O.C Welcome to the Freakshow(Tweek)

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So TweekxO.C Dedicated to Kayla Faith1102 for requesting this. Kayla is her O.C, so song is Welcome to the Freakshow by Skillet. Kayla at the side :)


I could feel the intense burning of my ankles. The rope was too tight last night. The suffering of mom and dad's game coppers and robbers left me strained. I couldn't sleep with the heartache and bruises they left me. Taking their troubles out on me, they weren't mom and dad, no they were monsters. I laughed at my comment, I was no better. I laced the fresh cuts on my wrists that were barely healing. I wasn't brave, I wasn't normal, and part of me so desperately wanted only that. To be accepted somewhere, anywhere.

The tugging of my hair never seized as Cartman pointed at my face. "Fucking day walker, look at your fucking hair raggedy anne!" He screamed pulling on me.

"Cartman, shut the fuck up don't make fun of her because her red hair." I smiled at Kyle who was looking out the window. Finally someone who stood up for- "Make fun of her since she spends all fucking day in her room studying and being smarter than me, didn't you say I was smart just cuz I was a Jew?" He laughed kicking his feet above the desk and putting his arms behind his head leaning back. Craig and Stan snickered. 

"Dudes, no! Just say her glasses are funky, I mean is this like the 1930's?" Token said. Cartman began to laugh with them. I put my head down knowing this was a pain. More private time with my razor I guess. A squeek at the door made me look up dully.

"GAH! I'm sorry I'm late!" The twitchy blonde said swinging the door open. I rolled my eyes at the guys' other tormented.  Tweek the second freak in the class.

The guys tried holding back their laughter but quickly bursted out laughing. Tweek gave a little squeak sitting next to me. "Look at the little weirdos, it's like their meant to be right?" Craig laughed. Tweek jumped shaking.

"AGH! Like a relationship! TOO MUCH PRESSURE!" He shouted. I facepalmed.

"Haha! Even the wierdest loser doesn't want to date Kayla!"

"Yeah Kayla the sucks the day lights out of you!" Clyde said lamely. I looked at the dully just tracing the cuts around my wrists, this pain was less painful than them. It kept my mind off of them.

"N-No, I didn't-" Tweek was quickly cut off by Craig who began to shake him.

"Good job Tweek you dodged a bullet with Kay the cray cray!" Again I facepalmed at their stupidity.

For the rest of class I let the guys take my hat, pull my hair, tug on my glasses and poke me in the side. The pain would go away, just till I got home. Just till I got home, I kept reminding myself.

I quickly sprinted to my room before my drunk parents noticed I was home. I slammed the door locking it. "GAH!"  I turned around almost punching him square in the face. "NO! I didn't mean to.. NRR! Scare you..." He stammered. I clenched my fists trying not to scream. I didn't want to startle him, it could give him a heart attack.

I gave him a dull look. "What do you want Tweek the freak?" I said in a low monotone. He stepped back a bit.

"Nrr! I'm n-not a freak!" He immediately protested. I gave him a dull look.

"Yeah because every sane person sneaks into people's room waiting for them to get home and lock the door. Totally not a freak Tweek." I said adding clear sarcasm. He jumped again.

"I just n-needed to GAH! Talk... Please, I just didn't know how to! You ran here and, I ditched class because I knew... I knew! GAH! You'd run..." I bit my lip looking away.

"How 'bout you ask first..." I whispered. He blushed backing away again.

"GAH! You're n-not easy to talk to!" He yelped. I sighed putting an arm on his shoulder.

"Calm down, I get it, now, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" I said in a low more, sensitive tone. He finally calmed down smiling.

"I'm... I'm s-sorry...." I gave him and odd look but urged him to continue. "I shouldn't sit next to you, maybe they'll stop... If I just tell them, if I stop looking at you, if they found out I talked to you they'd... AGH!" I smiled a little seeing that someone actually cared about me. "It's not fair!" He shouted looking away. I blushed at his anger.

"It... It- It's okay..." I stammered. He smiled and I brang him in for and immediate hug. I could sense his body warmth and caught a glimpse of his blush. His body was shaky at first but eased up. I looked at his green eyes as he looked into my hazel ones. I couldn't take the eye contact anymore so I quickly gathered all my courage smashing my lips against his. I could feel his urge to scream and back away but the kiss lasted for ten more seconds. It was a moment that no one could take away. A safe place that they could never take away. When we did back away, Tweek wouldn't look up.

"I'll see you at school 'kay?" I smiled walking towards the door and opening it for him. He looked at me oddly for a moment but eventually smiled.


Bright and early I saw the blondie with his incorrectly buttoned shirt and shaking body. He was waiting out front. I smiled running towards him. "Hey!" I smiled screaming. He smiled bigger as I tackled him into a hug. With that we went to class hand in hand.

When we opened the door most people's jaws dropped. Our tormentors were laughing their heads off as I quickly gave Tweek a peck on the cheek before sitting down. "Look at them!" Craig laughed pointing at us. Soon enough most guys were laughing. I quickly got up on the desk having enough. 

"Step right up,come and see things your eyes won't believe!We won't conform to the masses! Come one, come all! Welcome to the freakshow!" I said knowing I was making a complete fool of myself. It didn't matter though, I had Tweek by my side. I had no idea what I was thinking before, why did I ever want to be like the others, I liked being a freak.

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