Cold-Blooded's Hot Juicy Tomato Kiss(Mikexreader)

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Mike at the side anime style! OK so the song is change the world compassion by Andrew Wit.


Mike P.O.V

I was walking to my minions per se. We met everyday in the gym during lunch. I didn't really want to pay attention to anything else but today was different. I walked slowly, uncomfortable in the sun. I was a vampire I didn't need the sun. A figure collided shoulders roughly with mine. I turned around almost barking when I saw tears. The tear-stricken girl looked down with a low whimper. "I'm sorry..." Shame overcame me as I looked at her fiercely.

Reader's P.O.V

This sucked. I hated today I didn't want to go to school today, and now I was getting detention. It wasn't my fault that stupid Heidi Turner didn't invite me to her sleepover. I just went over there to have a little chat it wasn't my damn fault she ended up with a bloody nose. Seriously why would I want to go anyway. I sighed knowing deep down I wanted to be accepted. Now I was crying soundlessly as I tried to find a quiet corner to wallow in. I continued to walk letting my rage consume my body but the tears never seized. I didn't realize how fast I was going because I collided shoulders with a grumpy looking goth kid. He gave me a harsh look and I looked down to the floor apologizing. "I'm sorry..." I grumbled. Staring at him through my (h/c) hair that was in my face. He looked away seeming shameful. I looked up at him feeling sorry for both of us. He put his arm behind his head rubbing it nervously.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." He kept rubbing his head as he kind of chuckled nervously. This kid was weird. He had plastic fangs and a dead bird on his shirt. He also had green highlights on the tips of his black hair. What a waste. Seeing that this was the first positive human interaction I had had all week, I decided to be nice. "Where you headed in such a hurry?" I asked nonchalantly. He gave me a slanted smile.

"I should be the one asking you the questions,why are you crying?" He asked trying to touch my chin. I slowly stepped back.

"I asked the question first, vampire." I said putting a sarcastic touch to the word vampire.

"I'm meeting my minions per se, we're going to be in the gym if you want to join us." I tried not to smile as he walked away. I was finally gonna have some company. For once it wouldn't be the lame ass girls or the weird boys.

In the gym I took a seat and stared at the stage. Mike was in front with a smooth smile. He tapped the microphone before speaking. "Uh, hello my minions per se, welcome to our meeting!" He shouted. All the vampires hissed in unison as if a tradition. I just stared feeling awkward. I had no fangs and I wasn't wearing anything very vampire like. I didn't even have sparkles on. The meeting was basically some readings by Edgar Allan Poe and two clips from Twilight. The closing ceremony was drinking blood and I almost walked out. Were we seriously going to drink human blood? I shivered at the thought. Who did we kill, to get blood? Mike and his close friends began to pass out the drinks and after receiving my glass I grabbed Mike.

"Yes?" He asked moving his hair so he could see me clearly. I smiled and hit his glass with mine.

"A toast to new friends!" I shouted. He grinned drinking some of his blood. I put it to my mouth but couldn't drink it. When Mike was done gulping down his drink he looked at me oddly.

"You're supposed to drink it." He said. I rolled my eyes. "what's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm afraid to." I said feeling silly. I blushed as he grinned He grabbed my hands that were holding the cup and he took a sip. He pulled me close whispering something to me.

"you don't have to be, not anymore." He whispered kissing me on the lips. I shut my eyes enjoying the kiss but something was off. When we broke away I realized he had a tomato mustache.

"You got a little" I said pointing.

"you too." He said kissing me on the cheek sucking the blood off my cheek. I blushed as he went down to my neck and did the same.

"I love you." I whispered. Mike released his grip on my neck and smiled.

"I've loved you ever since I saw you." He whispered continuing to suck my blood. I was finally safe from my hell and as long as I had Mike I knew nothing could ever hurt us. In his arms I was invincible.

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