Used and Abused(Christophexreader)

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Dedicated to MadisonNadine for requesting this Christophexreader the song is risky business by the cab.

"How do I look?" I smiled facing my cousin. He immediately rolled his eyes.

"Like you're wearing too much goddamn make up for an asshole like Christophe." I looked dully at him, Gregory never really did like Christophe so maybe he wasn't the best guy to ask for advice on Christophe related things. "____ why the hell are you so excited to see that son of a bitch I mean he never called you once while he was off to college probably smacking lips with other girls. The only reason he's even coming back is for Thanksgiving, are you sure he'll stop by?" I quickly looked away with a whine.

"You've just never been in a long distance relationship, it's hard. You've never even had a girlfriend for more than a year Greg. Besides Christophe is eighteen and I'm turning seventeen in a couple months. I can't have him calling and getting mom and dad suspicious."

"AH ____, disgusting!" I turned red in the face and smacked him in the gut with a pillow.

"No! Ew, we're not... Doing it, it's just they'd be so overprotective. Let's drive around town, it'll get my mind off the anticipation of Christophe finally coming home." I giggled.

Gregory began driving towards the local bus station and I couldn't contain my excitement. I kept my gaze towards the window looking to the town of South Park the town had changed a lot over the course of one year. We were passing SoDosoPa when I saw a familiar figure that shocked me. "Gregory stop the car!" I screamed. The urgency in my voice made Gregory do exactly that. The car came to a screeching halt and I immediately leapt out of the car. I was seething with rage at the brunette with a ton of shopping bags in his hands. I immediately ran towards him.

"Christophe!" I yelled. He immediately turned to face me and quickly turned away. I heard Gregory give an exasperated sigh.

"Sheet, it's you." He mumbled. I bit my lip at his attitude.

"How long have you been in town! You told me your bus was getting here at three it's barely one o clock!" He sighed rubbing the back of his head.

"Since yesterday." He whispered. I looked down saddened.

"Oh... Why didn't you call?" I asked disappointed. He shrugged walking away. I was about to follow him when Gregory grabbed my hand. I stared at him angrily but he simply shook his head.

"Call him later." I sighed annoyed but decided to trust him.

It was about 10:30 at night. I kept checking my phone every two seconds. I had done as Gregory suggested, I called Christophe later but he never answered. I called him about thirty times. Not once did he answer my calls. Not wanting to depress myself even more I decided to sleep and talk to him in the morning.


Christophe P.O.V

I knew it was wrong. It was worse than wrong to have done that to _____. It was worse that I had seen other women during the year we were apart. What she didn't know was I did it to fill a void I had lost. Gregory was well aware of it so there was a slight chance she knew. A couple months after I moved into Stanford's dorms I got the news that my mother had died. I always acted like I hated her but in truth she was the only one I had in my life. Now I was avoiding any love I didn't deserve especially ____. It was unfair but I didn't care. I stared at my coffee, watching the steam rise then disappear I wanted to do the same as well. I was at a coffee shop called Tweak Bros. As I stared into my coffee I heard ____'s voice. I thought I was hallucinating but then she took a seat in front of me. "Why have you been avoiding me?" She glared at me angrily. "You haven't tried to keep in touch the year you've been gone and when you get into town all you've done is ignore me! Here I've been just waiting for you even wanting to take the next step and all you do is... Shrug me off?" I smirked at ____. I wasn't going to tell her the real reasons just yet, first I wanted to test her patience, just how much did she care about me?

"The next step?" I laughed. ___ turned red in the face nodding shyly. "Why the fuck would I want to commit to one sheety relationship? ____, understand this. I can have any beetch I want." ____'s beautiful (e/c) eyes flared at me as she jumped to her feet.

"Agh! Christophe you make me so! Ugh, Gregory was so right about you!" She stormed off with just those words. I wanted to laugh but the mention of Gregory being right about "my behavior" made the vein in my forehead throb. I threw out my coffee and headed off to confront Gregory about this.

He smirked at my frustrated expression. "What is it Christophe? Trouble in paradise?" I bit my lip repressing the urge to hit him.

"Why have you been talking to ____ about me behind my back?" I hissed. Gregory flicked me in the forehead and laughed.

"I suppose you want us to talk about you in front of your face?" He suggested which made me kick him. He muttered a swear but stifled a laugh.

"Why should I even sink so low to taunt you if you're losing the second person you care about in your life? You're suffering enough." I bit my lip at how arrogant he was being.

"What the hell are you talking about you piece of sheet?" The blond's smirk widened.

"If you just tell ____ about your mother she won't dump you, but at the rate you're going, she'll never want to see you again!" He laughed hysterically as if his solution was the simplest thing in the world. Again I hit him but this time with my shovel. He blocked with his hand catching the shovel in its process of swinging and threw it backwards. "Christophe, listen to me... If you truly care for my cousin, tell her before she does something she regrets." I scowled at him for a few seconds and when he didn't return the scowl I left his home.

After thinking about Gregory's words I decided he was right which took all my pride to admit. It was selfish of me to keep my feelings to myself when someone who cared for me wanted to know and if my feelings made me do stupid sheet. I searched the whole town for ____. I searched the old school its playground, the park, the city hall, the library, the police station, I couldn't find her anywhere. I sighed annoyed. Then I remembered one place I hadn't looked.

When I arrived I quickly hid myself behind a tree as I spotted ____ skipping rocks. "Stupid, dumb... Stupid, Christophe." She muttered skipping the rocks. I watched as the rocks skipped once or twice and fell into Stark's Pond. I sighed stepping towards her.

"You know it isn't truly skipping rocks unless it skips three times." I said. She looked up and for the first time I realized dried tears on her face.

"What do you want?" She said throwing a rock.

"I wanted to explain myself... The only reason I hadn't called was because I was going through some depression sheet..." She laughed and I felt a pain in my chest.

"Yeah right, you in a depression?" She laughed throwing another rock. I sighed grabbing her hand.

"My mother died, I tried to fill the void by going out with other girls... It was wrong, when I needed you the most, I shut you out. Even when I returned I didn't want you bombarding me with questions so I didn't call you... I'm sorry." I rubbed the back of my head as I sighed. ____ looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I felt her press her gentle lips on mine and I smiled blushing madly.

"So are you going to show me how to throw rocks big boy?" She teased handing me a rock. I quickly tossed it in the air and smacked it with my shovel. Her face fell flat as it was launched into the water not even skipping once. "Wow, you don't know how to skip rocks do you?" She laughed teasingly. I gave her a dull look and I grabbed another rock. "Just snap your wrist back and throw like this." I gripped the rock snapped my wrist back but instead of throwing the rock I leaned over and kissed ____ on the lips again.

"I love you ____." She blushed and only nodded as I sent the rock skipping. From now on I wasn't going to take advantage of ____'s love and I was going to start to behave because it was true, I really did love her and I knew that she loved me, loved me with all her heart, enough to wait for me even after the Thanksgiving break.

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