O.S His Soothing Voice(Creek)

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So this was just a cute idea I came up with for a creek one shot. This one shot is dedicated to cold-as-hell. Song is Stay by Mayday Parade

Tweek slowly flipped through his textbook pages and his hands trembled. "Ugh.. Ah! I'm not ready!" He yelled. He took a deep breath and set his book down. It was about eleven at night and he'd been studying all day. His hands grasped the coffee cup as he slowly sipped the coffee. "The final is tomorrow! I h.. have to study!" He picked up his book again but this time he dropped it with such intensity he tipped over his hot coffee. "EEK!" He yelled.  After a few seconds of freaking out he finally calmed down. "I need a break." He finally decided. He picked up the closest form of entertainment, his phone. When the blond unlocked his phone he saw an unread message.

Craig: Sup dude, I'm bored.

Tweek looked at the message for a second and debated if he should respond. He really did need to study. Just then another message popped onto his screen.

Craig: Hey, you ready for this stupid final?

He trembled as he read the words. He really should've went back to studying after he read that text, but something urged him to respond he didn't want to be looked down upon.

Tweek: Uh, yeah.. I'klajlk Fine.

Craig: Uh, you misspelled I'm, you don't seem fine dude.

Tweek: GAH! No... I didn't uh..

Craig: Yeah I'm really freaked about the test too, I mean it's worth half our grade. Dad's gonna kill me if I get an F again.

Tweek: Gah! You're not helping!

Craig: Well, I don't think you should be worried, I mean you're a lot smarter than I am.

Tweek: GAH! No... I don't think so.

Craig: See, the fact that you can say that shows that it's true, I'll probably fail, I haven't even touched the book.

Tweek: Thanks?

Craig: No problem. Why are you still awake anyway?  It's past midnight. Were you studying? Did I bother you?

Tweek: No! I uh...

Craig: You should get some sleep.

Tweek: Ah! No, I can't I'm too stressed!

Craig: Don't think about it. If you do you'll just psych yourself out. 

Tweek: Uh, okay.

*Two hours later*

There was a rumble from his phone and the blond turned towards it. He was shaking in his skin annoyed by the stress in him. He unlocked his screen to see an incoming call. He answered it without looking twice.

Tweek: Gah! Hello?

Craig: *yawnign* Hey, sorry. I was just seeing if you were still awake. I can't sleep.

Tweek: Oh...

Craig: So trouble sleeping?

Tweek: Uh. *yawning*

Craig: We'll do fine dude. Don't worry about it.


Craig: Tweek?


Craig: *yawning* I guess I should get some sleep then. I only got up to get a glass of water... And check on you. *hangs up*

Tweek fell asleep almost immediately after answering his phone. Craig's words really put him at ease. His soothing voice sounded like a lullaby to him. The test was tomorrow but right now he felt like he could do anything.  

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