Only thing I can't Afford's a Mistake(Kennyxreader)

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My hiatus and writer's block definitely delayed this one... oh well. I'm Sorry again!. Dedicated to Itzscarlet for this valentines day themed  kennyxreader. This is kind of a lime. So yeah.. Song is I hate u I love u by Gnash feat. olivia O Brien. Requests closed forever until I make a new book which will take a while. Have patience with me please thanks :)

Kenny had been caught locking lips with Criss.  Now ___ was pissed off. How the hell was Kenny supposed to know that kiss would happen? He simply walked over to say hello to his ex and threw in some flirty comments, how the hell was he supposed to know Criss would flirt back? She knew ___ and him had been dating had seen him publicly anounce to the world that he liked ____ and she still did it, or was that the week she was absent with the flu? It wasn't Kenny's fault Criss had kissed him.... Or was it the other way around... The worst part of it all was Criss slapping him in the face. No physical pain didn't  matter the only thing that mattered was that Kenny had been caught, yup.... WAIT NOOOO. The only thing that mattered now was that ____was mad at him. Sweet _____ who always looked out for him, joked with him and loved him out of all the other guys in South Park.

He couldn't let her get away not after all this time especially with V-day coming... He laughed remembering  what  he used to think of the day as before he actually  got a girlfriend.  Smiling  reminded  him of _____. He so badly wanted to see her smile again. Why was he such an idiot? He sighed scolding himself for letting his neurotic tendency get the better of him. Now he just needed to make a grand gesture to win her back. Shit... What the hell could he do?

____ didn't know why she bothered showing up in the gym. She was still seething mad at Kenny but most of all, still hurt. The letter wasn't even romantic it wasn't even a letter, just a piece of paper that said 'meet me in the gym' -Kenny. Of course he put a heart next to his stupid idiotic adorable name... Ugh... Why was he so irresistible to her?

The gym was dark when she entered. She fumbled around a bit until a spotlight hit the middle of the gym where one table stood. ____ covered her laugh and somewhat gasp as she saw the scented candle and flowers on the table. The most adorable thing about it though was Kenny standing next to the table holding a chair out for her. She could've run and hugged the life out of him, taken him back just then but then she saw her, stupid Criss. She held her tongue and sat stubbornly on the chair accepting a quick peck on the cheek from Kenny.

"Hey babe." He smiled. His voice melted her icy stare she hated it. Still she couldn't brush off Criss' presence why the hell was this witch here? Before she could ask Criss stepped in.

"Good afternoon, my name is Criss I'll be your waiter this evening." ____ relaxed a bit and Kenny was thankful for it. He grabbed her hands across the table and smiled softly.

"Please, ____... Just enjoy this right now, okay?" His blue eyes stared into her (e/c) ones and she couldn't help but smile.

"Fine..." She muttered.  Criss smiled turning to the cute couple.

"Are you ready to order? I think I'll be needed in the kitchen soo-"

"Criss! You're brother's trying to taser me with  hot oil!" Kyle screamed from the locker room. ____ really didn't want to know how they got cooking equipment  into the boy's locker room or how they were cooking the food they were going to eat. Now that she thought about it, she didn't know how Kenny could afford all this.

"This kid's trying to add salt to the salad I just tossed! Like I don't know what the fuck I'm doing! I've been working in the kitchen since we moved here! Criticizing me is what's going to get him killed! Hear that KYLE!" The scream made Criss wince and sigh. She jotted down their orders and quickly jogged to the 'kitchen' finally leaving ___ and Kenny alone.

"I really wanted to take you to a nice restaurant in SodaSoPa... I really did, but..." Kenny looked down biting his lip disappointed in himself. ___ didn't want him to finish that sentence. He was trying... He really was the least she could do was enjoy herself and maybe even forgive him by the end of this. 

"Criss offered her services since her family owns that Mexican restaurant... She felt responsible for this I guess... And it was all I could afford..."

Kenny was outlining her lips and daydreaming when ___ finally spoke. Kenny hoped she was finally enjoying herself but her words proved otherwise. "Why did you do it, kiss her I mean." Kenny stiffened. He really hoped their waiter didn't appear right now that would make things turn worse. Kenny really didn't have an excuse he just felt arrogant just did it to prove that he could. Now seeing the pain in ___'s eyes hurt him. The distrust the anger. He hated it. 

"____, please.... I love you. Criss is my past my crappy forgettable stupid past. You're my future, what lies ahead is bright, it can only get better, and it's mysterious." Kenny leaned forward and placed a soft sweet kiss on her lips. She blushed and Kenny couldn't help but smirk, score one. He was on the right track now.

The food was great. Regardless if it was made in the crappy locker room it smelled awesome and tasted even better. As hungry as he was Kenny could eat a rat on his crap infested floor. He looked over to ____ who was smiling now. She ate just as greedily as he did and figured that was a good thing. He hated when people were all picky and acted all hoidy-toidy  and rich. He laughed at the phrase, it was something his mom said a lot when people asked for juice or coffee instead of just water at his house. He thought back to what he said to ____. Where had that come from? He certainly didn't think about an excuse beforehand it just came out. Did he really mean it? Watching ____ now, watching every detail of her face as she smiled, laughed or just chewed or food, every dent of her skin or crinkle of her roses cheeks. He meant it. He really did. He loved the girl in front of him, not the one behind him. He was outlining her lips with his eyes again and he couldn't resist it anymore. He leaned forward kissing her again but this time it was longer. He couldn't take it anymore. He rose from his chair left whatever change was left in his wallet (which didn't even sum up to a dollar) on the table and took ____'s hand.

He thought it better than to announce their departure so he just left with ____ finally wrapped around his arm. It was a good feeling. The two of them walked for a good while until Kenny's nerves finally got to him. His body was itching for something more... Something else. He wondered if there was any doubt in ____ about him loving her. Maybe if they did this she wouldn't doubt him anymore. They walked along the dark streets of SoDoSoPa. Kenny's arm was around her shoulder but slowly sand down to her hip. He bring her close whispering in her ear. "Let's go somewhere private okay?" He smirked at the shiver that coursed through her body just from his whisper.

Kenny pressed her against the wall his hand laced down her hip gently then roughly as he got to the good part. "Okay... Just think of this as a Valentine's day present okay?" ____ bit her lip staring intently into his eyes and she nodded in anticipation. "I love you okay. Remember that..."   

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