O.S I Fucking Hate You(Gregstophe)

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I realized throughout this whole One shots book, that people LOVE Christophexreaders and people LOVE Gregoryxreaders. So I was just wondering about reaction about them together. Theyre cute I guess... Song is I miss the misery. (I love Rockband)  I know it's short. But again, tired and I thought it was cute XD

To say Christophe hated Gregory was a major understatement. He fucking hated that piece of sheet. He wasn't even sure of why they were arguing. It had something to do with him misplacing some important forms. He was almost certain that Gregory hadn't given him sheet to organize for three days. How could he misplace papers that he was never given.

"You're crazy, you son of a beetch!" Gregory rolled his eyes and crossed his arms annoyed. 

"I gave you those paper so you could do your one fucking job Christophe!" The brunette tried to suppress his laughter, the way Gregory tried to keep calm and ultimately failed was hilarious especially when he tried over and over again to compose himself. Like he needed to reassure Christophe who was boss.

"Then you can do your own goddamn secretary bullshit! Your highness. Since it's so obvious I'm nothing but the dog crap you scrap off your shoe."

"Shut up." Gregory hissed. His voice was more calm now, he felt a little embarrassed to have lost his composure. Christophe smiled.

"Please instruct me more, your highness. I'm too stupid to understand such simple orders." Gregory's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Are you going to behave like this all day Christophe?" He deadpanned.

"OH NO! I WOULDN'T DARE YOUR HIGHNESS!" He shouted letting out a small laugh.

"I fucking hate you, you son of a bitch." Before Christophe could reply with a much better and snarky remark Gregory stepped forward and pulled him into a deep kiss. He laughed stepping away from the brunette, a sliver of Christophe's saliva still on his lips. He wiped said mess with a grotesque look. Christophe arched his eyebrow in confusion and after a split second of Gregory and his deadpanned expression the blond smirked, then walked away. What the hell was that supposed to mean???

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