Desolate Night(Coonxreader)

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dedicated to torahwashburn for requesting coonxreader. Okay so fair warning I mean no offense to breast cancer or those with it, Cartman does but not me for god's sake I had it(cancer not breast cancer but cancer..) so you know don't get all pissy....(triggers everywhere  it's south park lol) ANYWAY! Cartman at the side anime style and the song is breakeven by the script. Enjoy


The bell rung and as usual Kyle and Cartman were fighting. They had both changed over the past four years but not too much. Kyle was taller and straightened his hair where as Cartman was skinnier. Still he was an obnoxious asshole. Garrison took a seat at his desk and with the help of a bull horn managed to shut them up. Garrison then shouted to get our attention.

"And ____, has a presentation to give right?" He asked. I nodded with a smile as Garrison muttered something under his breath. "After that I can finally have some god damn sleep..." I quickly slid passed him in front of the class.

"Fellow students, October is Awareness Month for one of the leading causes of death among women. A terrible disease that takes the lives of American women every day. I'm talking, of course, about breast cancer." I was interrupted by Cartman's lame attempt to hold in his laughter. About two seconds later he bursts out laughing. Wendy seemed unfazed by this maybe she had dealt with this before. I copied Wendy ignoring Cartman's laughter. "An estimated one in six women will deal with cancer in their lifetime, and breast cancer is the most common-" I was cut off by Cartman's laughter.

"She said it again." He said laughing. This time I couldn't deal with it.

I took a step forward forming a fist. "Breast cancer's not funny, what's your problem!" I yelled. His smile widened. Cartman crossed his arm staring at Mr. Garrison who was half asleep.

"Mr. Garrison do we really need all this potty talk in the classroom?" He asked laughing again. Mr. Garrison rubbed his eyes yawning.

"Eric for the love of God." He sighed. He wasn't making much of an effort. I tightened my fist.

"This is serious what you're doing is extremely offensive!" I screamed. He was enjoying the attention. He kept his snaky smile.

Cartman looked shocked as he stared me in the face. "Me?? You're the one talking about killer titties." Craig tried to hold in his giggle. That encouraged Cartman to continue."Watch out, guys. ___ said boobs can kill people." He mocked expanding his shirt so it looked like he had tits. He continued by making his tits attack me. "GRRR. Gonna get you. Gonna get you,____!" I gritted my teeth as Butters whimpered.

"I don't want to get killed by boobs." He said oblivious.

"Seriously you're gonna let him get away with this? He gets worse every week!" I yelled pointing to Mr. Garrison. He wiped the drool from his mouth.

"Eric, stop." He said flatly. I was gonna say something when Cartman interrupted me.

"Mr. Garrison I'm just trying to help ___, prove her point to the class." He said innocently.

"No you aren't!" I yelled. His smile widened once again.

"___, you need to calm down. You're gonna get your boobs all angry and they're gonna start killing everyone." All the other boys began to laugh as Cartman joined them. "Dude, I'm on fire today!" He yelled content with the amount of attention. Having had enough I left the room. I could hear his laughter from the hallway. From there on I went to the gym. It was the only way I could blow off this steam. I hadn't told anyone but last year mom died from breast cancer and I just wanted to spread awareness. I wanted to at least something for her. I sighed as I opened the door to the gym and began wailing on some punching bags.

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