*LEMON*Can I wait?(Trentxshyreader)

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Dedicated to gothicgirl77 for requesting this  trentxshy reader pt2 Lemon. Song is all or nothing by theory of a deadman. Trent at the side. So I wrote this by myself so sorry if it sucks.... Rongo went camping :'( so I was left without my bitc.... slav... sister... So yeah hope you like it! (I'll only do lemons if you strictly request it.) Lemons will probably be short (this one wasn't cuz it had a somewhat plot).


 Trent Boyett was my boyfriend, I was so excited to actually say that it was month four of being together but honestly it was tiring. Everyday I had to keep him from killing the guys, Kenny, Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Butters. I always knew he hated them but he never really told me why. I supposed it wasn't any of my business anyway. I always wanted to ask but after he calmed down I couldn't because I didn't want to get him upset again. I obviously couldn't ask during the his fit because then he'd get upset with me. I sighed, today was gonna be different I knew it. I was gonna confront him when we got to my place. Trent didn't live with his parents for some reason.

I sighed as an hour passed. I was waiting for Trent outside of school but I guess it didn't matter to him, I didn't matter. I sighed walking home. I adjusted my bag ready for the long boring walk home.

The door was open when I got home which I gladly ignored. I trudged up the stairs to my room.  "Hey." He cooed. I jumped startled. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted. He gave me a simple smirk. He began to stalk around until he reached behind me.

"I waited out front, what took you?" He whispered. I rolled my eyes. Yeah right. My gaze fell onto the clock that said 4:30. My eyes widened. Was I really that deep in thought in school? I shook my head forcing Trent away. My face turned serious now, I couldn't back out. He seemed nervous at my sudden change.

"Why, do you hate the guys so much? Can't you see how much this hurts me?" His teeth immediately clenched. That made me angrier.

"I'm tired of this bull shit!" I hollered to the top of my lungs. He gave me a huge smirk grabbing my hands. 

"How 'come you're only like this, when I'm around?" He whispered. I backed away still mad, I was still that shy girl but Trent changed me in ways I never would have imagined.

"TELL ME TRENT!" I screamed. He sighed sitting on my bed. He forced me to sit on his lap.

"If I tell you, you won't like it... And we won't be able to be together anymore... And it'll be all my fault..." His voice was stern and filled with disappointment. "and I can't imagine myself without... You." He closed his eyes for a couple of seconds in silence. I looked up at him as he concentrated. I shuffled in my comfy seat on Trent's lap. I looked back to my twiddling fingers but immediately looked up as I felt a drop on my head. Trent... was crying? 

"Are you leaving me?" I whispered, my eyes not leaving my fingers. I pressed my head against his chest hearing his breathing race as he sighed. "I can't wait for your answer, I can't wait for you to make up your damn mind." I was getting agitated as he stayed silent but his heart raced. I quickly stood up ready to walk away. In seconds he was right behind me his hand gently on my wrist. 

"I can't wait, I need you... Now." I looked back at him and he had an obvious blush. He brought me into a tight hug his arm on my lower back. I blushed expecting him to go lower but he traced his hand up pinching my bra. I gasped at his sudden urge. He smirked at me as he pushed me onto the bed. I blushed harder as he shoved his hand roughly up my shirt. 

 His hand traveled up until my shirt was almost off. "TRENT!" I gasped as he cupped my breasts, my bra and shirt now on my dirty floor.  His hand quickly retreated.

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