It's Not a Game (Vampire Kylexreader)

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OK guys so don't be mad at me if I got anything wrong when it comes to vampire facts cuz I based this on my own idea of what I think vampires are (I don't watch Twilight and I've never seen any vampire movie or series) Sorry. :/ This vampire Kylexreader is dedicated to ScarletMinx for requesting it. Song is my demons by starlet.(this was fun to write) I don't mind you guys requesting stuff like this so let the requests flood in. I was shocked when I realized I haven't gotten a lot of one shot requests with the character having specific characteristics.

Can I clear up some rumors? No, it's not the rumors that I'm a nerd that's not what I was going to say; I am a nerd and honestly I don't give a crap what you think. I wanted to clear up some rumors about vampires. Yeah, I know it sounds silly but let's take some time in our life to actually differentiate what is fact and what is false reality. OKAY? Well, first of all the sun doesn't bother u- vampires. W- They can lurk around in day and night. No, they don't need blood every five seconds or they'll die. Who came up with that shit? Maybe once a month... Yeah like a period now shut the fuck up I'm ranting here.  We don't turn into BATS! I mean like what the fuck? That was only Dracula and he's been dead for millions of years...  That's the most recent rumor that's occurred in the last century... Anyway I think that's it. It really pisses me off when people take that shit lightly and twist fact up into false reality. You wanna know the biggest asshole who does this shit? Well here he is.

"Yeah, I'm more a sanguinarian vampire in that I rely more on the life force energy, per se." Yeah, Mike Makowski the biggest poser there was at this school. He was talking to his other vamp friends as I watched from afar. I could feel the vein in my forehead throb as he spoke, was this kid fucking serious. I bit my lip but my attention slowly strayed away from me when I heard a new voice. 

"Are you still on that Mike?" I smiled a little when I realized like me she hated the vamp kids. He simply smirked at her.

"It seems that little ____ is still upset that I tore out her bleeding heart. You're still heartbroken per se?" I couldn't hold back my smile as her (e/c) eyes flared at him.

"I have no idea what I saw in you!" He smirked taking her arm. 

"It was my irresistible charm and that I was a good kisser. If I remember correctly?" She blushed and my eyes turned dull. In seconds she pushed him away ignoring the red in her face.

"I was only trying to make you feel good about yourself you... You..." 

"Good kisser?" He whispered getting in her face. I felt my blood boil when he licked his stupid plastic fangs. I was gonna rip his real teeth out I swear. "Just admit it ____ you want me back." He whispered their faces were inches away and I could feel my insides burning. I guess I forgot about my inhuman  speed because in seconds I was in front of ____. She quickly stepped back and tripped. Before she could reach the ground I leaned forward grabbing her into my arms.

"Hi..." I could feel every muscle in her body contract and  almost laughed at how much heat was resonating from her body especially her face.

"Hi." She gasped. I slowly readjusted her so she stood perfectly and looked back to Mike who had a look of shock. I kind of smacked myself when I realized I used my inhuman abilities twice in front of mortals just for this girl. I sighed knowing I should probably scram before I got bombarded with questions from the vampire fan club.

I hated the warmth feeling inside me. If you don't already know, vampires are cold-blooded. That's why I loved Colorado it was fairly cold all year round, and even in the sun I felt cold. I liked it that way but now because of this girl I felt all cozy and warm inside it was DISGUSTING! Still I couldn't keep my mind off her, I'd never felt this way before and knowing the curse all vampires endured when it came to love I knew I'd never feel it again. I had to tell ___ before she'd dismiss my entire being from her memory. Hopefully she wasn't lying when she told Mike fagula that she was over him.

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