Never Notice(Clydexreader)

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Dedicated to SKITTLES_KAT for requesting this clydexreader. Song is Invisible by Taylor Swift. Clyde at the side anime style.


She passed me with those blond curly locks of hers. She flipped them aside not giving me a second glance. I sighed annoyed. I wished that for once Bebe Stevens would notice me... If she just got to know me we'd fall in love and I knew we'd get married. But this was high school, she had tons of other fish in the sea, how annoying. A single voice broke through my gaze on Bebe as she left. "Clyde did you hear me?" I looked to me left to see ___'s (e/c) eyes. 

"Yeah pizza ice cream Fridays I get it... Damn seriously we've been doing this since seventh grade why do you always remind me?" I laughed. She gave me a scowl. 

"Seriously when you look at her, it's like you're a total zombie... I don't get it." She sighed. I smiled, ___ she obviously had never been in love before. 

"Whatever... are you gonna help me out now?" A smile overwhelmed her. She patted me on the back handing me a rolled up piece of paper.

"so dress up in all pink, I'll be cupid you just gotta look like a heart.... Let's see." She gave me an odd look but I kept on thinking before I could lose my train of thought. "I can get a costume done! Yeah brilliant... And you can give her the letter and I'll read it aloud... I'll have to memorize though..."

Reader P.O.V

At this point Clyde was talking to himself. I always helped him with his schemes to make Bebe fall for him. They'd all failed miserably but I was always there to pick him up.Clyde was a lot of things, one of those things wasn't smart. He couldn't take hints, like how Bebe wasn't interested, or how desperately in love I was in with him. Still, a friend is better than an ex-girlfriend or an ex best friend. I sighed grabbing the love letter for Bebe. "Valentine's day right? Let's do this after school then.." He nodded eagerly. I knew this would fail but Clyde needed to learn how to read situations. Valentine's day was tomorrow so I had to mentally prepare myself. Get over the fact that Clyde wasn't ever going to notice or like me. He probably knew and was trying his hardest to avoid it, or he tried to give me a hint. Maybe I was the one who couldn't take a hint.

Clyde and I walked out of the school. He was going on and on about how he owned Stan at a football game. I didn't care I was too worried about tomorrow. What if Bebe found out about my crush, or I acted like an idiot, or I looked stupid dressed as a heart. I quickly scurried into my house as Clyde waved at me.


When I walked out the front door I found a giant heart costume. I rolled my eyes plopping it on myself. I walked to school gaining tons of laughter and remarks. I didn't care though if it was for Clyde then it was worth it. Clyde met me at the front of the school with a cheesy smile on his lips. "You look! Great...." He said very hesitant. I rolled my eyes playfully smacking him. He smiled grabbing me into the school.

He looked around trying to find his beloved Bebe. The school bell rang for class and everyone filled the halls. Everyone snickered at me but I gave them scowls. Clyde's grip on my hand tightened as he saw Bebe. I loved that we were holding hands but then I remembered we were only doing it for Bebe. He pulled me towards her. "Kay did you memorize the dance?" He whispered. I smiled nodding. He pulled out the boombox playing music.

"B is for the way you make me... believe this is love! E is for eternity is how long we'll be together... another B is for... Beautiful you are... and the last E is for... everything beautiful you are! Cue the letter!" I shouted. He went on one knee handing her the letter.. She looked beyond creeped out. She reluctantly took it.

"Are you gonna read it?" He asked with that damn goofy smile. She slowly opened it taking in the content. She immediately screamed.

"Stay away from me!" She shouted dropping the paper." I sighed as she ran. I grabbed his hand so he wouldn't go running after her. 

He fell to the floor crying. "I'm such a loser!" He shouted. I lifted him up.

"Clyde-" I stopped to take off this stupid heart costume. "You're not a loser, she's just not the right one..." I whispered. He looked to the floor annoyed.

"No, I just need to work harder." He said scolding himself.

"You know she'll never notice you right Clyde?" I asked. His shoulders tensed.

"I'm just so dumb..." He said empty.

"You're so stupid!" I screamed. It made his sobbing louder.

"You of all people should know that. You've watched countless times as I failed to win her heart... I'm just stupid to you." He whispered. I clenched my fists.

"No you're stupid because you don't realize I'm so in love with you!" I shouted to the top of my lungs. I quickly covered my mouth stepping back. I started to cry remembering all the times I tried telling him in vein.

He approached me with a frown. "What?" He asked. I stepped forward kissing his lips.

"I love you Clyde... I just wish you figured that out." I whispered. He brought me into a hug kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry... I'm such an idiot... I love you." We broke apart bringing me into a tender kiss. I blushed hard.

"You aren't an idiot Clyde, you just have trouble with love." I chuckled. He brushed his hand against my cheek kissing me on the forehead.

"Thanks for dealing with my bull shit." I smiled as he walked away and I was left there with a goofy smile that Clyde had when he was around Bebe. I just thought he'd never notice.

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