I was tired of him calling me a damn conformist. His shoulder tensed as he looked at me with a dull expression. I tilted my head as he finally looked me in the eye.

"You're crying... That's so conformist..." He whispered. His shoulder tightened more. He was obviously uneasy. I put my other hand on his free shoulder. I forced him to look at me.

"Crying makes us human... It's not conformist Pete." He bit his lip shrugging me off again. This time he walked away. I wanted to catch up to him but before I could he said one thing that caught me off guard.

"She's dead." My eyes widened as he walked away nonchalantly. I stood there frozen. What seemed like hours later the bell rang. Everyone ran passed me. Almost falling over I took a step. Who was she? Did he know my grandma just died or was it something else. Who the hell was she. I began to walk feeling cold. I was gonna catch a cold if I didn't get home soon to mom.

I passed the loading docks as I always do walking off campus. I saw the goths. Henrietta, Firkle and Michael. No Pete. They were smoking as always reading poems and listening to dark music. I couldn't call it stupid but it wasn't my style. I was normal and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. Besides I liked my dull life.

"Hey where's Pete?" Henrietta asked out of the blue. I slowed my pace to hear their conversation.

"He's still not over his girl friend." Michael said dully. Firkle kicked the floor with a scoff.

"What a conformist." He cooed. Everyone nodded.

"He's probably in some dark corner cutting himself like a freaken emo." Michael said exhaling smoke.

Henrietta scoffed to removing the cigarette from her mouth. "He's conformist, that goth chick got run over by a car. I say that's more conformist. I thought razor blades in her fucking eyes would be the end." I couldn't speak. They were talking as if this wasn't a life. Like this person never existed in the first place. I couldn't listen to this anymore I ran off.

I searched about every corner for Pete. I couldn't find him anywhere. Having had enough I went to Benny's. If I was gonna get scolded I at least wanted it with a tummy full of pancakes. I smiled at the bell as it rang when I entered. I was seated at a lonesome table in the corner. The screeching of a waitress caught my attention.

"Hey kid! Are you gonna order something!" She shouted. I looked over to see the same old waittress but she was talking to what seemed like a knocked out Pete. He had an empty cup of coffee in his hand. I was about to gasp when Pete brought his head up. "Not, now we- I'm really depressed." He whispered. She walked away mumbling.

"Yeah what else is new." I expected him to swear at her and call her a confirmist but he did nothing. He had clearly been crying again. Pete began to circle the table with his finger. He seemed like a walking zombie. Again I decided to walk to him. I took a seat across from him. He barely gave me a second glance. He didn't give two shits about me. I bit my lip trying to figure out what to say.

"I know about your girlfriend." Was all that came out. His expression remained unmoved. He simply nodded.

"That thing you said was totally conformist, I think we should stay away... You should stay away from me." He said plainly. I gave him an odd look. His sentence made me angry.

"I'm just trying to help!" I screamed slamming my hands on the table, still he was unmoved.

"Stay out of other people's business, nosy bitch." He almost hissed. I gritted my teeth. Instead of being mad I decided to try a different tactic.

"My.. My uh, grandma died last May..." Still no emotion. I didn't care. "She was the only person to give two shits about me... I know how it feels to lose someone who you love above everyone else... I didn't know your girlfriend but I guess she was a pretty lucky-" He stood looking at me a little impatient.

"Stop." With that one word I shut up. Not because of the word but because of the way he said it. It seemed like at any second he'd break. Break into a million pieces. "Goddamn conformist... How can you stand here and tell me no one gives two shits about you!" He screamed it this time. He was done holding back. My jaw dropped.

"I don't lie Pete if that's what you're-" He walked towards me grabbing my shoulder. He was steaming mad now.

His hand lowered slowly reaching my hand. "If I didn't care... God damn it. I wouldn't be here." He grabbed my hand as if not to change his mind. I looked at him confused.

"_____, seriously you're one of the dumbest conformists I've ever seen, and still..." I brought him into a hug.

"You chose me? Out of all the damn conformists." I almost chuckled. He looked in my (e/c) eyes his lips inches away. He nodded slowly bringing me into a kiss. I blushed realizing it. I finally had someone who cared. Someone who could share both my pain and my love. "I-"

"Me too."

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